Crea-ture Studios, the developer behind skateboarding sim Session, provides fans with a positive update about the Xbox One version of the game. After Session was confirmed for Xbox One back at E3 2018, fans had expected to play it by the end of 2019 but crea-ture Studios ended up delaying the game.

In a post on Session's Steam page, crea-ture Studios confirmed that it is now working with a local developer called iLLOGIKA on the Xbox One version of the game. This means that fans can expect to play Session on Xbox One sometime this spring. The decision to work with iLLOGIKA also allows crea-ture Studios to "remain focused on improving and building Session." The developer says that "many hands make little work!"

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One of the new features that the Session team has been working on is a legacy control scheme. The control scheme will allow fans of EA's Skate series, or "San Van vacationists" as the Crea-ture Studios team is calling them, to feel at home. It will allow players to use the left stick to navigate and the right stick to do tricks. Not all tricks will work properly such as Feeble and Smith grinds and Willys and Overwillys as these are in "the early stages of development."

Skateboarding sim game Session screenshot

The new controls do sound as though they are a while off from offering full Skate style fun. However, fans will be glad to see that Crea-ture Studios is sticking to its guns in making this a game that hardcore skating fans and fans of EA's Skate will enjoy. When speaking to Game ZXC back in 2017, the game's creative and artistic director Marc-Andre Houde called Skate fan expectations a "good" kind of pressure. Houde also said that the team feels that it has a real Skate contender on its hands with Session.

It seems like Session will be the closest that fans of EA Skate will be able to get to Skate 4. In November 2019, EA renewed the Skate trademark which helped to keep fan hopes for Skate 4 alive but this was likely only done so that EA could keep selling copies of the first three Skate games.

Tweets from celebrities such as Tyler, The Creator have also set the Skate community ablaze and have prompted fans to bombard EA with Skate 4 demands on social media. None of this seems to have had much effect though but if EA won't make Skate 4, Session seems like a good substitute.

Session is available on PC and will be released in spring 2020 for Xbox One.

MORE: Skate 4: Top 7 Features We'd Like to See

Source: Steam