The sequel to the popular Cyberpunk platformer Ghostrunner is set to launch in 2023. Releasing in late 2020, the original Ghostrunner saw players take on the role of Jack, one of the last of his kind who has to support a group of rebels in order to bring down the Keymaster, the game's main villain. Combining wall-running and intricate parkour mechanics with quick combat that can kill the player in one blow, the original Ghostrunner was well-received by both critics and fans.

A lot of fans were excited then when it was revealed in 2021 that a sequel to the game was being developed. However, since that original announcement, there haven't been many more details revealed for Ghostrunner 2. Gamers were hoping for some kind of unveiling at the 505 Showcase this year, but Ghostrunner's sequel was notably absent from that event. This wasn't a specfic snub to the game, and plenty more titles were also missing from the 505 Showcase.

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Still, many fans were expecting some details to be coming soon, and now they have their first look at Ghostrunner 2 thanks to a stream celebrating the original game's second anniversary. At around nine minutes into the fairly short stream, One More Level developers revealed a bunch of new details about the upcoming game, including that its release window is set for Q4 2023. The developers also discuss what the vision is for Ghostrunner 2, saying that it will be an "evolution, not a revolution."

Essentially, it seems that this means Ghostrunner 2 won't be trying to reinvent the core gameplay that made the original so successful. Instead, from the pieces of concept art shown in the stream, it seems that the atmosphere from the original game will be returning, and the settings look similar too, if a little more expansive. This doesn't mean that Ghostrunner 2 will just be a copy of the original game, as the developers go onto say the gameplay will be "more complex" this time around, likely meaning a player is going to make more mistakes than they did in the original Ghostrunner.

There aren't any looks at gameplay for Ghostrunner 2 in the developer stream, but fans can get an idea of what the game may look like from the details revealed by the developers. It seems that fans will also be able to gain more of an in-depth look at the world and story of Ghostrunner in its sequel, something that only appeared in short bursts in the original game.

Ghostrunner 2 is currently in development for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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