One of the most important non-playable characters in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is Emma the physician. Usually found near the Dilapidated Temple, players can visit Emma when they have Gourd Seeds to upgrade their healing gourd, which is extremely important when taking on the game's tougher enemies. However, there is a point in the story where Emma seemingly disappears from her post at the Dilapidated Temple, and Sekiro players may not know where to find her.

After defeating Genichiro Ashina in a boss fight, Emma will no longer be found at the Dilapidated Temple, but that's still where players need to fast-travel to if they hope to find her. From the Dilapidated Temple Sculptor's Idol save point, walk up the steps leading to the sculptor's building. Facing the entrance to the building, hang a right and follow the path. The path leads to a narrow, dark cave that opens up into an underground room with the shape of a human painted on the far wall.

Approach the wall and choose to "hug" it. This will cause Wolf to push the wall open and find a secret passage. This leads to Ashina Castle, and more specifically, Ashina Castle - Kuro's Room. This is where Emma the physician can be found from here on out (for most of the game), and so Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice players should make note of it. Please note that the rest of this article will have spoilers for Sekiro and Emma's role in the later stages of the story.

Later on in the game, players are given a choice to side with the Great Shinobi Owl or Kuro. If they decide to side with Owl, then they will trigger a different series of boss fights as they had to one of Sekiro's four endings. One of the boss fights is against none other than Emma, now known as Emma, the Gentle Blade.

Out of all the Sekiro bosses, Emma is arguably one of the easier ones to defeat, but she still puts up a fight. Like always, Sekiro players will need to memorize her attack patterns and learn when to dodge as well as parry if they hope to stand a chance against Emma.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.