Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, like most From Software games, doesn't make anything easy or obvious. Whereas leveling up and spending skill points in most games is simple and straightforward, Sekiro has multiple systems to leveling the main character, and the game doesn't necessarily make it clear how to level up all of Wolf's stats.

How to Use Skill Points

As Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice players kill enemies and progress through the game, they will notice a meter filling up that increases a number, which may make them think they're leveling up in a traditional sense. On the contrary, these numbers represent the number of skill points players have at their disposal, and typically they need to be spent as soon as possible so that players don't lose any of them from dying too much.

To use skill points in Sekiro, players need to visit Sculptor's Idols, which are the save points in the game. Once they've progressed far enough in the story to unlock the first skill tree, the Shinobi Arts, they will be given an option to Acquire Skills when using a Sculptor's Idol. Skill points are spent here, and will make one's game slightly easier.

sekiro how to level up and use skill points

Skill points can be used to purchase new special attacks for Wolf, as well as abilities like regaining vitality after delivering a deathblow to an enemy. Certain skills are hugely important when it comes to certain boss fights, like the Mikiri Counter skill that makes the Shinobi Hunter mini-boss fight much easier, for instance.

How to Improve Attack Power

Besides skill points, Sekiro players also need to pay attention to their attack power, but again, the game doesn't make it obvious how that can be done. To increase attack power in Sekiro, players have to beat bosses, like Lady Butterfly, which will then net them the "memory" of that boss. In the inventory, it looks like "Memory: Lady Butterfly."

With the memory in tow, Sekiro players must return to a Sculptor's Idol and choose the Enhance Physical Attributes tab. It will then ask players if they want to "Confront Memory," and while that sounds like they will have to redo the boss fight, all it does is increase the attack power and damage output for the player.

How to Increase Health

sekiro how to level up and use skill points

Health, or vitality, can also be improved in Sekiro. To increase Wolf's health in Sekiro, players need to confront the game's various mini-bosses, like the aforementioned Shinobi Hunter, who should drop prayer beads. Prayer beads can be used at Sculptor's Idols to increase Wolf's maximum vitality. Players can also increase the capacity of their healing gourd by delivering gourd seeds to Emma (located at the Dilapidated Temple), and those are also gained by beating mini-bosses, like the Chained Ogre.

Knowing how to increase Wolf's health and attack power, as well as purchase new skills, will go a long way in helping Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice players get through the game. It will still be tough as nails, but every little improvement and upgrade helps.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.