Sonic The Hedgehog is a franchise that needs no introduction. Everyone knows that back in the day, this was the guy who would take on Mario and Nintendo head on, and earned a reputation for not only being innovative, but just flat out good in terms of gaming. The character and series will be celebrating their 20th anniversary this summer, so one can only wonder just what plans Sega has to commemorate this occasion. Interestingly enough, we may find out very soon.

Sega recently told fans to keep their eye on the Sonic Facebook page for something big this week, as well as saying that the company would begin their celebration as soon as tomorrow. Beyond that, no information was given, leaving many to speculate on just what would be revealed in the next few days. A new game? A re-release of a classic? A collection of old-school Sonic titles? Anything could be possible.

Whatever the case, Sega definitely appears to be planning something big. The domain names "" and "" were recently discovered, leading to the belief that a new game is going to be the announcement. Again, what exactly this game would be is a mystery, though the title does seem to hint at a rerelease or a collection. Still, an entirely new game isn't an impossibility.

If this is going to be a new game, just how will it play? If we're lucky, Sega will continue their trend of 2D gaming, like with Sonic Colors and Sonic The Hedgehog 4. Both of those games proved that Sega could still make a good Sonic game if done properly, and fans wholeheartedly agreed. If it isn't a new game, perhaps we'll see some of the original Sonic games getting the HD treatment? If that's the case, hopefully Sonic CD is among those choices, as it seems to be one of the few Sonic games to never get a rerelease.

What do you think? Will a new Sonic game be announced by the end of the week? Will we be getting HD versions of some of the original Sonic titles? Is this even a game announcement at all?


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Source: Kotaku