Every so often, something comes along that is so objectively bizarre there is no way to rationalize how it fits in the world. While a number of objects might seem nightmarish but still have value, or are ugly but have a niche audience (Pontiac Azteks are still on the road after all), some creations are unequivocally weird.

When it comes to video games, fans have a number of ways in which they can show their passion. They can produce arts and crafts, write fanfiction, or cosplay to express their love for a certain game. Some modify the games themselves, while others opt for different kinds of modifications. If game pundits label Death Stranding a "walking simulator," why not turn it into an actual walking simulator. This is a humorous, and mechanically unique way to modify the controls of a game. But sometimes modifications aren't funny and turn garbage into even more garbage.

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The 1996 Sega Saturn light-gun game Death Crimson is, by every metric, a terrible video game. A game known in Japan as "densetsu no kusoge" or a "legendary trash game," Death Crimson somehow exists and even produced sequels. Taking the painful experience of playing the game further, someone cobbled together a sculpture of one of the boss characters in the game, which also functions as the controller for the game. The bird/reptile/dragon hybrid sculpture houses the Sega Saturn with a copy of Death Crimson in it, and the entire monstrosity tilts to "aim" the light gun while buttons on the side act as the triggers.

Sometimes a controller is modified in an amazing way that allows a game to become accessible to someone who would never have had a chance to play otherwise. Putting in the work to make Breath of the Wild playable without having to constantly grip the controller is a modification worth making.

In other cases, a company makes a controller for a popular franchise that looks cute but isn't ergonomic. While it still functions as a controller, it likely won't be used by players other than to show off to friends. While it has no real value, the game is good, and the controller design is fitting.

MORE: Fan Creates Incredible Pokemon LEGO Sculptures

Source: Kotaku