Before there was MCU vs. DCEU, there was Nvidia vs. ATI. And, before that, it was Playstation vs. Xbox. But the culture for these supposed brand rivalries backed by gamers and fans started with Nintendo and Sega Master System. The two consoles were released around the mid-1980s and immediately formed cult followings. This rivalry soon became more interesting with the release of Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo.

RELATED: 5 Reasons Why The Sega Dreamcast Was The Best Console Of Its Generation (& 5 Reasons It Was Overrated)

Fans debated if 16-bit is better than 8-bit and which console had the better game library. This fight between Nintendo and Sega outlasted generations of consoles to the point that people still talk about it. Sometimes it is conspiracies, sometimes theories, but mostly it's just a lot of memes.

10 He Said What?

Probably the most significant point of discussion in the '80s was about which console had the better game library. While people nowadays get most games and similar gameplay experience on almost all the platforms, including PCs, back in the day, it wasn't so simple.

A lot of people liked the SEGA master system because it had more colors and was much more advanced, but what good is that without great games? That's why Nintendo was boosting up its game library, which indeed turned out in their favor.

9 We Friends, Right?

This Spongebob reference fits perfectly to this situation. When all this started, every advancement in gaming was at its initial stage, and there was a lot of experimentation involved while making a new game. With no set formula to build a perfect experience, Nintendo and Sega were trying their best.

Except, Sega was too direct with their marketing against Nintendo. With ads related to blast processing that ridiculed SNES, it was clear how desperately Sega wanted to win the war. Nowadays, it's all very different.

8 Sega Master Mind

Hopefully, this isn't happening at Sega headquarters nowadays. But in the '80s, it probably was. Sega was pulling out all the moves they could with the sort-of creative business antics from advertisements to physical media. The phrase "Genesis does what Nintendon't" was one of the most popular back then.

RELATED: Mario Vs. Sonic The Hedgehog: Who Wins In A Fight?

People are pretty sure, if Sega can go to the past, the first thing they'd do other than investing in more games and systems would be to make friends with Nintendo.

7 Second Choices Starter Pack

Every brand is in the game to be the best, and nobody wants to be the second. But as long as one is on the top, the other has to be in their shadow. For every Mario, there is a Luigi, For every Pepsi, there is Coke, and for every Sega, there is Nintendo.

That doesn't mean the one in second place is terrible. It's all a matter of opinions and choices. However, it's clear that Nintendo was and still is the juggernaut in this comparison.

6 Why Nintendo Why

Nintendo, with all its fun games, many delightful characters, and joyful marketing, is quite the opposite. A unique archetype. Nintendo is known to block videos and copyright claim content online. That happens whether it is fan-made animations or specific ROMs or mods. Here is an example.

Comparatively, Sega is now Mr. Nice Guy as they appreciate people for expanding on what they have created. This is a great way to build a community in 2020. However, would it be any different if the roles were reversed?

5 Sega Does What Nintendon't

Here's is the reality of the situation; not many Nintendo games are coming out on PC or other consoles. But nor do many Sony exclusives come out on PC or other consoles either. And that is true for almost every console ever. Exclusivity is necessary for these companies, so they can maintain an edge in the highly competitive gaming market.

Some do it more, and some do it less. Sega is a different case since it does not have a console in the market to sell anymore, which allows them to extend their hands and collaborate with different teams.

4 Super Bayonetta Bros

Bayonetta 1 and 2 are some of the most popular games on Wii U and Switch. It's one of the projects where Sega and Nintendo have worked together to produce something amazing for the fans.

Seeing how Nintendo owns a part of Bayonetta, the meme comic is an alternate reality take on what the ending to a Nintendo vs. Sega revenge movie will look like. The emotions are so perfectly depicted, that it begs the question. Is it a different timeline, or is it already happening?


Since MCU vs. DCEU is sort of tamed for now, here is probably the next best reason for fan warfare. The Nintendo Cinematic Universe VS The Sega Cinematic Extended Universe. Obviously, the world is not quite there yet, but maybe in a few years.

RELATED: 10 Reasons Why The Sega Genesis Was Better Than The SNES

With the release of movies like Detective Pikachu and Sonic The Hedgehog, it's interesting to see where all this leads. For now, both films have received similar ratings by fans, but it's a matter of time until it blows out of proportion.

2 Nintendo Meme In Sega

Jim Carrey is probably one of the most expressive comedy actors in the world. So it's no doubt that anything he says can be turned into a meme. But it's Sonic The Hedgehog movie, and this is a Nintendo meme. Some may call it blasphemy, but it's no doubt spot on.

Anyone who has played Super Mario Party will relate. Coming in first on the last round never really counts, friends don't respect that victory, and the family doesn't understand why you play games, so it's better to stay quiet and not expect anything.

1 A Collab Ain't So Bad

This meme is a prime example of why a Nintendo and Sega Collab would work. Let bygones be bygones, right? And if both the companies are ready to move on, fans should move on as well. Just think about all the great games that will release if Nintendo and Sega started working together.

Whenever it happens, it is going to be an exciting time to witness. And to those who are still trying to understand the meme, just read the logos as dialogue.

NEXT: 10 Reasons Why The Sega Dreamcast Failed