On September 9, 1999, Sega unleashed their last console before turning into a third-party publisher. Despite the console's short life and ultimate failure, those who owned a Dreamcast have fond memories of their time playing classic titles like Sonic Adventure, Crazy Taxi, and Phantasy Star Online.

Related: 10 Dreamcast Games That Deserve To Be Remade

Even those who never owned a Dreamcast had the opportunity to play many games for it as they were ported to PlayStation 2, Xbox, and GameCube. It says something great about the console when people are still talking about the Dreamcast more than twenty years after release and showing their love of it through hilarious memes, the ten best of which are showcased below.

10 Die A Hero

Would Dreamcast have garnered the same love if Sega had prolonged its life even further and tried all manner of gimmicks to keep it afloat as the PlayStation 2 was dominating the market?

Maybe people would be mourning the Xbox One now if Microsoft had called it quits after the console's rocky launch. To Microsoft's credit, they have managed to turn around the missteps and seem set to jump into the next-generation on much firmer ground.

9 Dreamcast Is The Best Medicine

The Dreamcast has an odd design that looks a little too much like medical equipment. Perhaps this look is fully intentional, however. After all, what better remedy for illness is there than some fun video games?

Has somebody broken your heart? Then, spend some time with Ryo Hazuki in Shenmue as he looks for the people who killed his father. Just do not try putting the controller into someone's vein as an IV.

8 All Those Moments Lost In Time, Like Tears In Rain

If the PlayStation 2 had not come out so soon after the Dreamcast's launch, Sega's console would have stood a better chance at success.

Related: 10 Insane Facts About The Dreamcast's Development

As it turned out, however, the PlayStation 2 did everything the Dreamcast did but better, and had an impressive catalog to boot. Fortunately, fans have kept the Dreamcast's memory alive, ensuring history remembers its contribution to gaming.

7 Phantasy Star

Online gaming takes many forms, whether it be casual experiences or hardcore MMORPGs. Back in the Dreamcast's day, console gamers had few options for playing online, and Phantasy Star Online was one of the finest methods for hopping into online gaming.

Its features may seem quaint by today's standards, but it was a revelation upon release for Dreamcast owners with an internet connection.

6 Not All Was Perfect

Despite all the love people had for the Dreamcast, even the most avid fans have to admit some of the console's shortcomings. For example, few solid racing games made their way to the platform.

Crazy Taxi was the best people had, though it was not a typical racing game. Daytona USA 2001 was a promising idea, porting the classic arcade racer Daytona USA, but it received harsh reviews mostly aimed at the controls.

5 The Class Clown

As previously stated, the Dreamcast did a lot of things that future consoles would normalize, including internet connectivity and a fully-fledged open-world game (Shenmue).

Fast forward to 2000 and Sony's PlayStation 2 roars into existence doing many of the same things, but receiving ten times the fanfare for its accomplishments. The PlayStation 2 certainly earned its commendation and place in history, but one can understand how Sega fans might feel that Sony's console stole much of the Dreamcast's thunder.

4 Living Anachronism

Video games are no longer a new cultural fad and are now a mainstay in society. With its longevity, the Dreamcast is now a retro console. Some gamers dwell almost exclusively in old tech, much like an anachronistic person who still uses a rotary phone and insists on communicating long-distance purely through snail mail.

While it may seem silly, one has to respect the dedication to older hardware, even if it is less convenient.

3 That's One Way To Clear Dreamcast Stock

Perhaps when the Wii first came out and the Nintendo system was almost impossible to come by, some retailers thought about trying to disguise their leftover Dreamcast stock as a Wii, as shown in the image above.

Related: 10 Rarest Sega Dreamcast Games (And How Much They're Worth)

Not every consumer is a hardcore gamer, so certainly a few would fall for this trick. While they may be disappointed upon learning they have been duped, maybe it is a blessing in disguise. After all, now they can play Shenmue.

2 VMU Was Weird

The VMU was way more than just a memory card. One can see something strange about it just from a single glance. In select games, it functioned as a second screen, displaying health or other important information.

Some titles took it even a step further, letting players engage in some minigames. These days, many games have companion apps and some second-screen functionality, and the VMU beat them all to the punch.

1 In Memoriam

The anniversary of a console's launch day is usually a cause for celebration. For the Dreamcast, it is a day of mourning, as many fans think about what could have been with the wonderful console.

Gaming hardware is expensive, and anyone who invested in the Dreamcast must have felt sour when their machine was made obsolete just a couple of years after its debut. The sting was worsened when most of the best Dreamcast games made their way to the PS2, Xbox, and GameCube.

Next: 10 Amazing Dreamcast Games You Probably Forgot About