In recent years, companies have taken to social media just like their customers to advertise and promote their products. This has led to great things such as discounts, giveaways, and faster customer service models. Other companies have decided to use it to break away from the family-friendly imagery as best they can for something a bit more out there in order to win customers' approval. Sega is no stranger to going rogue on official social media channels, and its Twitter account has just recently said that all Sega fans in particular are "hot."While the idea of brand-related social media accounts posting unexpected things is rather normal these days, the idea was actually popularized by the Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter account back in 2016. Wendy's, the fast-food chain, was soon to follow in 2017 as its own Twitter account began playfully insulting its large following.RELATED: Rainbow Six Siege Announces Yakuza-Themed SkinsOn May 20, 2022, the Sega Twitter account simply tweeted "all Sega fans are hot" without much context. This surprised many fans and brought a few laughs to others. The responses to the tweet ranged from things like "thank you" and "we know" to people using Ugly Sonic from the Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers movie almost as a counterargument.

Even iconic figures that Sega fans might recognize have joined in on the discussion. Mike Pollock, the voice of Dr. Eggman, has simply replied "and more fans keep us cool." Hideki Naganuma, the composer of Jet Set Radio's soundtrack, has said that Sega's account is run just like his. Naganuma has recently gained fame on Twitter due to the fact that he tends to tweet nonsensical things and even once themed his account around Family Guy.

The statement that "all Sega fans are hot" isn't something to read too far into. It's a simple tweet made to farm engagement from followers and users just like other brand tweets, but it's done in a way that can at least get a laugh out of fans. After the Sonic social media account broke the boundaries of what's expected of official outlets, posts like this have only grown to be something players expect out of their favorite developers and games. Riot Games, for instance, used social media to promote Seraphine from League of Legends when the character was new to the game. Thanks to Sega's tweet, however, Sega fans can go about their days with a bit of extra pride.

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