SEGA is celebrating 60 years of gaming this year. To commemorate the momentous occasion the company has created a pretty cool website. The website includes a virtual tour through each groundbreaking accomplishments and games. Starting with the launch of the company in 1960 and traveling all the way through modern day. Gamers can scroll through and read about the history like a virtual museum honoring SEGA.

Gamers will have a chance to post a message to SEGA starting April 21st. The message can contain anything gamers wish to tell, whether it's a story of a happy memory or words of encouragement for the team. It is likely that messages with more positive content will gain more attention. 60 random commenters will be chosen to receive a limited edition item. The specialty item is a cute chalk bag, stamped with the 60th Anniversary SEGA emblem with Sonic running through it.

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SEGA 60th Anniversary Chalk Bag

The website also features a personalized message from Chairman Haruki Satomi where he expresses his admiration for the fans. The theme of the 60th Anniversary is "GO SEGA," as it looks like the numbers six and zero. Satomi also believes GO SEGA is about how the company can overcome any obstacles with the support of their fans.

"We are indebted to everyone who has patronized the SEGA Group for many years, and would like to express our deep gratitude to all of you. We want to astonish the world with breath-taking experiences that no one in the world has ever imagined. We want to be a company that continues to provide inspirational experiences to everyone in the new world of the future."

The new SEGA website is up now and fans can leave comments starting April 21st.

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Source: SEGA