Baldur's Gate 3 doesn't have that many invisible enemies, but when players encounter them, certain difficulties arise. Luckily, the game offers many methods that can be used to spot and kill an invisible enemy, from common spells to a unique prosthetic that can be obtained in Act 1.

This guide will describe how to see invisible enemies in Baldur's Gate 3. Some of these methods may be locked because players are too far into the story, but don't worry because there are many other useful tips that will surely work.

BG3: How to See Invisible Enemies

Baldur's Gate 3: Shadowheart

So, as mentioned above, there are quite a few methods that gamers can use. To help players find the best method for them, this guide will be divided into separate parts for each possible option.

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Get Volo's Ersatz Eye

Baldur's Gate 3: Volo's Ersatz Eye

The best but rather uncommon method is to get Volo's Ersatz Eye. This artifact can be obtained during Act 1, when players meet Volo in the goblin camp. After rescuing him from imprisonment, gamers will have the opportunity to talk to the character, and Volo will offer his help to remove the Illithid parasite.

If users agree, he will perform the surgery, but eventually, he will simply lose the main character's eye accidentally. As an apology, the writer will offer Volo's Ersatz Eye in return. If players take and equip it, they will be endowed with a permanent effect that allows them to see invisible creatures.

Spells and Scrolls

Baldur's Gate 3: See Invisibility spell

Another more common method is magic. Fortunately, users will have many opportunities to find and use magic spells and items for different purposes. This list includes both spells and scrolls, so let's talk about it in more detail:

  • See Invisibility: Probably the most common spell among all the others. This is a Level 2 Divination spell that will be available to classes such as Bard, Sorcerer, and Wizard. By using it, all enemies around will be revealed, and players can attack them.
  • Scroll of See Invisibility: The effect is identical to the previous option, as it is the same spell but a scroll. This method is suitable for players if the team does not have the classes mentioned above. Instead, by carefully exploring the world and looking for merchants, gamers can easily find and buy this scroll for further use.
  • Faerie Fire: This spell will be an alternative to See Invisibility and is available for classes such as Bard, Druid, or Drow. Using it, players throw light on a certain area; if there is an invisible creature, it will become possible to see it.
  • Light spell / Daylight spell: These spells will only be useful against enemies in Shadow-Cursed Lands, which are actually very annoying. The spells do not reveal invisibility, but only enemies hiding in the shadows by illuminating the location chosen by the player.

If none of these options are available to gamers, then there is probably the least effective but universal method.

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AoE Attacks

Baldur's Gate 3: Fireball

The last option is to use AoE attacks. This can be a rather long and annoying process, but despite this, gamers do not need to use spells or spend money on scrolls. All it requires is an AoE attack on a certain area, and perhaps gamers will hit the enemy hiding there.

This is a situational method similar to the board game Battleship, where players must guess which cell the enemy ship is located. To successfully perform an attack and reveal an opponent, players will need a skill with the longest range. If none comes to mind, then gamers can use the Area of Effect spells below:

  • Arms of Hadar
  • Fireball
  • Web

Also, it is worth noting that an invisible enemy that users reveal with an AoE attack can use invisibility again after the end of the round, which makes this method the worst among all the others.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now on PC and PS5, with an Xbox Series X version also in development.