
  • The side quests in Red Dead Redemption 2 are well-hidden but worth playing, offering unique stories and gameplay experiences.
  • Players can uncover an array of hidden content by exploring and interacting with lesser-known characters and locations in the game.
  • From uncovering mysteries like vampire encounters to aiding strangers in need, these side quests add depth and variety to the game world.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is an enormous game. Simply completing the story should take players well over 50 hours, and that doesn't even include the countless side quests. Needless to say, there is a lot of content in this game, and it's easy to miss some incredible stories and gameplay moments. Whether they're hard to find or hard to unlock, these side quests are well-hidden and not often enjoyed. But that's not to say that they aren't worth playing because they are.

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Dark Souls is legendary for being one of the most challenging game series of all time, a fact which these hilarious memes display all too well.

The sheer amount of things players can accomplish in Red Dead Redemption 2 is truly off the charts, with players loving the sheer freedom they can enjoy while exploring the game world. There are a wealth of side activities that players can check out if they wish, with some of these being so hidden that it's very possible most people never really managed to experience this content for themselves. Thankfully, the community has banded together to uncover as many secrets about this title as possible, including its lesser-known side quests.

Updated on April 17, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the most breathtaking open-world games ever made. The quality of the writing in this game is truly sublime, finally making up for Rockstar's deficiencies in this department. Players start this game rueing the fact that they can't play as John Marston at the start only to shed tears at the fact that they won't be able to control Arthur anymore. The incredible narrative is further bolstered by a wealth of amazing side content that is a joy to uncover, with some side quests being potentially missed by players who are too busy exploring this jaw-dropping world and taking in its many varied sights.

25 To The Ends Of The Earth

Collect Four Yarrow For A Stranger In Need

To The Ends Of The Earth
  • Mission Giver: William
  • Location(s): South of Heartland Oil Fields

Most people have no idea that there's a Stranger Mission in the game called To the Ends of the Earth, and this is because these people checked out the console release back when the game was launched. This side quest was initially exclusive to the PC version before being made available for all other platforms.

The goal of this mission is as easy as they come. All players have to do is find the Yarrow plant, pick four of them, and give it to William. This Herbalist will become a random encounter after this mission is complete, asking for different herbs every time. It's not a very memorable quest, but it's the background surrounding this content that makes this a Stranger Mission that a lot of people simply didn't know about unless they replayed the game years after its release on all platforms.

24 The Ties That Bind Us

Remove The Wanted Posters Of Two Escaped Convicts

Mr Black and Mr White in Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Mission Giver: Sampson Black & Wendell White
  • Location(s): Rhodes

The Ties that Bind Us is a fun Stranger Mission that sees players interact with two convicts who ask that their wanted posters be taken down so that they don't draw unwanted attention. Doing this makes for some fun interactions with a citizen who refuses to move away from a wanted poster, while another one is in the hands of a bounty hunter who won't let go of it.

If Arthur helps them out, then he can encounter them later on in the wilderness. The two ate some suspicious mushrooms out of desperation and needed some medicine to be cured. After helping them out again, the player encounters them one last time in a cabin, where they've settled and are living comfortably. It provides some closure for players who were invested in the well-being of this criminal duo.

23 No Good Deed

Retrieve A Doctor's Stolen Goods

Arthur speaking to Dr. Renaud in No Good Deed
  • Mission Giver: Dr. Alphonse Renaud
  • Location(s): Rhodes

An elaborate fetch quest that is dressed up pretty nicely, No Good Deed shows that tried and tested mission loops can still be improved considerably if the game makes an effort to make these tasks as engaging as possible. Such is the case with players interacting with Dr. Alphonse Renauld in Rhodes, who explains to Arthur that his wagon and supplies have been stolen by a gang.

If Arthur wishes to be a good Samaritan, he can go all the way to the location where the wagon was stolen and fight off the bandits who appropriated these supplies for himself. After doing this, players must drive the wagon back, dealing with some pursuers along the way. It's a fairly simple mission and one that players can forget about in a city rife with numerous activities.

22 The Iniquities Of History

Help a Man Retrieve His Belongings

Iniquities Of History
  • Mission Giver: Jeremiah Compson
  • Location(s): Compson's Stead

Most characters in Red Dead Redemption 2 have a side that they don't immediately show to the player. Such is the case with Jeremiah Compson, a man who seems like an honest American whose house is currently being occupied by a bunch of squatters.

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If Red Dead Redemption 2 gets a TV or movie adaptation, the following eleven actors would be great choices to play Arthur Morgan.

However, it's not until players investigate the house that they realize the true nature of Jeremiah's business. They can confront him about his participation in the slave trade and either kill him or leave him be. It's one of the many ways that the game shows the heinous nature of man and how no one should be trusted at face value.

21 The Artist's Way

A Troubled Artist Becomes Wrapped Up in Shenanigans

Charles Chatenay in Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Mission Giver: Charles Chatenay
  • Location(s): Saint Denis

Saint Denis is a city full of colorful personalities that players can get to know throughout their adventures. One such character is Charles Chatenay, an eccentric artist who gets himself into trouble all the time. And he ropes the player into his shenanigans too.

Every encounter with this character is a treat, and fans who didn't engage in all the missions possible with this colorful personality are missing out on something. Moments like these are what make Saint Denis one of the most memorable locations in any Rockstar game.

20 A Fine Night For It

Unlocked After Encountering the Night Folk Once

A Fine Night for It in Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Mission Giver: Old Cajun
  • Location(s): Bluewater Marsh, Lemoyne

The Night Folk of the Bayou is a sinister group that players can encounter while exploring this area of the game. This may not sound like an appealing prospect (especially with the wealth of crocodiles players can encounter here), but this is made worthwhile by a Stranger mission that is unlocked once players encounter these folk for the first time.

A man complains about these Night Folk and how they've thrown him out of his own house, begging the player to help him get his house back. The Night Folk are truly savage, leaving a wealth of corpses in their wake that make it easier to take them down for the good of this man and any other person who would be unlucky enough to encounter this hostile group.

19 Arcadia For Amateurs

Help a Photographer Numerous Times

Albert Mason setting up his camera near Arthur in Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Mission Giver: Albert Mason
  • Location(s): Various

It's only a given that some people go so far as to hazard their own lives for the sole purpose of following their art, and photography is no exception to this golden rule. During their adventures in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2, players will encounter a unique character called Albert Mason, who asks for their help time and time again to click some photographs of the world's impressive fauna.

6 Best Rockstar Game Soundtracks

Games developed by Rockstar feature some of the most memorable soundtracks in the industry.

Suffice it to say, there are moments when Albert bites off more than he can chew, leading to the player having to save his hide more often than not. Thankfully, most players will enjoy these distractions since they let the world of Red Dead breathe freely. It helps that the banter between both characters is also pretty interesting, even if Albert can be a bit too stupid for the player's liking at times.

18 Help A Brother Out

Uncover Human Trafficking in a Shop

Arthur first meeting Brother Dorkins Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Mission Giver: Swanson/Brother Dorkins
  • Location(s): Saint Denis, Bayou Nwa, Lemoyne

While human trafficking has been targeted extremely in modern times, there were times when this illegal act was rampant in early times. Arthur can be asked by a monk called Brother Dorkins to sniff out and uncover a child trafficking operation that was running in a shop in Saint Denis. This leads to Arthur either intimidating the shopkeeper to get answers or using his keen eyes to spot a shifty bookcase that hides a secret door.

Players will find two children chained to a wall who can be rescued. While Brother Dorkins is grateful enough to let Arthur take money from his donation jar, Arthur can choose to refuse this payment for an Honor boost. It's a simple yet engaging side quest that shows how each and every corner of Red Dead Redemption 2's map is full to the brim with details, secrets, and unique events.

17 Of Men and Angels

Cements Arthur's Status as One of Gaming's Best Protagonists

Sister Calderon asking for donations in Of Men And Angels
  • Mission Giver: Sister Calderon
  • Location(s): Saint Denis

Of Men and Angels is a quick little interaction, and that’s probably what makes it so easy for players to miss out on. The stranger mission becomes available sometime during Chapter 6 and is located within the streets of Saint Denis.

Players will encounter a familiar face in the form of Sister Calderón while walking around the city. The Sister will ask Arthur to donate to the poor during a cutscene, and the player will have to option to oblige or walk away afterward. Donating either food or money will net Arthur some positive honor. It also makes for a memorable conversation that highlights how even the simplest and optional locations of the game house some quality content of its own.

16 Oh, Brother

Solve a Lover's Dispute Between Two Twins

Red Dead Redemption 2 Oh Brother
  • Mission Giver: Proetus & Acrisius
  • Location(s): Valentine

There are a slew of Stranger missions and side events that players can find themselves locked out of if they slay the wrong NPCs or simply don't show up in an area during the right arc of the story. Oh, Brother is a great example and a hilarious sidequest that players will want to play just for the dialogue alone. It puts Arthur in the middle of a love triangle, with two twins that are constantly at one another's throats for the love of a lady named Helen.

To begin this chain of quests, players will need to find the duo arguing outside the store in Valentine only after completing Chapter 3's "The Battle Of Shady Belle" and entering Chapter 4. Players will need to find and meet the duo on three separate occasions to finally finish their missions, and every interaction with them is a joy.

15 He's British, Of Course

Find a Group of Animals That Have Escaped from a Caravan

He's British, of Course
  • Mission Giver: Margaret
  • Location(s): Bluewater Marsh

Stranger missions can range from the absurd to the morbid and terrifying. The "He's British, of Course" encounter falls under the former category, as it has Arthur corralling various Zoo animals for an eccentric animal wrangler. The missions don’t make for the most interesting shows of RDR2’s mechanics, but the narrative is enjoyable enough, with the characters involved being good for more than a few laughs.

Red Dead Redemption 2: Best Camp Upgrades To Get First

Players looking to spend their money on camp upgrades in Red Dead Redemption 2 should unlock these improvements first.

Players can activate this quest by talking to Margret West of Bluewater Marsh. The twist at the end makes for a memorable ending to this side quest that players should check out, showing a lighter side to a game that is much welcome, especially since the main narrative takes itself very seriously and features some dark moments.

14 The Noblest Of Men, And A Woman

Find Four Legendary Gunslingers

Red Dead Redemption 2 The Noblest Of Men And A Woman
  • Mission Giver: Theodore Levin
  • Location(s): Valentine, Brandywine Drop

Although players may be tempted to stick to the main story and only enter the areas in which they need to, to avoid doing anything to attract the suspicion of the law, it's best to explore every inch of Valentine when the group first sets up camp at Horseshoe Overlook in Chapter 2. Although the General Store and Saloon are the main attractions in Valentine, there's a smaller bar located just as players come into the town from the train station that houses a pretty lengthy and exciting side quest.

By entering the saloon and speaking to Theodore Levin, they will embark on a mission to find, challenge, and overcome some of the "best gunslingers in the West." It's great for players who love duels, and each mark taken down will reward gamers with a unique gun.

13 The Wisdom Of The Elders

Help Obadiah Across a Lengthy Stranger Mission With Multiple Parts

Arthur walking up to Lemuel
  • Mission Giver: Obediah Hinton
  • Location(s): Butcher Creek

Given to the player by Obediah Hinton in Butcher Creek, The Wisdom of the Elders becomes available to the player sometime during Chapter 5. The quest involves Arthur trying to help a small community deal with what they perceive as a curse.

The bulk of the mission deals with destroying talismans around the area and culminates in the exploration of a mine where Arthur discovers the true source of the people’s problems; poisoned water. Completing the quest will give players honor, but if it’s monetary compensation they’re after, then that’s unfortunately not part of the deal.

12 The Veteran

Spend Time with an Aging Hunter

Red Dead Redemption 2 Arthur Morgan The Veteran
  • Mission Giver: Hamish Sinclair
  • Location(s): Veteran's Homestead

Given to players by the titular Veteran, Hamish Sinclair, this stranger mission is located around the Grizzlies East and can be activated from chapter 6 onwards. The mission sees Arthur aid the veteran in reclaiming his horse, with the two striking a friendship and taking part in various hunts together afterward.

All Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheat Codes (& How to Enter Them)

The process for entering Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats is relatively straightforward, but finding and unlocking all 37 RDR2 cheats isn't quite as easy.

The Veteran might not be the most action-packed mission in the game, but what it lacks in excitement, it makes up for with its excellent interactions between Arthur and Hamish. The mission allows players to see more of Arthur’s gentle nature, which he typically suppresses with most of his exchanges.

11 Fatherhood And Other Dreams

Help Out an Old Flame

Red Dead Redemption 2 Fatherhood and Other Dreams
  • Mission Giver: Mary Linton
  • Location(s): Saint Denis

As players make their way through Red Dead Redemption 2, they're almost guaranteed to fall in love with Arthur as the main protagonist. Regardless of the player's choices, watching Arthur interact with NPCs and battle with his struggles as a wanted man is endearing even to the coldest of hearts. Because of this, players should definitely check out Fatherhood And Other Dreams, which becomes available in Chapter 4 after players hear from Mary Linton, Arthur's old love interest.

It may not be the most exciting or long-winded quest in the game, but it gives a great glimpse at Arthur's past and what's going on in his mind. Players even have an opportunity to see a show during the ordeal.

10 A Better World, A New Friend

Send Perfect Carcasses for a Wildlife Art Exhibition

A squirrel version of John Marston
  • Mission Giver: L. Hobbs
  • Location(s): Valentine, Beecher's Hope

If players aren't too keen on exploring, then they've probably missed A Better World, A New Friend. These are hunting requests given by Ms. L Hobbs, who lists various animal carcasses that she needs for, some reason. These include squirrels, rabbits, rats, and various birds. As if finding these animals wasn't hard enough, Hobbs also requests that each carcass is in perfect condition, so it's not as if players can just toss a stick of dynamite into the woods and hope for the best.

The first hunting request can be found on a bulletin board in Valentine Station, and the rest are found in Rhodes, Strawberry, Saint Denis, Van Horn, and Armadillo.

9 American Dreams

Follow the Trail of a Murderer

American Dreams mission in Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Mission Giver: Curtis Malloy
  • Location(s): Transitory

American Dreams drives home the fact that the Wild West could be a scary, horrible place to live. To trigger this mission, players need to come across one of three grisly murder scenes. These aren't particularly hard to miss, but they can be if players are more prone to veering off-road or letting the cinematic camera do the riding for them. Once Arthur comes across one of the crime scenes, he needs to explore and inspect the area for clues.

10 Hilarious Siege Memes Only True Rainbow Six Fans Will Understand

Rainbow Six siege players know that the game can deliver a lot of different experiences, as shown in these hilarious memes.

Once players have done that, they'll realize that a serial killer is on the loose and hiding in Lucky's Cabin outside Valentine. It's one of the game's most horrifying and disgusting missions, and they need to play it.

8 The Widow Of Willard's Rest

Help a Widow Fend for Herself

Arthur and Charlotte as they talk during a cutscene
  • Mission Giver: Charlotte Balfour
  • Location(s): Willard's Rest

Late in the game, players will meet Charlotte The Widow Balfour, a widow who moved from Chicago with her late husband. She can be found north of Annesburg, where she will admit her fear of dying of starvation. Arthur then takes Charlotte hunting and catches a rabbit for her. He can visit two other times, both of which can be triggered by visiting her cabin in Annesburg.

Once Arthur dies, players can again visit her as John, and John will both tell her of Arthur's passing and inform her that Arthur thought highly of her. It's not a FUN mission per se (at least, not as fun as American Dreams), but it's a touching little vignette that showcases Arthur's willingness to do good.

7 Fundraiser

quincy harris memorial hall
  • Mission Giver: Unnamed Woman
  • Location(s): Saint Denis

This is a very small and rather insignificant side mission, but a beautiful one all the same. A woman can be found in Saint Denis collecting donations for the Quincy Harris Memorial Hall. While she requests a rather large donation of $20, Arthur has two options - donate the $20 or rob the woman of the donations and become a wanted criminal. Should players honor the woman and her plight and gift her the $20 donation, they will receive a small amount of honor and some thanks.

However, that's not all. After taking control of John in 1907, they can visit the completed Memorial Hall and see Arthur's name on a plaque outside the building, commemorating his generous donation. It's another beautiful mission that once again proves Arthur's morality and the quality of his character.

6 A Bright Bouncing Boy

Help an Eccentric Inventor

RDR2 Marko Dragic and His Robor Creation
  • Mission Giver: Marko Dragic
  • Location(s): Saint Denis, Doverhill

Beginning in chapter four, Arthur can find a man named Marko Dragic in Saint Denis. He asks Arthur to help him with a remote-controlled boat, and players must control the boat to destroy submarines and avoid mines. Most people will likely end the mission here, thinking that it's a simple but interesting diversion. However, the story continues in various complex and relatively hidden ways.

Players can subsequently visit Dragic in his workshop in the northernmost region of the map, where he will introduce players to his robot. Following Dragic's death, they can find Dragic's robot atop the mountains in the Grizzlies, muttering "Papa" to itself. It's a very well-hidden part of the mission, and it serves as a fascinating ending to an already weird story.