The Marvel Cinematic Universe is still expanding after so many years, and there's no end to the new concepts being introduced. The voluminous source material still holds tons of new ideas and fun twists. Film-only fans encountered the Skrulls as part of the plot of Captain Marvel, but there's still a lot more to these alien invaders. Their most notable representatives have yet to make an appearance.

The process of determining which characters will be popular or memorable is long and often inexplicable. Despite the gradual cultural shift, most people still don't really read the comics. Even if they did, there are simply too many to fully absorb. At the end of the day, there's only one Skrull who made it into Marvel vs. Capcom 3.

RELATED: Secret Invasion: 5 MCU Characters Who Might Already Be Skrulls

What is Secret Invasion About?

Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury wearing eyepatch in Secret Invasion

The original Marvel Comics storyline that inspired the upcoming Disney Plus miniseries was a massive crossover event that premiered in 2007. The comics take place in the aftermath of a war between the Skrulls and the Kree. The Marvel super-group known as the Illuminati took the fight to the Skrulls' home planet, accidentally allowing the aliens to run detailed scans. A princess of Skrull culture called Veranke prophesies doom for their people, and she's quickly proven right. After Galactus consumes the planet, the remaining Skrulls use their knowledge of superheroes to mount the titular secret invasion. They kidnap several heroes, take on their forms, and sew discord throughout the hero world. Multiple battles ensue until Mr. Fantastic figures out how to see through the Skrulls' disguises. This allows the heroes to begin the process of doing away with the invaders. Heroes and villains combine forces, Norman Osborn kills Veranke, and the last Skrull on Earth is eliminated by Bullseye.

The MCU version of Secret Invasion will likely take a few departures from the source material. A lot of the major players are likely to be absent. The focus of the event is mostly on Nick Fury, who was one of many stars of the original crossover. Earth's relationship with the Skrulls is a little bit less hostile in the MCU continuity. Fury has been working with a Skrull called Talos to find their people a new home, but the process has been slow. As a result, infiltrators have invaded high positions of power to force change. The series won't match the scope of the comics, but it'll carry a lot of the same themes.

What is a Super-Skrull?

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The Super-Skrulls are, simply put, Skrulls with superpowers. After studying the capabilities and DNA of Earth's heroes, the Skrulls are able to imbue a few of their most capable warriors with unique powers. They serve the empire as elite shock troops, providing a much greater threat to their enemies than any ordinary army. The most notable Super-Skrull, the one that is typically only introduced by his rank, is called Kl'rt. This is the Skrull fans were introduced to in Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Kl'rt was the first Super-Skrull and the eventual emperor of his people, but there are others. Most Super-Skrulls have a combined list of powers from multiple heroes. Kl'rt uses the stone skin, elasticity, invisibility, and fire conjuration of The Fantastic Four.

Who has Fought Super-Skrulls in the Comics?

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Kl'rt is frequently depicted as a nemesis of The Fantastic Four in the comics, but many other characters have had the chance to tangle with different Super-Skrulls. Secret Invasion saw tons of fights between superheroes and Skrulls in the guise of their friends. One of the earliest examples was the Illuminati Skrull, who had the powers of Black Bolt, Doctor Strange, Mister Fantastic, Namor, and Professor X. As in most cases, Skrull copies of superpowers pale in comparison to their source material. The Illuminati dealt with him, and Namor dealt the finishing blow. Most Super-Skrulls had the misfortune of running into Marvel characters with no hard rule against killing. Black Panther butchered every alien imposter he could get his hands on, Captain Britain beheaded a few, and even minor figures like Jackpot and Spitfire cut down a Super-Skrull. They are mighty, but their invasion summoned the full might of Earth and beyond. Most Marvel characters have fought a Super-Skrull and won.

The MCU take on Secret Invasion probably won't feature most of the Super-Skrulls or the dynamic crossover moments that led to their defeat. The Super-Skrulls are a good go-to adversary in the comics, but they'll be a much more focused element of the MCU. Fans may get to see a few Skrulls use some familiar powers, but it's more likely that the series will see them exercise political power. The Super-Skrulls are capable of mimicking the gifts of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, but they've always been used as an excuse to gather a ton of Marvel characters as an army against them. Secret Wars will show the Skrulls in a new light.

MORE: Emilia Clarke's Secret Invasion Character May Be An Important Skrull