Marvel Studios' latest Disney+ show has arrived, and it seems to be one of the creepiest to date. While it is only one episode in, Secret Invasion has already made viewers distrustful of the MCU that they have known for years. Anyone could be a Skrull hiding in plain sight, and that has put even Nick Fury on edge. It is a terrifying scenario that makes for some great TV, and maybe a Marvel video game could replicate it.

Modern Marvel video games tend to stay within the same action-adventure framework. Games like Marvel's Midnight Suns try to bring the franchise to new genres, but failto make an impact. If it is not a classic Spider-Man journey, then it feels like it gets forgotten, but if Marvel tapped into its creepier side, perhaps it could have another hit on its hand. A Secret Invasion-like video game may be exactly what Marvel games need right now, and fans may flock to it.

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Skrulls Would be the Perfect Video Game Antagonist

Talos and another Skrull in Captain Marvel

Skrulls are probably one of the creepiest antagonists that the MCU currently has. These aliens are able to assume the form of whoever they want and absorb their memories. This lets them hide within plain sight and take the form of powerful people. Secret Invasion makes viewers question the identity of the characters they have grown to love over the years and has kickstarted multiple debates online. No one seems to trust anyone, and a character could show their true colors at a moment’s notice.

This fear and mysterious is what drives Secret Invasion's first episode, and it will hopefully drive the rest of the series too. It is unlike anything the MCU has done before and has gone a long way in redefining what came before. It harkens back to the days of Captain America: The Winter Soldier with a new twist, and Marvel games may want to take some notes.

A Marvel video game utilizing the Skrulls as an antagonist could be a lot of fun. Players could assume the role of a popular hero like Captain Marvel in a world besieged by the shapeshifting aliens. Random NPCs could lash out, allies could change in the middle of the story, and enemies could lurk around every single corner. Players would not know what to expect or who to trust as they go through the story, and everything they thought they knew could turn out to be a lie. It would keep them on the edge of their seats and lead to an experience unlike any other.

Using the Skrulls correctly could help create Marvel's first horror game. While Secret Invasion is not a horror show, the concept is pretty terrifying. The fact that literally everyone could be a Skrull should send shivers down viewers' spines and would likely do the same to the players. Throw in a creepy dark setting and the game would have all the hallmarks of the genre.

Marvel could also go a completely different direction with the premise and put players in control of a Skrull. The game could have them infiltrate some secret facility or organization using the Skrull's abilities. They could alter their appearance on a whim and utilize whatever tools they have at their disposal to get the job done. It would be like Secret Invasion, except the player would be the invader. While a Skrull may not be as exciting as Iron Man or Spider-man, they could still be a great protagonist for an extremely unique game.

There is a ton of potential for a Secret Invasion-like video game involving the Skrulls, but it may never happen. Marvel seems to be focused more on its iconic characters like Spider-Man rather than a spine-tingling adventure like Secret Invasion. If the show is a success, though, then hopefully Marvel considers it, but only time will tell.

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