Secret Invasion, the new Marvel Studios limited series, premiered its first episode last week on Disney Plus. The show, which follows former SHIELD director Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), is already causing conversation among Marvel fans, as Cobie Smulders revealed her tenure as Maria Hill in MCU might have ended.

Secret Invasion, which will consist of six episodes released weekly, tells the story of Nick Fury as he learns that some shapeshifting creatures called Skrulls, who can mimic the features of any human, are making their way to Earth. Knowing this, the former agent bands together with his allies to try to prevent these aliens from completely invading the planet and causing humanity's demise. The series is part of Marvel Studios' Phase 5, in which the MCU heroes realize there is more than one universe and learn what is and is not friendly or safe in each of its dimensions. The show is the first time viewers get a close look at Fury's life and relationships with his colleague, despite these characters— more specifically him and Maria Hill— being one of the most loyal and consistent characters in the MCU's entirety, having their first appearance in Phase 1 of the cinematic universe.

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But regardless of seniority, it seems Maria Hill's work fighting villains might have ended. At the end of the Secret Invasion premiere, Hill is reunited with Fury as they prepare to fight the Skrulls. As the battle intensifies, Hill is shot by an alien that has acquired the likeness of Fury, leaving her believing in her last few seconds of life that her longest partner and best friend has betrayed her. From this event, the show's central conflict, which might span the rest of the phase, is set in motion. Smulders recently sat down with Vanity Fair to discuss her involvement in the MCU and promote Secret Invasion. When asked about her character's fate, she responds, "I'm pretty sure this is it," shutting down any possible rumors that they could bring the character back to life.

cobie smulders maria hill samuel l jackson nick fury secret invasion Cropped

While she is sure this is the end of her participation in the superhero franchise, Smulders explained that anything is possible because multiverse stories are currently being explored. "I mean, I didn't know I was an alien in Spider-Man," Smulders said, referencing her Spider-Man: Far From Home appearance. The How I Met Your Mother actress also discusses fans' disappointment with her sudden death. For Smulders and fans alike, it seems Maria has been taken away from them just as her story was being developed. She explains that while she hopes fans accept her fate, she believes "there is also something to take away from that, they were so connected to the story and these characters that they cared. That is beautiful and wonderful."

Earlier this year, rumors about her appearing in this fall's film The Marvels emerged, but she assures she has no involvement in it. The character appeared in many MCU movies from the sidelines and was one of the few characters from Phase One still standing. Now, Hill leaves Fury to fight the Skrulls with the rest of the team to save humanity.

Secret Invasion episode 1 is now streaming on Disney Plus, with new episodes releasing Wednesdays.

MORE: Secret Invasion: Is [Spoiler Alert] Really Dead?

Source: Vanity Fair