In a recent update video, Sea of Thieves announces what's to change and what's to come in the upcoming Season 9. Fans of Sea of Thieves should prepare for a motley of new things to come, as this video is packed full of content that should improve the lives of every type of pirate that sails the seas. While seasons past have done well to help improve quality of life, Season 9 is shaping up to be a major development in making the lives of the game's many pirates just that much easier.

As a live service title, Sea of Thieves is ever-changing, always adding new content and improving upon older content to ensure that the player's experience is greatly increased. The last few updates have done well to help the quality of life among the players. For instance, Sea of Thieves' Season 8 made it easier for players to jump into the PVP mode, allowing players to opt-in while adventuring in the open world, and that's just a small thing among a major sea of developments that make Sea of Thieves a better place to sail.

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Recently, Sea of Thieves uploaded a video detailing the additions and many improvements that are to come in Season 9. Of the more major announcements in the video, it starts off by talking about the new or changed loot players will come across. Newly added chests known as Fortune Chests will be in the Fort of Fortune's vault that can be turned in for loads of gold and a point towards new commendations. There are also new Skulls of Destiny, which can double as Ritual Skulls, and improvements to Reapers Chests that, alongside the newly improved encounter rate of Megs, Krakens, and sunken ships, should allow for plenty of loot to be collected on a player's voyage.

Furthermore, Sea of Thieves will now be scaling world events and Ashen Lords to the player's crew size, allowing for easier fights for smaller player groups. In addition, a bevy of quality-of-life improvements will be hitting the game, including the loot of The Devil's Shroud victims reappearing in safer waters and making the loot gathered from harpooning automatically be placed on the ship, among others. Alongside these, new bait crates are being added to assist with the newly added bait radial menu, making fishing much easier for the more casual players. Also, new cosmetics to the Pirates Emporium were announced, giving players new Sea of Thieves attire to wear alongside the recently released Halo content.

Season 9 is proving itself to be a packed update that will not only enrich the pirate adventures of many players but also improve them, as long as those raised Megalodon encounters in Sea of Thieves don't occur amid a volcano eruption. Besides that, come March 16, there should be plenty for the pirates of Sea of Thieves to see during their ship's voyage.

Sea of Thieves is available now for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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