Sea of Stars is a retro pixel RPG, reminiscent of its predecessor The Messenger, and other classic games like Chrono Trigger. Players can interact with the charming, nostalgic world, littered with secrets, endearing interactions, and clever designs. The mechanics of the game let players climb, slide, and jump around the terrain, and the world is wonderfully expansive, allowing players to explore a variety of islands and encounter unique characters along the way.

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Sea of Stars has a few great elements that make a brilliant RPG, including the ability to cook, change armor and weapons, and improve stats. The game also features a turn-based combat system that incorporates a few different methods of attack, including the use of items, standard attacks, and combo attacks. The inclusion of combo attacks is a particularly pleasant capability, providing battles with more variety and opportunities for collaboration.

8 Solstice Strike

Sea Of Stars' Valere, Zale and Garl in battle, Valere is readying the combo attack Solstice Strike

Solstice Strike is the classic combo that all players will begin the game with. In those early days on Evermist Island and into Sleeper Island, this will be the most important offensive combo available. Up until much later in the game, Solstice Strike will be the only offensive combo that costs one combo point. This is very important early on and means players who are sensible with their combo meter could potentially use the attack three times without running out of combo points.

Solstice Strike has Valere and Zale, the Solstice Warriors, run either side of an enemy and strike them simultaneously. It doesn't deal massive damage or hit multiple enemies, but its one combo point cost is the most valuable thing about it. It's crucial for the early game and offers a fun display of Valere and Zale's teamwork.

7 Arcane Moons

Sea of Stars's window saying 'Valere and Resh'an learned combo skill Arcane Moons'

Arcane Moons is the next combo, found far later on in the game, that is a one combo point, offensive combo. Players won't encounter this combo until Mesa Island, though, which is over halfway into the game. That is a downside, since, like Solstice Strike, its low cost is the main thing that makes it helpful.

On Mesa Island, in the Autumn Hills zone, players will find another time-control puzzle. Gamers will have to use their powers to change the time of day and light up all the stones at the same time, which will unveil the combo scroll. Arcane Moons does Lunar and Arcane damage and will hit all enemies, which is helpful in battles with multiple, weaker monsters. The biggest benefit of this combo is its low cost and decent damage, meaning it can often be the easiest combo to use during basic enemy fights.

6 Solar Rain

Sea Of Stars' Valere, Zale and Garl in battle, where Garl is about to use the combo attack Solar Rain

Solar Rain is a combo players can unlock early on in the game on Sleeper Island. In the Moorlands area, there is a time control puzzle that requires players to light up all the stones simultaneously, and this combo is the reward. It's right next to where players will meet Teaks for the first time.

Solar Rain costs two combo points and is another great combo with a cool animation. Zale will shoot a sun ball towards Garl, who will use his shield to launch it up in the air. Mini suns will then rain down from the sky, hitting multiple enemies and dealing a lot of damage. Zale's basic sun ball skill is very strong on its own, and this combo is perfect for players looking to quickly get hits in on more than one enemy.

5 X-Strike

Sea of Stars's window saying 'Zale and Seraï learned combo skill X-Strike'

X-Strike is a combo move between Zale and Serai. It is located in the Haunted Mansion on Wraith Island. Players will have to explore the spooky mansion thoroughly and solve a puzzle by matching skulls to a painting above the fireplace to unlock this combo move.

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Serai will summon portals surrounding the enemies, and Zale will use them to race around and strike each one for a solid amount of damage. Although it costs two combo points to use, its ability to hit every enemy is invaluable. Plus, the combo animation is very cool and is somewhat reminiscent of anime-style attacks.

4 Arcane Barrage

Sea of Stars window saying 'Seraï and Resh'an learned combo skill Arcane Barrage'

Arcane Barrage is the last combo players will learn before meeting B'st, and it costs two combo points. It is located in Maelstrom Point in The Sea of Nightmares. It doesn't need to be found; the story of the game will ensure players receive it eventually. Arcane Barrage is a combo between Serai and Resh'an, where Resh'an will toss vials toward Serai, who will kick them toward an enemy.

This combo does semi-decent damage depending on how many vials hit the enemy. The tricky part about Arcane Barrage is that players will need to land each kick in order to hit the enemy with the vial. This is because every vial that lands will delay the enemy's turn, which is an incredibly vital mechanic. Although this combo isn't found until very late in the game, it's pivotal for players who might not be skilled in blocking and need to get as many hits in as possible before the enemy's turn.

3 Moon Shiv

Sea of Stars's window saying 'Valere and Serai learned combo skill Moon Shiv'

Moon Shiv is a mid-game combo that utilizes Valere and Serai, found in the Sacred Grove on Watcher Island. Players will have to solve a few puzzles within the Sacred Grove and then battle and defeat Garnooy in order to reach it. It will deal Lunar, Sword, and Venom damage, which means it's a great attack for monster lock-breaking.

Moon Shiv only hits a single enemy; however, it does serious damage. It's one of the stronger combos in the game, although it's not ideal for players trying to take down a large group of enemies. It comes at a high cost of three combo points, but in a boss fight or against a heavy hitter, Moon Shiv is definitely the right choice. Any players struggling with building up their combo meter can always use the Spirit of the Ninja trinket, a very useful Sea of Stars item.

2 Soonrang

Sea of Stars's combo attack Soonrang, Garl, Valere and Zale can be seen in battle with many large ant-like enemies. Valere is throwing a cosmic-looking boomerang magic attack

The Soonrang attack is a great offensive combo between the Solstice Warriors themselves, Valere and Zale. Valere's standard Moonerang skill is already a fantastic attack that can deal a serious amount of damage if players are savvy with their timing. This combo costs two combo points and can be discovered in the Solstice Shrine when players return to Evermist Island.

Soonrang is a combination of Valere's Moonerang attack and Zale's sun power, meaning that it's perfect for enemies that require multiple sun and moon attacks in order to prevent their powerful spells. Together, they will charge up the attack into an epic, almost cosmic boomerang that Valere will throw. This combo is useful because it gives players the chance to hit multiple enemies several times. It does great damage and is perfect for preventing those pesky enemy special attacks.

1 Mending Light

Sea Of Stars' Valere in battle, about to use Mending Light in combination with Zale

This combo can be found at the very beginning of the game and costs two combo points to use. It is unlocked in the Forbidden Cavern on Evermist Island, and players will essentially run head-first into it when progressing through the cavern. However, it is the only combo that allows healing, and the importance of that cannot be overlooked. Mending light has Valere and Zale work together to send a healing beam toward every member of the party.

Although it will use up the majority of the combo meter, Mending Light is almost a free heal for the entire party and can be absolutely fundamental moments when a battle has gone south. It saves snacks for times when players really need them and can be the difference between winning and losing. Even better, Mending Light is affected by the timed button press mechanic, meaning that if players press right as the light is about to hit the characters, they will heal even more HP. Any players struggling with the timing can always use Sequent Flare Relic, one of the several helpful relics available in Sea of Stars.

Sea of Stars is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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