While the series was once fairly popular on the DS, recent years haven't been kind to Scribblenauts. Two years ago, Scribblenauts creator 5th Cell laid off staff and cancelled its plans for a new game in the series, leaving many fans to wonder if Maxwell's wordy adventures would ever continue. Now, nearly four years since the latest game in the series, Scribblenauts is making a multiplayer-centric comeback as Scribblenauts Showdown for PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

Scribblenauts Showdown will be available on March 6. Developed by Shiver Games instead of original developer 5th Cell, Scribblenauts Showdown will focus on multiplayer gameplay, including a standard versus mode as well as the more elaborate Showdown mode.

In versus mode, up to two players battle it out in more than 25 mini-games. Showdown mode, meanwhile, takes place on a board game style map where four players compete using their own customized "Scribblenauts." Similarly to versus mode, Showdown mode features mini-games that challenge players to think creatively in order to defeat their opponent.

scribblenauts developer 5th cell cancels studio lays off 45 employees

While Scribblenauts Showdown is certainly focused on multiplayer above all else, that doesn't mean the game won't have any single player content as well. The versus mode mini-games can be played solo for anyone that wishes to do so, and there will also be a Sandbox mode like previous games where players are tasked with collecting Starites across eight different levels.

Overall, Scribblenauts Showdown sounds like it could be a successful comeback for the franchise, with its multiplayer focus potentially expanding its appeal. Plus, it seems as though solo players will still have plenty of content to play through as well.

Hopefully Warner Bros. releases some gameplay footage of Scribblenauts Showdown soon so fans have a better idea of what to expect from the game. Gameplay footage and more information should come as we near its March release date, including news on potential franchise crossovers like we've seen in previous entries.

Scribblenauts Showdown will be available on March 6 for PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

Source: IGN