
  • Fans speculate on who the next Ghostface will be in "Scream 7", hoping it won't be a familiar face like Sidney Prescott.
  • It's unlikely longtime characters like Sidney or Stu would be good Ghostface choices, fans prefer new, unique killers with a motive.
  • Best Ghostface killers were Stu and Billy in previous films, as they added humor to the horror franchise.

With Scream 7 in the works, fans of the popular slasher franchise are curious about who the next Ghostface will be. While fans debate which characters could return to Scream, they also wonder who will wear the infamous costume next and what their motive will be. Although each movie has plenty of jokes, smart character development, and horror movie tropes, the Ghostface reveal is always the most exciting part.

Now that there are two big Scream 7 updates with Neve Campbell playing Sidney Prescott once again and Kevin Williamson directing, it's the perfect time to wonder about the next Ghostface. Scream fans have some ideas about which Ghostface reveal would be the worst.

Scream 7 Can Have High Stakes For Sidney

Scream 7 should include Neve Campbell's iconic final girl character Sidney Prescott, who would be more motivated to fight Ghostface than ever before.

Scream Fans Think These Would Be The Worst Scream 7 Ghostface Killers

Ghostface in Scream 6

When it comes to the worst Ghostface killer in Scream, fans have some thoughts about the most disappointing reveals. In a Reddit thread, one fan wrote:

"If we’re talking worst… Revealing Sidney as the killer in any movie of the franchise would make me shut it off immediately."

Many Scream fans would likely agree that Sidney Prescott would be a terrible Ghostface. Considering that she has been the franchise's final girl since the first movie was released in 1996, this would be confusing and upsetting. Although this is something that people have debated as a possibility for a long time, it doesn't seem likely.

For a while now, fans have wondered if Matthew Lillard would return to Scream, and Redditor @Intelligent-Age2786 thinks that Stu Macher would be a lackluster Ghostface. They wrote, "Stu being alive would be pretty bad. Or any past killer." Although there are fan theories that Stu survived Sidney throwing a TV at him in Scream, it wouldn't make sense for him to still be alive. From this comment, it's clear that fans want a new Ghostface.

Who Are The Ghostface Killers In Scream (2022) And Scream 6?

  • Scream (2022): Richie Kirsch (Jack Quaid) and Amber Freeman (Mikey Madison)
  • Scream 6: Ethan Landry (Jack Champion), Quinn Bailey (Liana Liberto), and Detective Bailey (Dermot Mulroney)

While some think that a legacy character would be the worst Ghostface, others think that a new character would also be terrible. No matter what Gale Weathers (Courteney Cox) could be up to in Scream 7, it doesn't seem possible for her to be the killer since she's ultimately a tough but kind person. Redditor @BreathAgreeable2604 believes it would be awful if:

"Gale masterminded the events of all 6 movies to remain relevant and sell her books."

Redditor @ArtDiff shared their opinion: "Fingers crossed 7 doesn’t have a brand new family member that comes around as the killer like in 3." When ranking the Ghostface killers in Scream, many consider Roman Bridger (Scott Foley) to be the worst. The random reveal of him as Sidney's brother falls flat and isn't as thrilling as it's meant to be. It would definitely be strange if Scream 7 revealed a new relative for Sidney who has somehow been hanging out in the background this entire time.

Who Was The Best Ghostface In Scream?

Stu and Billy in Scream

Scream fans might not agree on the absolute worst Ghostface killer. However, they do think that the next reveal should be a new character who isn't a legacy cast member and who isn't one of Sidney Prescott's family members. When it comes to the best Ghostface killer, many would likely agree that the best Ghostface killers areStu Macher (Matthew Lillard) and Billy Loomis (Skeet Ulrich). There is no other reveal that is quite as memorable.

There are a few reasons why Stu and Billy are superior to the other Ghostface killers in Scream. They have a real motive as Billy is devastated that his father and Sidney's late mother Maureen Prescott had an affair. Since some of the killers later on in the horror franchise are motivated by fame and wanting to go viral, Billy's motive stands out. Stu is also the most humorous killer. When he asks Sidney if she phoned the police and she says yes, he says one of the most memorable lines in the franchise:

"My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me!"

Since Scream is a franchise that mixes humor with a meta analysis of the slasher genre, a Ghostface killer should make audiences laugh. No matter who the next Ghostface is in Scream 7, they should be a unique character with a realistic motive who isn't a legacy character. Hopefully, they will crack a few jokes, too.

Scream 7 Could Finally Break The Franchise's Rules

Scream 7 doesn't need to lean into the meta aspect of the horror franchise and could do something new.