
  • Scream movies cleverly deconstruct horror tropes & provide relevant commentary on the genre over different sequels.
  • Scream 7 must find new aspects of the horror genre to comment on to maintain the franchise's clever self-awareness.
  • Possibility of Scream 7 focusing horror commentary on censorship, desensitization to violence, or true crime obsession

The Scream franchise is known for its self awareness and tongue in cheek humor that pokes fun at the many tropes in the horror slasher genre, while still creating a suspenseful narrative in each movie that makes the series one of the best around. Each movie also features its own commentary on certain aspects of the horror genre as a whole, that make it relevant to the current audience. It is likely Scream 7 will follow suit and focus its commentary on a certain aspect of the horror movie.

Whether it's sequels, trilogies, remakes, requels, sequels to requels or franchises as a whole, the Scream franchise has had its say on most aspects of the genre. The original 1996 classic, written by Kevin Williamson, successfully deconstructed the horror movie, and made it relevant for a new audience after many years in the doldrums. Scream 7 must figure out what is left to say about the slasher sub-genre if it's going to be as successful as the previous entries in the series.

Scream: What Was Scene 118?

The cast and crew of Scream wore shirts that said "I Survived Scene 118' but what exactly was this famous scene and where did it take place?

The Horror Commentary in Each Scream Movie


scream 1996 (1)

When Scream came along in 1996, Hollywood wasn't making many slasher movies anymore, and the horror genre as a whole was going through a rather torrid time. Scream was a breath of fresh air, and for the first time, a horror movie didn't talk down to the audience, and instead, it included them in the conversation surrounding horror movies, and the typical tropes in them.

Scream's commentary was focused on playing with the conventions of the horror movie, and subverting them. They did this by establishing the rules in order to successfully survive a horror movie, and then successfully breaking them.

Scream 2

full cast on poster

After successfully deconstructing the tropes of the horror movie, Scream 2 was focused on the discussion about sequels, and whether they can surpass the quality of the previous movie(s). It also discusses the effects of cinema violence on the audience, and considers whether movies are responsible for real life events.

By definition alone, sequels are inferior films!

The irony of the sequel argument in Scream 2 is obviously because it is, well, a sequel, but also, many fans consider it to be just as good as the first movie, if not better.

Scream 3

full cast on poster

Scream 3 was billed as the final part of a trilogy, so naturally, the third movie had a lot to say about the concluding chapter in a three-part franchise. Randy Meeks points out via a pre-recorded videotape from the grave, that the third entry in a trilogy has its own set of rules.

Randy's Trilogy Rules:

  • You've got a killer who's gonna be superhuman. Stabbing him won't work, shooting him won't work.
  • Anyone, including the main character, can die.
  • The past will come back to bite you in the ass. Whatever you think you know about the past, forget it.

All I know about trilogies is that, in the third one, all bets are off.

Scream 4

scream 4 poster

Scream 4 had its own challenges when it came to the commentary it was going to focus on, as it was never the plan to continue the franchise after the completion of the trilogy. But, the fourth movie in the franchise decided to direct its commentary at the slew of remakes in Hollywood.

Don't F**k with the original

Despite not being a remake itself, and a continuation of the story, Scream 4 used the fictionalized movie within a movie, Stab, to comment on the current state of horror.

Scream (2022)

scream 5 poster

It was eleven years after the supposed Scream franchise ending, when it came back with something new and interesting to say about horror. The trends in horror have changed significantly in the years since the last installment, and Scream (2022) reflected that, by commenting on elevated horror, and more importantly, the 'requel' movie.

Mindy Meeks-Martin points out that a requel consists of a new group of characters being introduced, with a mix of returning legacy characters, in a sequel/reboot hybrid, with the aim of building something new while being part of an ongoing storyline.

Scream 6


Things get complicated for Scream 6, as it feels like the Scream franchise has said nearly everything it can about horror movies. But the sequel to Scream (2022) talks about the Ghostface killer's intention to make a sequel to the requel.

Nobody just makes sequels anymore. We're in a franchise.

Yes, Scream 6 nails its commentary by taking a look at franchises, and poking fun at Hollywood's lack of originality, by churning out sequel after sequel to boost the IP. Scream 6 is technically that exact same thing it's poking fun at, but just like previous movies in the series, it gets way with what it is due to its clever self-aware commentary on the subject.

What should Scream 7's horror commentary focus on?

Scream 7 faces a big challenge nailing its horror movie commentary, as it's not glaringly obvious what is left to be said about horror movies that the franchise hasn't already covered. Scream 6 established itself as very much a part of an ongoing franchise, which Scream 7 is essentially a part of moving forward.

There is a possibility Scream 7 could focus its commentary on censorship in horror movies, and how opinions on movies change over time, and how the audience has become so desensitized to violence in movies. It could also delve into people's obsession with true crime as entertainment, and how the Stab movies have become mere fodder to fuel people's obsession with true life events.

Should Scream 7 Return To Woodsboro?

Woodsboro was the sleepy town in Scream where the murders took place, and there's a possibility Scream 7 could return to the scene of the first crimes