
  • Stu Macher might have survived, breaking the tradition of Ghostface being killed in every movie.
  • Fans believe Stu's return could enhance the narrative, fueled by Easter eggs in recent entries.
  • The potential survival of a Ghostface killer could pave the way for sequels and keep the franchise moving forward.

Ghostface is returning once again in the upcoming Scream 7, with the highly anticipated sequel set to begin filming sometime this year, with a potential release in 2025. Neve Campbell is returning to play Sidney Prescott, and she has faced off against many different iterations of Ghostface in the past, and has survived them all. But it poses the question. Is it time Ghostface survived the events of a Scream movie to break with traditions?

There have been 13 characters who have donned the iconic Ghostface costume over six entries in the franchise, and all of them have perished by the end of their respective movies. However, many fans believe the original best Ghostface killer, Stu Macher, survived, but this hasn't been confirmed or denied. Scream 7 could be set to change the format significantly.

Scream 7: These Smart Fan Theories About Ghostface Make Sense

When it comes to who should be the next Ghostface in Scream 7, fans are torn between having a single killer or multiple villains.

Every Ghostface killer has died in previous entries in the franchise, so should the killer(s) survive in Scream 7?

The beauty of the Scream franchise is that any character can don the Ghostface mask and go on a killing rampage. This has led to every Ghostface killer being disposed of by the end of each movie, and new copycat killers being introduced in the following entry. But this format has become tedious, and it could be time to let a Ghostface killer survive to return for a sequel.

Let's face it, these days you gotta have a sequel.

Billy Loomis and Stu Macher's original plan was to frame Neil Prescott for the murders, kill Sidney and go on to plan a sequel. It would be a nice throwback to the original plan if the Ghostface killer(s) in Scream 7 actually survived, and went on to plan a sequel. If there were two killers, it wouldn't necessarily have to be both killers who survived, but leaving one alive to return in Scream 8 would help the franchise to keep moving forward.

Many fans believe Stu Macher is still alive, and would previous Scream movies be better if a killer did survive?

Stu Macher (Matthew Lillard) in Scream

One of the big fan theories that has gained traction over the years is the possibility that Stu Macher survived the events of the very first Scream movie. This is down to Matthew Lillard's superb portrayal as Billy Loomis' accomplice, and the popularity of the character, meaning fans are eager to see the character return.

It may also stem from the fact that no Ghostface killer has ever survived, and some fans feel like a returning Ghostface killer would enhance the narrative. Lillard has often fueled the fire about his possible return, and would clearly be open to playing the character again. Also, since Radio Silence took over the franchise, there have been a number of Easter eggs pointing towards Stu's possible survival.

In Scream (2022), Stu Macher was mentioned many times, and one scene in particular saw Ghostface killer, Ritchie Kirsch watching YouTube videos of Stab related content, and eagle-eyed viewers noticed a suggested video title called "Did the real-life Stu Macher survive?" This could merely be a knowing nod to the Stu truthers out there who believe he is alive, or it could point to the potential return of Stu Macher in the future.

Scream 6 further alludes to Stu being alive. During a conversation between horror movie geeks, Mindy Meeks-Martin and the popular Kirby Reed in the Ghostface shrine, they see the television that supposedly killed Stu, and Mindy responds "if you believe he's dead." This could once again be a knowing wink to the long-running theories, or a set-up for Stu Macher's return as Ghostface in Scream 7.

How did all the Ghostface killers die?

ghostface killers

Billy Loomis

billy loomis



Killed by:

Sidney Prescott and Gale Weathers

Manner of Death

Shot in the heart and head

Stu Macher

stu macher



Killed by:

Sidney Prescott

Manner of Death

Television dropped on his head

Mrs Loomis

mrs loomis


Scream 2

Killed by:

Cotton Weary

Manner of Death

Shot in the heart (Sidney makes sure by shooting her in the head)

Mickey Altieri

mickey altieri


Scream 2

Killed by:

Sidney Prescott and Gale Weathers

Manner of Death

Shot multiple times across his body

Roman Bridger

roman bridger


Scream 3

Killed by:

Dewey Riley

Manner of Death

Shot in the head

Jill Roberts

jill roberts


Scream 4

Killed by:

Sidney Prescott

Manner of Death

Shot in the heart

Charlie Walker

charlie walker being stabbed


Scream 4

Killed by:

Jill Roberts

Manner of Death

Stabbed in the heart

Richie Kirsch

Scream 5 Richie


Scream (2022)

Killed by:

Sam Carpenter

Manner of Death

Stabbed multiple times and throat slit

Amber Freeman

amber freeman


Scream (2022)

Killed by:

Tara Carpenter

Manner of Death

Shot in the head

Detective Bailey

detective bailey


Scream 6

Killed by:

Sam Carpenter

Manner of Death

Stabbed multiple times

Quinn Bailey

quinn bailey


Scream 6

Killed by:

Sam Carpenter

Manner of Death

Shot in the head

Ethan Landry

ethan landry


Scream 6

Killed by:

Tara Carpenter

Manner of Death

Stabbed in the mouth

Jason Carvey

jason carvey


Scream 6

Killed by:

Detective Bailey

Manner of Death

Stabbed multiple times

Scream 7 Needs To Avoid The Same Mistakes Made In Scream 3

Scream 7 is facing a lot of the same issues as Scream 3, and it has a few things to avoid in order to be a success.