There are not many games that come out and play with players' senses, things they'll be doing will affect them, in many ways. In the current generation, Scorn does this well, by placing players in an unknown yet strange world, filled with entities that will make their stomach turn. Much like other games, where the location plays a role, players won't be able to get through the flesh and metal world without some hardships. Being one of the bigger games to come out for Gamepass for October, players can quickly get into this grotesque horror game, and witness this strange world, with equally vile characters.

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However, even if players use tips, or play well enough to get passed certain parts of Scorn, things are still pretty difficult. But Scorn stays constant, and gameplay will always be challenging. What players can do, is use mods, which can enhance gameplay, by making it easier for them, or can give players more of a challenge if they choose to do so. Overall, mods do make gameplay better, because, for a game like Scorn, they will need all the help they can get. These are some pretty interesting mods for what they can do, which can impact a player's gameplay in many ways.

5 AI Mod

scorn player interacting with a hummanoid

AI Mod Link

The one issue many players had with Scorn is that the enemies would only attack in one way, this made the game overall game repetitive and boring for some. However, this was combated by the many other enemies players would face in the world, each enemy type has its sets of movements, so there would be a sense of diversity. Plus, enemies would hide from players often, which can make things easier, but for the ones who want to feel like they're doing something, the AI Mod helps.

While Scorn is a somewhat short game for the type it is, this mod will add more play time, because now, enemies won't hide as often but rather search or follow players more. This can make things a lot tenser, and forces players to actually try in Scorn. On top of that, it makes the world of Scorn feel more "alive", because each NPC or enemy type will behave in different ways, making gameplay more dynamic, and in turn, players can get immersed in this twisted world.

4 Less Efficient Tool Gun

scon player holding the tool gun with a pistol variation

Less Efficient Tool Gun Link

This is the first weapon or rather tool that players get in Scorn. For the first few sections of the game, it can act as a sluggish melee weapon that has a punch to it. But as players progress in Scorn, they'll get attachments that make the tool gun do more, like being a shotgun or a grenade launcher. This is a mod, not every player should try, but if they use it, prepare for a heightened level of play. Because at the base level, the tool gun is not as reliable as players would hope it would be, in turn, makes everything harder.

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So this is a mod for players who have beaten Scorn, and understand how the game works itself. This mod only allows one shot to be used, but with normal charging, so it's balanced. Making it an ideal mod for the more experienced players. But, as mentioned before, they should understand that it is great for players who want that tension, and what to be challenged.

3 Total Filled Weapon Station

scron a machine doing something to a humanoid

Total Filled Weapon Station Link

In Scorn, players have access to several weapons that impacts gameplay differently. They will have to go through the world of Scorn in order to find them, and in some cases, players may miss out on them because they didn't look hard enough. But one thing that remains the same, is the ammo which is rather hard to come by in Scorn. However, this mod can help with just that, and make the overall experience of Scorn a faster and action-originated one.

Because now when players go and refill their ammo, it won't be a small amount, but instead all, if not most will come back. This mod along with others, makes the pace a lot better, an issue that currently plagues Scorn. However, if they use this mod, things do get substantially easier, but with the challenge of the base game. It just makes it, so players can fight back, and not have the worry about losing ammo, since they can refill at every station.

2 Total Health Filled Station

scorn players about to attack a cyberborg

Total Health Filled Station Link

Horror games in general have a hard time balancing themselves between helping the player, and how much of a challenge is being thrown at them. This can be achieved, Scorn and many other games like it have shown what happens if that balance is evident. While not perfect, it's still playable. The total health-filled station just does that, balances everything, but at the same time, benefits the player. The health station isn't generous at all, but it can be helpful, provided players are smart when to use health.

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However, just like the weapon station mod, if players use it, all if not most health will come back. This makes fighting and navigating the world so much easier because enemies do a hefty amount of damage, especially the bosses. So when players are taking a beating, they can find a health station and heal up all the way.

1 Efficient Tool Gun

scorn player holding a large key

Efficient Tool Gun Link

The opposite of the less efficient which makes things easier for players. Scorn being one of the major games to come out in October, there's a lot riding on it, in terms of gameplay and mechanics. While the base game of Scorn is rather challenging, and in some parts downright impossible because the game doesn't hold the player's hands a lot. However, this mod along with the many other mods featured on this list will make the player's life so much easier.

While the less efficient mod gives players one shot per charge, this mod gives them 6 shots, but at the cost of a slower charge time. This is a fair balance because this tool can be allowed to be used more than once in succession, so when they don't need it, players will have more shots loaded while charging allowing everything to come back. This mod is best used for players who want a smoother, less tense visit in the world of Scorn because it will make things much more manageable.

Scorn is available now on Xbox Series X/S and PC.

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