Horror fans have been waiting for Scorn for quite some time, and the game's release has players fully prepared to immerse themselves in the H.R. Giger-inspired world. There are some gorgeously grotesque environments and plenty of interesting alien technology to interact with throughout, and the game leaves just about everything open-ended.

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Scorn can be quite confusing at first, though with careful planning, players will be able to experience all of the game's horrific features in just a few hours. Much of the game relies on the player's puzzle-solving abilities, though the gunplay can also create some tense situations with the various fleshy enemies the game throws at players.

8 Be Very Observant

Scorn Interaction

There's a lot of unusual technology in Scorn, and many of the objects players can interact with can blend into their surrounding environment. Players must take note of each object they can interact with upon entering a new location.

It's also a good habit to scan the whole area for interacting objects before using one. This way, the player is aware of all the options and can begin the puzzle with a clean slate. This tactic also helps with revealing any enemies that could sabotage the player's strategy.

7 Trial & Error

Scorn Puzzle

The puzzles in Scorn are presented with almost no information beyond the map, so the general goal of a puzzle can often be difficult to find out at first. It's best to approach a puzzle with trial and error, until, eventually, the answer is brute forced out.

The surrounding scenery in Scorn can often reveal information that relates to a puzzle, so ensuring that the map has been fully explored is key as well. It can be frustrating to pour time into a puzzle without really knowing what's going on, so players should be sure to take note of how the puzzle is affecting the room.

6 Conserve Ammo

Scorn Conserving Ammo

The guns in Scorn are gorgeous, and among the most grotesque weapons ever seen in a video game. Their ammo, however, is rarely seen throughout the game. Players will want calm trigger fingers to traverse Scorn, as it's not recommended to fire rounds aimlessly into the game's unusual setting.

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The Melee Prod weapon is a fine backup, but players are really going to want that shotgun around to clear through enemies much easier. With the Melee Prod's two-punch combo, players can find themselves stuck if the enemy is still standing.

5 Explore

Scorn Scenery

There's a lot to see in Scorn, and its atmosphere is arguably the spookiest aspect of the game. There are tons of insane visual effects and morbid alien architecture on display. For players to really immerse themselves in the experience, they should prioritize taking in every view they can find.

Exploring also provides more information on the story in Scorn, or at least more information for fans to form their own narrative around. The H.R. Giger-inspired art style can easily distract the player from a puzzle, but that's encouraged given the time and effort that was put into making the game look as good as it does.

4 Take It Slow

Scorn Stage

Combat is best taken slow in Scorn, and while it is tempting to sprint through enemies in a run-and-gun fashion, this approach will end in death more often than not. Players should instead focus on taking down enemies from a distance and ducking for cover when necessary.

Progressing through Scorn at a calmer pace allows for more immersion in its cinematic environment, not to mention more safety. Players sprinting around corners can be caught off guard by what awaits them, which can easily lead to wasted ammo and unnecessary damage.

3 Run If Necessary

Scorn Machinery

Enemies in Scorn can be surprising, especially after spending some time working through a puzzle. If put in a tight spot, players should fall back to safety first rather than trying to blast away the enemy. This tactic can keep players alive and help conserve ammo.

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If no ammunition is available, running away at least provides time to swap over to the Melee Prod. Backtracking to a safe area helps prevent enemies from surrounding the player as well. This is another downfall of trying to run through enemies, as they can often sneak hits in along the way.

2 Use Enemy Sounds

Scorn Shotgun

The monsters in Scornmake a lot of noises, either due to constant pain or ceaseless hunger. These noises can be useful to the player, as they give away the location of whatever foe might be gurgling nearby. These creatures have some incredibly freaky designs, so it's nice to have a way to avoid being surprised by them.

The monster sounds can also give the player an idea of how many enemies they're about to deal with, which helps with ammo conservation. While the sounds of grotesque alien amalgamations may seem frightening at first, they are a genuinely useful feature that the game makes frequent use of.

1 Save The Revolving Shotgun

Scorn Revolving Shotgun

The Revolving Shotgun is arguably the coolest-looking weapon in the game, and it's incredibly powerful to back up its wicked design. Players will want to reserve this beastly weapon for the larger foes in Scorn, as it rips through these massive threats in just a few shots.

The base shotgun is fine for regular enemies, so players should avoid busting out the Revolving Shotgun for the smaller abominations. When put face to face with the worst Scorn has to offer, players can rest assured that the Revolving Shotgun will be there to put these terrifying enemies down in just a few shots.

Scorn was released on October 14th, 2022, and is available on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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