Saints Row, began as a way to rival Grand Theft Auto, and it worked reasonably well at the beginning. Then after Saints Row 2  was released is where things started to go a bit wacky, and eventually, Volition found it's own style of game. No longer was Saints Row a rival to GTA.

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However, from all of the four Saints Row titles, what missions are the best? Are they the best because there's tons of bloodshed and gunplay? Or are they the best because they differ from the norm and are more memorable because of that? Well, here is a list of the best missions from the Saints Row series.

10 Saints Row 3: When Good Heists Go Bad

Volition knows how to start a video game, and Saints Row 3 had one of the best open missions of all time. Everyone is wearing a massive hat/helmet of Johnny Gat, and you're about to raid a national bank. Yep, the first mission is attacking a bank and killing everyone inside.

Oh, you also have to take down a helicopter and ride on top of the vault you're stealing while still killing foes. This opening mission holds nothing back. Shooting people, signing autographs, what more do you need? It's one hell of an opening to a video game.

9 Saints Row 3: Party Time

From Saint's Row 3 opening mission, When Good Heists Go Bad, you can generally tell what the rest of the game is going to be like. But did you expect that on the 5th mission Party Time, that you'll be jumping out of a helicopter, listening to Power by Kanye West in the background?

And then begin a slaughter of an entire penthouse full of the Morningstar gang. The mission itself is to kill everybody more or less, but having that song in the background makes it so much more badass.

8 Saints Row 2: Rest In Peace

This mission is very dark, and that's why it's memorable. The day starts miserable and rainy, to match the atmosphere, as the mission begins at a funeral. A rival gang, the Ronin with figurehead Shogo, appears to ambush the player and Johnny Gat. Gat, who is grieving, asks Shogo to leave and promises to fight him another time. But Shogo ignores this and challenges Gat to a fight to the death.

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Waves of Ronin have to be killed before Shogo escapes, and you chase him down on the Kaneda (easter egg of the Akira anime movie) prototype motorcycle. Once caught, Shogo is dragged back to the cemetery and is then buried alive by both the player and by Gat, while Shogo screams for mercy and begs for a more pleasant death.

7 Saints Row 2: ...And A Better Life

This mission ends Saints Row 2, and it couldn't end on a better mission. After all the gangs build up straight from the very start, 3rd Street Saints has now risen to something that can take over the city. Just one thing stands in their way, so of course, that person, a thorn in their side, has to die.

The mission starts with a botched assassination attempt and then rolls into a car chase. Next, the player uses an attack helicopter to destroy power stations to knock out the building's defense system as well as other helicopters trying to stop you. And finally killing the person you need to kill point-blank in their face, as they then fall from the very top of a skyscraper.

6 Saints Row 3: Murderbrawl XXXI

Saints Row 3 is when the series started to become a bit over the top, but that's not a bad thing in its entirety. This mission is set in a wrestling ring arena, where you have to protect Angel, (who is having a match again, Killbane,) from Killbanes Luchadores. When Angel is thrown out of the ring, Luchadores swarm Angel to attack him. So, of course, you then receive a chainsaw and slay everyone in sight.

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Angel is too weak to continue, and the player continues the fight against Killbane. And this fight is amazing, showing off a lot of well-known wrestling moves, as well as quick-time events that actually fit quite well. Players at the end of the battle have a choice to make whether to unmask Killbane or not. It's an enjoyable mission.

5 Saints Row 3: Three way

Throughout the Saints Row titles, you have decisions to make, but all they do is change the next cutscene a bit, nothing overly trivial. But with this mission, it has two very different endings to choose from, which changes the game quite a bit.

You have the option to save Shaundi or kill Killbane, but before that, you fight through critical points in the city, killing everyone in sight before reaching the military base where this troublesome choice is thrust upon you. Whichever choice you make, something happens, and the final mission unlocks, but the decision you make depends on which last mission is played first.

4 Saints Row 2: Kanto Connection

For this mission, you need to kill Jyunichi, (who Ronin gang,) who caused the 3rd Street Saints some mayhem previously. You put down the guns and put a halt on the destruction, which feels strange, as it's 90% of the entire game. But alas, it's only for one mission.

And instead, you bring forth your honor and wield a katana. The player then has to slaughter an entire room of Ronins, all who are also brandishing katanas, and then have a sword fight with Jyunichi. This mission is exceptionally memorable, as it's very different. Nothing like it has happened in Saint's Row before.

3 Saints Row 1: 3rd Street Vice Kings

In this mission, you cause absolute mayhem and problems in the city while dressed up as rival gang the Vice Kings. The cops are on their payroll, so why not break some connections while having some fun.

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Players first need to get two-star notoriety so news vans can record all of the destruction caused. You do this by causing havoc in stores by shooting shopkeepers, damaging state monuments, and using a bulldozer to destroy a city statue. Also, to make things better, the loveable Johnny Gat is at your side, helping you cause all of this carnage.

2 Saints Row 2: Revelations

This is a secret unlockable mission in Saints Row 2, where you have to find hidden audio tape logs. As a plus, if you want to listen to them, they reveal some hidden lore from Saints Row 1, but once again, it's optional.

Upon obtaining the last log, the player will get a phone number who they must call to unlock this mission. Then the action truly begins, defending yourself in a church with help from someone you want to kill. Participate in an explosive getaway, then taking down a helicopter. And finally killing the person you want to die.

This mission has it all, as well as an emotional ending. And the fact of acquiring the log tapes, and unlocking the mission is fantastic in itself.

1 Saints Row 4: The Very Next Day

One of the best missions from Saints Row 4, for two reasons. Johhny Gat and a 2D side-scrolling brawler. That's right; this mission is Saint's Row mixed with Streets of Rage to make "Saints of Rage".

The player finds out the Johhny Gat might still be alive, so they dive right into the virtual world to save him. They are three stages to play through each with a boss, the controls are easy, and you get a blast from nostalgia. And what's even better is that your customized character is represented in pixelated form, which is amazing.

But that's not all. The final part of the mission is using a mech to fight through a ship to reach Johhny. This mission has everything you could want and is easily one of the best.

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