Blathers the owl has a legendary fear of bugs and is one of the most lovable characters in the Animal Crossing franchise. The source for this fear has been revealed to come from a traumatic event from his childhood.

Fans of the Animal Crossing franchise know about the lovable owl Blathers who is the curator for the museum players can add to their town or island who has a well-known fear of bugs. Players can give certain items to add to the museum such as fossils, bugs, and fish that will be displayed in the museum for the player and villagers to visit.

RELATED: Animal Crossing: New Horizons Players Are Frustrated with Blathers and His Museum

Reddit user xXDCTCXx shared an image that is a screenshot from Super Smash Bros. Wii U of the Blathers trophy along with some text that usually accompanies trophies in Super Smash Bros. explaining who Blathers is, what games he had appeared in at the time of the release of SuperSmash Bros. Wii U but also mentioning that his fear of bugs that has "something to do with childhood trauma."

With new Animal Crossing updates bringing Kapp'n into the game, players will be bringing bugs to Blathers more than ever, but the origins of his fear of bugs are not as well known. Comments on the Reddit post bring some insight in a source to his profile on the Animal Crossing Wiki that explains his childhood trauma mentioned in Animal Crossing: Wild World. Apparently, when Blathers was a child, he was sitting at his desk with a mantis egg when it burst open on his desk causing thousands of the bugs to fly out and scare him.

Animal Crossing may not have the deepest lore in comparison to other games like that of a franchise like Star Wars for example, but it does have enough world-building to keep players immersed. This information is not new information about Blathers' character since he mentions a little story about almost every bug that is brought to him. This small phrase from the trophy description does keep with the consistency players already understand.

However, this isn't a new piece of information, and it's not as weird or interesting as fan speculation about the drama between Redd and Tom Nook. That being said it is still a vital part of the lore of Animal Crossing that gives Blathers a lot of character and depth as a member of a town or island population.

MORE: How To Get Blathers In Animal Crossing: New Horizons