Sable is all about exploring the world and making discoveries. The heartfelt story at the center of this adventure only accentuates just how free the player is to travel across the game's vast map. From helping a town with a power crisis to catching insects for local innkeepers, Sable hosts a wide variety of activities to indulge in.

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But, like any good, open-world game,Sable also hides some of its most interesting secrets in hard-to-reach places or behind layers of intrigue. Whether sitting at the top of a stone pillar or locked behind an enigmatic door, these are some of Sable's best-kept secrets.

10 The Eyrie

Sable standing in a courtyard with a gazebo and tall bird roost

One of the more enigmatic locations in Sable, the Eyrie doesn't really come up on the map. Located near the Cartographer's balloon in the Badlands, the Eyrie sits higher than just about any other point in the world. It doesn't play a part in any questline nor does it have a fast travel icon, so it's an easy spot to miss while driving through the Badlands.

While the Eyrie doesn't house any secret quests, the Eyries clothing set can be found stashed away in two separate treasure chests. Additionally, a hunter hiding out in these ruins will sell a rare set of parts that turn Sable's jetbike into an old-fashioned sailboat.

9 The Chum Lair

Sable speaking with antlered worm, who says "Ah, hell, wanderer!"

The Chum Lair is a location best visited as early as possible, but it's easily overlooked while traversing Sable's gorgeous and vibrant open world. Located just to the southwest of Burnt Oak Station, the Chum Lair is easiest to see at night, as the very top will glow and give off a vapor-like effect.

Inside, players can find the Chum Queen, an antlered, worm-like creature who asks Sable to return all of her children that have been lost around the world. In exchange for bringing them back, the Queen rewards Sable with her tears, which provide a permanent boost to Sable's maximum stamina.

8 Historical Reconnection Quest

Sable in an astronaut outfit standing in front of a glowing panel and a blue holographic man

Sable takes place in a post-apocalyptic world not entirely unlike Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding, and as such, players can uncover scraps of information about the history and lore of the world from before that apocalypse.

The most prominent example of this is the Historical Reconnectionquestline, a secret quest that tasks Sable with exploring crashed spaceships to find audio logs from the first people to arrive on the planet. Finding all six of them scattered around the world unlocks a secret room that houses the Whale Ship outfit and jetbike set.

7 An Ancient Race Quest

Sable riding her jetbike through a large, glowing, blue ring in the sand

Early in the game, Sable will be asked to drive a test jetbike through an ancient stone ring that lights up when she passes under the arch. This is Sable's way of introducing another secret questline: "An Ancient Race." There are six total hidden temples that can only be uncovered by driving through nearby rings.

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Inside each temple is a relic known as a Hicaric Ring, which all need to be returned to a place called the Mysterious Shrine in the Badlands, just southwest of the Hercules Beetle Nest. Returning every ring unlocks the Hicaric Ring part set for Sable's jetbike.

6 The Shade of Eccria

Sable in a mask with multiple eyes in front of a tent with an old man in it

When players arrive in the town of Eccria, it can be easy to get caught up in the power outage quest that takes prominence when first arriving. But another quest, The Shade of Eccria, is much easier to miss and is one of the best quests in the entire game.

Players can find the quest by speaking with Maz under the bridge that leads into town. Maz used to be a vigilante known as the Shade, and asks Sable to retrieve the mask to bring the Shade back. After a brief scavenger hunt, Sable dons the mask herself and breaks Maz's son out of prison in a cutscene that would make Batman proud.

5 Getting Inside The Wyrm

Sable in a sandworm mask standing in front of a large, stone sandworm

The Wyrm is a prominent landmark in the world of Sable: a giant, petrified sandworm looming out of the desert and looking out over the dunes. The secret to the Wyrm, though, is that it's not just a decorative piece. If they're daring enough, players can scale the Wyrm's spines to reach its mouth, where they'll find a small camp and a diary.

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By using the bike call, players can open the flap at the back of the Wyrm's throat and reveal a Legend of Zelda-style dungeon inside the living wyrm's digestive system. After braving various puzzles and learning the fate of the previous occupant of the Wyrm's intestines, players can claim the Sandwyrm mask as their reward.

4 The Solar System Model

Sable standing in front of solar system model

Sable is a game devoted to emergent discovery and minimalism, so the amount of deep lore hidden throughout its open world is surprising. The Watch, located in the far Southeast corner of the map, hides a secret integrally tied to this lore.

After solving the Watch's puzzle and unlocking the ruin's secret door, players will discover a planetary model that contains in-depth information on each of the celestial bodies in the game's solar system, including info on the anomaly that surrounds Sable's home planet.

3 The Bridge of Betrayal Riddle

Sable standing in front of open, glowing door that is two halves of a face

The Bridge of Betrayal is another iconic location in Sable that sports two large statues of Eccrine Guards apparently locked in mortal combat. A guard Sable encounters at Burnt Oak Station can be found here, but the true secret lies on the other side of the broken bridge.

A secret door in the shape of a large face is locked behind the riddle "When the swords cross, stand face to face." The key here is to stand on the pedestal directly in front of the door and wait until the shadows of the statues' swords cross each other. Inside, players can find the Monumental Stone bottoms.

2 Searching for Llhor

Person in an astronaut suit sitting across a campfire from a person with multiple masks around their head

In Eccria, players can find an Atomic Priest praying at a shrine over the windchime shop. Speaking with her begins the Searching For Llhor quest, one of the game's most wide-ranging and challenging quests. The initial quest step requires Sable to gather clues at three main camps around the world, but that's the easy part.

From there, players will have to follow the clues to the Sodic Wastes, through the ship graveyard, and follow the aim of several archer statues at various elevations to find the small, inconspicuous cave where Llhor is hiding. For their efforts, players will be rewarded with one of the most emotionally wrenching and existential conversations in gaming. Oh, and they'll also receive an Entertainer's Badge.

1 The Climber's Mask

Person in a lizard mask sitting on a platform overlooking a desert dotted with pools of water

On her journey to find her calling, Sable will acquire different masks associated with each profession. Only one mask is needed to finish the game, but some are easier to find than others. The Climber's Mask is one of the more challenging to complete, as the three badges required to earn it are not easily found around Sable's world.

One can be found by helping the Climber who's stuck at the bottom of Thieving Magpie Well near Eccria, a second can be secured by scaling Kemble's Cube in the Badlands. The third can be retrieved by helping a Climber steal some eggs from a bird's nest in the Sodic Wastes.

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