Rust is one of the oldest multiplayer survival games and has been out for almost ten years. The game would have never reached its level of success without continuous updates and added features. With so many years of updates, it is difficult for a single player to know every hidden aspect of the game. Rust is full of mechanics, making it difficult for players to know them all. Some features can provide an advantage as they possess information others do not.

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In games with high skill ceilings, understanding a game's mechanics will become beneficial as some features can provide an advantage to players. It will be easy to impress others with these clever secrets.

6 Hidden Loot Rooms

rust large box

Getting raided is the worst thing in Rust, especially if all the hard-earned loot is stolen. Players have devised strategies for building bases with secret stashes of loot that can hold up to two large boxes. The hidden mechanic lies in creating a pixel gap between floors that enables players to interact with chests below it.

Hidden loot rooms also provide additional storage to bases and usually go unnoticed as raiders may not take the time to search for them. Rather than improving a building's stability, hiding loot within the foundations of a base may be a good idea.

After getting raided, all chests will be looted except for the hidden ones. With a secret loot cache, this will help players recover much more quickly.

5 Campfire Comfort

rust campfire

Campfires are used to cook food and provide comfort to heal players. Solo players are at a disadvantage as the comfort will not go above 50% and will require another player to go above that. Not many players know the comfort bonus can be gained from players outside a base.

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Door camping in Rust is looked down on but is an effective way of getting the jump on an enemy. To prevent a potential ambush, consider using a campfire that may alert players if there is an enemy door camping. Light a campfire near the exit, and if the comfort goes above 50% there is a player directly outside.

This method will not detect enemies camping from a distance but will work if players are directly outside a base.

4 Beancan Wall Rotate

player holding hammer at wall

Dealing with an enemy within an airlock is a tricky situation. One wrong move, and they will have more access to the base and may even take it over. If the invader has one of the best weapons in Rust, then a confrontation should be off the table. Fortunately, defending a base has many benefits, and the ability to rotate walls will shift the odds.

Beancans will stick to walls when thrown but quickly detonate within a few seconds. To rotate a wall, upgrading it will allow players to rotate it for a short while. Once an enemy is stuck within an airlock, upgrade one of the walls and throw a Beancan at it. Quickly rotate the wall and wait for the explosion.

There is a chance for the Beancan to become a dud, so keep a backup just in case.

3 Random Door Opener

Code lock secure room

There is no worse feeling than logging in to discover a base has been offline raided. Enemies will spy on bases and gauge when their residents have gone offline. After a few minutes of silence, they may pick a base for an easy offline raid.

RELATED: Rust: How To Raid

Building a base is a lot of hard work, and keeping it safe is critical. Players have created circuits using electricity to randomly open and close doors within a base to simulate an active player. Once an enemy hears doors they may move onto another silent base.

2 Loud Jumping

frog boots

Audio is the fastest way to detect if there are enemy players nearby. Specific actions can be heard from a distance, such as harvesting wood or using weapons such as a bow. Sprinting can be heard as far as 50 meters, and it is critical to know when to crouch.

During tense PVP action, reducing unessential audio will help against getting ambushed by other players. While sprinting is somewhat loud, jumping is even louder. Jumping can be heard from a much longer distance than sprinting and can give players away during monument runs.

Jumping should be avoided when enemies are close as the loud audio will give away any player's position.

1 Breaking Road Signs

monument room

Hitting the road is a great way to gather scrap during the early game. Destructible barrels are a great source of scrap and components and will help any player get started. While breaking barrels is common knowledge, not many players know that Road Signs are destructible as well and will provide one road sign and one metal pipe.

Scraping one road sign and one metal pipe will yield ten scrap and three high-quality metal. Using a mace is the fastest way to break a road sign but be sure to have a duo to keep an eye out for other players as breaking roadsigns is loud.

Rust is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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