Surviving in the wild is all about gathering resources and building structures to take shelter within. Players enjoying Rust are likely very familiar with this concept and the best know where to look and what to do to get their base set up as efficiently as possible.

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Players seeking to make some of the highest-tier weapons will likely be on the lookout for High Quality Metal, which is a fairly uncommon resource. There are thankfully a few ways to acquire some, though, whichever is the most efficient depends on a player's current situation.

How To Get High Quality Metal By Mining

icon for high quality metal ord and a screenshot of a metal node stone.

The most basic and straightforward way to gather High Quality Metal is to mine High Quality Metal Ore from a specific kind of stone node and smelt it in a furnace. There are a few types of these boulders to find in the wild, however, they are all different colors, which lets players determine what kind of resource they can drop easily enough.

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High Quality Metal Ore (as well as regular Metal Ore) can be obtained by destroying metal stone nodes, which are reddish-brown in coloration with some specks of bluish-grey. Players should keep in mind that the drop ratio is heavily favored toward regular Metal Ore, so it can take a while to get High Quality Metal Ore from this method.

Those seeking areas with more natural sources of High Quality Metal Ore should head to an Arctic region, as they possess more metallic goods than Arid regions. Setting up a Quarry can be the optimal method of harvesting High Quality Metal Ore from the frigid landscape, though requires quite a lot of time and resources to be created.

How To Get High Quality Metal From Loot Crates

the two shapes of wooden loot crates in the game, one cube and one rectangular.

While relying on Loot Crate spawns for resources is not ideal, as they are uncommon and only occur in certain areas, they can still be worth finding and opening for a chance at some decent goods. High Quality Metal can be found in 2 types of Loot Crates, though these kinds are less common than many other Loot Crate variants.

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Military Loot Crate

  • Contains high quality resources as well as items and only spawns at Monuments

Elite Loot Crate

  • Contains a large amount of the highest quality resources as well as items and only spawns within the Rocket Launch Site and inside the Military Tunnels

How To Get High Quality Metal With A Recycler

recycler set up inside.

Players hanging out near Monuments, particularly Warehouses and Super Markets, can take advantage of a way to obtain High Quality Metal from components and items with the help of Recyclers. These yellow and green machines cannot be built by players and must be found to be used.

What item the player inserts into a Recycler will determine the resources it spits out, however, keep in mind that the durability matters quite a lot and more resources will be given if players insert components and items that have more durability remaining.

Items That Drop The Most High Quality Metal When Recycled (100% Durability)

  • Auto Turret - 20 High Quality Metal
  • Metal Chest Plate - 13 High Quality Metal
  • Custom SMG - 10 High Quality Metal

NEXT: Rust: All Military Grade Weapons, Ranked