When it comes to hardcore survival shooters, they don't come much more gritty than Rust. A game with a reputation for punishing new players and being only slightly more forgiving to veterans, Rust expects players to take every opportunity to loot and kill if they want to survive.

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In a game where every little edge can make the difference, many players will find themselves turning to console commands to try to squeeze the most out of their framerates and otherwise tweak the experience to their liking. Rust takes its multiplayer experience seriously, so there are no cheats to be found amongst the console commands, just some useful quality-of-life tricks. Here's everything there is to know about console commands in the game.

How To Access The Console

Players dressed in post apocalyptic gear made out of scrap rush past a boulder in the survival game Rust

To access the console, all the player needs to do is tap "F1." A window will then open, allowing the player to type inputs. Using the console is simple, and the only thing players are likely to get hung up on is what to do with commands containing "true/false" statements. Fortunately, all the player needs to do is type either "true" or "false," making this one part of Rust that's beginners won't need a guide to survive.

List Of Commands

Rust storage room

Some commands are only available to admins and mods (such as teleport), while others are available to all players. Fortunately for console players looking to dive into their settings,some features are alternatively accessible through the options menu.

  • censor.nudity “true/false” (Toggles on/off nudity censorship)
  • gfx.bloom “true/false” (Toggles on/off visual bloom)
  • gfx.damage “true/false” (Toggle on/off damage indicators)
  • gfx.grain “true/false” (Toggle on/off radiation grain visual effect)
  • gfx.shafts “true/false” (Toggles on/off shafts of sunlight)
  • gfx.ssaa “true/false” (Toggles on/off screen space anti-aliasing)
  • gfx.ssao “true/false” (Toggle on/off screen space ambient occlusion)
  • gfx.tonemap “true/false” (Toggle on/off high dynamic range visual effect)
  • grass.displacement “true/false” (Toggle on/off grass displacement)
  • grass.disp_trail_seconds “1-???” (Sets how long footsteps are visible in the grass)
  • grass.forceredraw “true/false” (Enable/Disable grass redraw after displacement)
  • grass.on “true/false” (Toggles on/off grass)
  • grass.shadowcast “true/false” (Toggle on/off casted shadows on objects)grass.shadowreceive “true/false” (Toggle on/off casted shadows on the ground)

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  • gui.hide (Turns off the user interface)
  • gui.hide_branding (Turns off the branding UI in top-right corner)
  • gui.show (Turns on the user interface)
  • gui.show_branding (Turns on the branding UI in top-right corner)
  • net.connect “Server IP” / client.connect ip:port (Connect to a direct server IP)
  • net.disconnect (Disconnects from the server)
  • net.reconnect (Reconnects to the last server the player was on)
  • quit (Quits the game)
  • suicide (Kills the player's character and allows them to respawn)
  • terrain.idleinterval “0-100” (Sets how often to draw unseen terrain; setting to 0 will disable)

Most Useful Commands

Rust - A Console Command Showing FPS

Though there are plenty of console commands, only a few will be useful to most players. Here are some to keep an eye on as they work on building their base, setting the best traps, and hunting other players.

perf 1 allows the player to see how much strain their computer is under while playing the game by displaying the FPS. perf 2 shows both FPS and RAM, giving the player even more information to help them tweak their settings.

fps.limit-1 lets the player change the game's FPS directly in case the game is too sluggish. The default value is -1, but the player can change it.

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kill and suicide are interchangeable commands that perform the same action: kill the player's character, allowing them to respawn. If the character is stuck in a hopeless situation or helplessly glitched, this command can be the easiest solution to get back in the game, which can be a blessing in a brutal survival game like this one. There is a 60-second cooldown when using this command.

streamermode 1 turns on streamer mode, randomizing or hiding names in order to help prevent stream sniping. It's not a perfect fix, but it should deter most stream snipers and appease those that don't wish their gameplay to be filmed. streamermode 0 turns this feature back off.

These commands might not help the player find scrap or keep them alive in PvP, but at least they can make the game a little smoother.

Rust is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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