Rust is one of the best survival games on the market in 2021. With more concurrent players than ever, there is a large portion of the community with little to no experience playing the game. In order to survive, players will need to protect themselves from animals and other survivors. In total, there are 40 different weapons in Rust. However, players are only able to craft a portion of those weapons.

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When deciding which weapons to craft, players need to first assess their gameplay style. Raiders will need weapons that can dominate at point-blank ranges. Passive and casual players will need more adaptable weapons that can be used in a wide range of scenarios. What are the best weapons players are able to craft, and the exact materials needed to create them?

Updated on August 17, 2022 by Daniel Dilena: One aspect that makes Rust stand out from other survival games is that players must learn to adapt if they want to survive a day in the wilderness, from dangerous radiation to psychotic outlaws. But, the real danger comes from rival players hunting for fresh blood. And while there are different ways players can protect themselves, like defensive buildings and traps, weapons remain the most effective method of fending off rival players or outlaws.

And while there's no definitive answer to the question, "what is the best gun in Rust?" there are still weapons that can be dubbed "best weapon in Rust." That's why we have expanded this list to include several other weapons all Rust players should have in their arsenal.

17 Waterpipe Shotgun

Waterpipe Shotgun from Rust

Even though the Waterpipe Shotgun is a simple-looking weapon, it can pack a punch with the right ammo type. But, even if a player doesn't have access to Gauge Slug or Buckshot ammuntion, the Waterpipe Shotgun can dish out massive damage to other rival players.

Its Head Damage is 210 and Chest Damage 180, making it a deadlier close-range weapon. The biggest issue with the Waterpipe Shotgun is its loud blast which means it's not the ideal weapon to use during a stealthy base raid. Additionally, it has strong recoil meaning it's not one of the best guns in Rust for console players.

  • 100 Wood
  • 75 Metal Fragments

16 Crossbow

Player using the Crossbow in Rust

At the start of a Rust playthrough, gathering enough material to craft certain weapons can take a long time, especially when most of the good loot is hidden within Monuments. That's why the Crossbow is a good early weapon to craft and use since the materials needed to craft it are easy to find. Moreover, crafting arrows is more accessible than bullets since it only requires 25 Wood and 10 Stones.

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Aside from being silent when used, the Crossbow also deals Bleed Damage (24 DPS for headshots or 12 DPS for chest shots) to rival players. The only downside of this weapon is that it has a slow reload speed, so players should have a secondary weapon ready.

  • 200 Wood
  • 75 Metal Fragments
  • 2 Rope

15 M249

Player using the M249 Rust

Players that want to dominate the PvP playing field will want to use the M249 weapon. This weapon is among the best guns in Rust since it can quickly demolish any player-made wall. On top of that, its magazine can hold 100 bullets, so players won't need to reload often.

And while players can't craft this weapon (players can find it at an Attack Helicopter crash site), they can craft mods for it to increase its firing capabilities. Players should consider using the Holosight and Muzzle Brake mods as they are the best for this weapon.

  • Found at an Attack Helicopter Crash Site

14 Eoka Pistol

Player destroying a stone wall with an Eoka Pistol from Rust

One of the strangest weapons in Rust is the Eoka Pistol since it's essentially a stick with a barrel on it. But, instead of firing normal bullets, the Eoka Pistol uses Shotgun ammunition like Handmade Shells, Gauge Buckshot, or Gauge Slugs. The Eoka Pistol can one-shot an armored player if it's a direct headshot.

The biggest flaw of this weapon is it sometimes doesn't fire and requires numerous attempts before it fires. Players can use this weapon to surprise unsuspecting rival players since it's small and quick to pull out.

  • 75 Wood
  • 30 Metal Fragments

13 Nail Gun

Nail Gun Rust

It may not be the most powerful or efficient gun in Rust, but the Nail Gun will be viable in early wipe PVP scenarios. The gun can kill enemies with one clip, as long as survivors hit the majority of their shots.

The primary reason the weapon made the cut for this article is the ratio of damage to cost. The Nail Gun does 18 damage to the chest and 36 to the head, and it can be crafted with just metal fragments and scrap. Recoil and hip fire are the main downsides to wielding the gun. Here are the items needed to craft this weapon:

  • 15 Scrap
  • 75 Metal Fragments

12 Revolver

Rust - Revolver

Most Rust players will craft the Revolver as their first real weapon. The gun's low damage is offset by modest recoil, but it still does not down enemies quick enough. The revolver is a reliable gun early in the game, but nothing more.

Rust players can craft the gun with the following materials:

  • 1 Metal Pipe
  • 25 Cloth
  • 125 Metal Fragments

11 Rocket Launcher

Rust Rocket launcher

The Rocket Launcher is a key asset in early game raids and PVP. The base rocket will take down a standard wooden wall with just two shots. Doors and hatches can be destroyed with just one rocket. It will also kill any player with a direct impact, while close-range splash damage will usually take out armored enemies without the need to load another rocket into the weapon.

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Players will not have to gather very many materials to craft the base destroyer, making it one of the most cost-effective weapons in the game. The Rocket Launcher can be crafted using the upcoming items:

  • 2 Metal Pipe
  • 150 Gun Powder
  • 10 Explosives

10 Double Barrel Shotgun

Rust Double Barrel Shotgun

Despite being two water pipes tied together, the Double Barrel Shotgun is not the worst gun players can craft. With 180 damage and two shells, gamers can deal a lot of damage at point-blank range.

Beginners can have a lot of fun and success with the gun, but its lack of range and slow reload time make it borderline viable. Players will need to collect the following items to craft the shotgun:

  • 175 Metal Fragments
  • 2 Metal Pipe

9 Semi-Auto Pistol

Rust Semi Auto Pistol

The P2 or Semi-Auto Pistol is an upgraded version of the revolver. It has slightly better stats in all categories but still has a low damage profile. To be viable, players need to hit almost every shot with the weapon.

The P2 is a cheap secondary for players that do not have the materials for better weapons. Players need to collect these materials to craft the Semi-Auto Pistol:

  • 3 Metal Pipes
  • 1 Metal Spring
  • 10 High Quality Metal

8 Bolt Action Rifle

Bolt_Action_Rifle Rust

The Bolty deals 80 damage and has decent bullet velocity for a Rust weapon. It will likely be the first sniper rifle people get to use in Rust. At longer ranges, the gun will have noticeable bullet drop, so getting a feel for how to use the rifle at range is a must.

Related: Rust: Mistakes New Players Make (& How To Avoid Them)

The L96 is better, but the Bolt Action Rifle is certainly good enough to be viable in long-range gunfights. Crafting the rifle requires the following items:

  • 30 High Quality Metal
  • 1 Rifle Body
  • 5 Metal Pipe
  • 2 Metal Spring

7 Python Revolver

Rust - Python Revolver

The Python Revolver is one of the best pistols to use in Rust because it has a high fire rate coupled with 55 damage. At close range, the Revolver can dominate enemies. However, once players have to fight at medium range, the pistol will not be as useful.

The Python can be crafted with:

  • 3 Metal Pipes
  • 10 High Quality Metal
  • 1 Metal Spring

6 Custom SMG

Rust Custom SMG

The first SMG players can craft has a fast fire rate and modest damage. Players can take down enemies quickly if they can connect their shots. However, the weapon’s damage drops off around fifty meters, and can only be used up close. The custom SMG is viable, but only early in the game because of its short range and recoil.

To craft the weapon, players need:

  • 1 SMG Body
  • 1 Metal Spring
  • 8 High Quality Metal

5 Pump Shotgun


With 210 damage and 45 range, the Pump Shotgun is the best shotgun that players can craft in Rust. The Pump Shotgun has higher damage, range, and ammo capacity than the Double Barrel Shotgun.

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Like all shotguns, the weapon can only be used at 20 or so meters effectively, but it is certainly a top-tier shotgun. Players will need the following materials to craft the weapon:

  • 2 Metal Pipe
  • 15 High Quality Metal
  • 1 Metal Spring

4 Thompson

Rust Thompson

The Thompson edges out the custom SMG in essentially every category, except for fire rate. The SMG has a decent fire rate, 38 damage, and a range of 90 meters. Players will have no issues using the weapon at close to medium range, and it is relatively easy to craft.

The following items are needed to craft the Thompson:

  • 10 High Quality Metal
  • 100 Wood
  • 1 SMG Body
  • 1 Metal Spring

3 Semi-Automatic Rifle

Rust Semi Automatic Rifle

Rust players rarely encounter a Semi-Automatic Rifle (SAR) and live to tell the tale. The weapon may be the most useful and versatile weapon in the game. While the SAR may have low damage, it has a controllable recoil at extended ranges. It is difficult to counter a SAR at range without sufficient cover.

Players need to reach Workbench Level two to craft the weapon, and they will need the following items:

  • 1 Metal Spring
  • 4 High Quality Metal
  • 1 Semi Automatic Body
  • 450 Metal Fragments

2 MP5A4

Rust MP5

While the MP5 may do less damage than the Thompson and have a shorter range, the weapon has vastly improved recoil control and a faster fire rate. It is no surprise that the MP5 is the best SMG in Rust and one of the top-tier close-range weapons to use in the game.

The Mp5 is the only weapon in Rust classified as "military grade" that players are able to craft. Gamers will also have to be a Workbench Level 3 to craft the dominant gun. Below are all the items needed to craft the MP5:

  • 15 High Quality Metal
  • 2 Metal Spring
  • 1 SMG Body

1 Assault Rifle

Rust Assault Rifle

The Assault Rifle or AK has more damage than the LR, but with a little more recoil. At medium range, the AK will kill enemies faster than any other assault rifle in the game. Players that can manage its more difficult recoil will melt enemies with the AK.

Rust players can craft the Assault Rifle with the following items:

  • 50 High Quality Metal
  • 1 Rifle Body
  • 4 Metal Spring
  • 200 Wood

Rust is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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