The fifth title in the Rune Factory series, Rune Factory 5, is releasing in a couple of weeks. On social media, both Marvelous Games and XSeed Games have been sharing more details about the title. This includes character videos, story trailers, and new Rune Factory 5 features that both long-time fans and new players will likely enjoy. Recently, new footage has appeared online showcasing that the farming RPG will let players spend more quality time with their chosen significant others in-game through a variety of different activities.

Though this is not the first title in the series to make it to the Nintendo Switch, Rune Factory 5 was the first produced and optimized for the platform. The release of Rune Factory 4 Special on the Switch allowed for some gameplay improvements and additional scenarios, especially for its marriage candidates. However, RF5 will likely offer players much more than simple farming and dungeon crawling that the series is known for, given just how long the video game has been in development.

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According to official XSeed Games Twitter posts, Rune Factory 5 protagonists and the marriage candidates will actually be able to participate in special activities together like never been done before in any Rune Factory title. This includes cooking together, fishing, and even smith weapons at the blacksmith. One Twitter post indicated that players can actually cook together with any of the residents in Rigbarth, the game's native setting, so this activity may not be only limited to marriage candidates.

However, the other social media posts also shared specific activities like fishing and weaponsmithing. Since there are certain Rune Factory 5 characters who specialize in those activities, they are the ones featured in the short videos. However, it is possible that the game will allow the protagonist to also invite the other villagers to fish or smith with them. The social media posts also do not indicate if working with a friend will help make better weapons or catch better fish. Fans will have to actually experience them within the game to find out if there will be any advantages.

Now that the release date of Rune Factory 5 is coming closer, fans are likely very excited to discover all the new features of the video game. Hopefully the development will not stop production there, and share a roadmap for content in the future. Players will likely be interested in DLCs and skins, especially those that are inspired by older Rune Factory titles.

Rune Factory 5 will launch March 22, 2022, on the Nintendo Switch.

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