Monsters make up a huge part of the fun in Rune Factory 5, the latest iteration of the Rune Factory franchise that sees the protagonist navigating a magical town called Rigbarth. After the opening, which sees a young hero with amnesia dropped via a portal at Rigbarth and taken on as a SEED ranger, the player can tend to crops, fight monsters, help fellow villagers, tame monsters, and get into relationships. Over and above fighting monsters and growing crops, the protagonist can also tame monsters to help them advance through the game thanks to their fighting skills and what they can produce.

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Monsters will provide them with the things they need like fur, eggs, thread, and sticks, to create the tools and recipes they need throughout the game, so it is integral that they have a selection of carefully-picked tamed monsters. Some monsters, like certain Boss monsters, are unfortunately untamable, but for the most part, players can easily tame most monsters. Before going about taming monsters players will need to ensure they have a barn and farm area to contain the monsters, after which monsters can be found and tamed via specific gifts or items. Here are the ten best monsters players should tame in Rune Factory 5.

10 Wooly

Rune Factory 5 Monster Wooly

One of the easiest monsters to tame, and one of the first players will encounter, the Wooly is an excellent monster to start a collection of creatures. Apart from the fact that they look adorable, the Wooly is actually a hardy monster that can be a helpful addition to a player's team.

Woolies can be found in the Phoros Woodlands and produce fur of increasing quality for crafting, and, luckily, they are very easy to tame.

9 Silver Wolf

Rune Factory 5 Monster Silver Wolf

Located in Lake Yumina and Gadeus Grasslands, the Silver Wolf is one of the more difficult monsters to tame due to its speed. However, once players have tamed a Silver Wolf they will not only have a powerful ally but a consistent supply of wolf fangs that are important for a variety of recipes.


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Silver Wolves are also a great choice for taming because you can ride them into battle!

8 Cluckadoodle

Rune Factory 5 Monster Cluckadoodle

The Cluckadoodle is basically exactly what it sounds like; a chicken. This giant chicken monster can be located in the Phoros Woodlands, and they’re extremely easy to tame due to their gentle nature.

Once players have tamed a Cluckadoodle the large chickens will produce daily egg drops which players can then sell for money or use in their cooking to improve their recipes.

7 Siren

Rune Factory 5 Monster Siren

Found in the Lake Yumina Region near the Northern Frozen Waterfall, the Siren is the only monster on this list that doesn’t produce anything. However, the unassuming monster has been highly rated by the Reddit community as one of the most formidable allies to have during a fight.

Despite her highly-acclaimed fighting skills, she actually isn't an extremely hard monster to tame.

6 Hornet

Rune Factory 5 Monster Hornet

The Hornet is the monster that will probably make players of Rune Factory 5 the most money. Hornets, which can be found in the Kelve Volcanic Region, produce daily honey drops which players can then sell for a high price. You might be confused as to why a hornet makes so much honey, but just roll with it.


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They do sting their enemies in a fight, so they are helpful in that regard, but their biggest drawing factor is definitely their honey.

5 The Spider

The player standing in the barn with two monster Spiders behind him in Rune Factory 5

Since players will be needing thread for many of your crafting recipes, it's a great idea to get a thread supply early on. And the Spider, despite its threatening presence, is a helpful monster to tame for this need as they produce daily drops of Spider’s thread.

Spiders can be found in the Kelve Volcanic Region and Forest of No Return where they can be tamed with a bit of effort. As a bonus, Spiders are also great to have in a fight.

4 Buffamoo

Rune Factory 5 Monster Buffamoo

The self-explanatory Buffamoo (it's a buffalo/cow hybrid) is one of the first monsters players will encounter in the Phoros Woodlands early on in the game, making it a great starter monster that is easy to tame.

Not only does the Buffamoo produce milk, which is used for cooking, but it can also be ridden by a player and their friend.

3 Flower Lion

Rune Factory 5 Monster Flower Lion

Players will need tools to advance in Rune Factory 5, and for tools, they will need Sticks and Stems. The Flower Lion is one of the most useful monsters to tame thanks to its daily plant stem drops that help players in a variety of recipes.

The Flower Lion can be found in the Phoros Woodlands and Keve Volcanic Region - but don’t be fooled by their pretty blooms, these seemingly harmless flower monsters are actually pretty dangerous and an excellent ally to have.

2 Nine-Tail Fox (Kyubi)

Rune Factory 5 Boss Monster Nine Tailed Fox

The Nine-Tail Fox is the only Boss monster on this list for good reason: it’s powerful, but still relatively easy to tame compared to other Boss monsters. Players can find the Nine-tail Fox (also known as Kyubi) in the Whispering Woods where they can tame it with Nine-Tailed Fox Bells.

The strong monster produces Nine-Tailed Fox Bells and Fur (M), and players of the game have pointed out that it is one of the best monsters to have by their side during any form of combat. Bonus? You can also ride it.

1 Big Muck

Rune Factory 5 Monster Big Muck

Big Muck can be found in both the Phoros Woodlands and Forest of No Return. The giant mushroom monster produces spores that can be used in various chemistry and cooking recipes.

Although they are relatively easy to tame and look as harmless as real-life mushrooms, players should definitely be aware of their poisonous powder which can cause some damage.


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Rune Factory 5 is available now for Nintendo Switch.