Rune Factory 5 is a lot of things. It's a dungeon-crawling RPG, a relaxing life sim, and, most relevantly here, it's a warm-hearted dating game.

Fitting its legacy as a Harvest Moon spinoff, the Rune Factory games have always had multiple marriage candidates. Players choose who to romance while interacting with them each day.

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The latest entry, Rune Factory 5, pushes this aspect. Not only are there twelve romance-able bachelors and bachelorettes, but Rune Factory 5 lets players marry characters regardless of gender. With the number of characters on offer, it's good to know who they are ahead of time.

Rune Factory 5 Priscilla


The primary Heroine of the game, Priscilla is Rune Factory 5's shirking violet. While inside the walls of the town of Rigbarth, she's called "a sweet ray of sunshine." Perpetually cheerful, if not a bit clumsy, she works at the Rigbarth Outpost and is often seen helping the town prepare for Rune Factory 5's events and festivals.

She's not content, however. Past trauma has left her afraid of stepping foot outside the town's borders, and she desperately wants to become braver. Her favorite foods are chocolate dishes.

Rune Factory 5 Scarlett


Scarlett is a formal, if not a bit rigid, half-elf SEED ranger on assignment in Rigbarth. She's not initially present at the very start of the game but soon moves into the Rigbarth Outpost.

Scarlett is one of the more assertive heroines, however, she's a bit awkward when it comes to social interaction. It'll take some effort to get her to open up, but always has time for tempura dishes.

Rune Factory 5 Lucy


Lucy is Priscilla's childhood friend, there to cheer her up when her fears get the best of her. She's a sporty girl who regularly has competition on her mind.

When she's not working, the player can often find her fishing. She loves seafood dishes like Tuna and Salmon Onigiri.

Rune Factory 5 Fuuka


Fuuka is one of Rigbarth's newer residents. She's a were-animal wanderer who's still wrapping her head around the local tongue.

She's had a bit of a rough and tumble life, but it hasn't left her jaded. Despite her naivety, she's good at reading others' intentions.

Like Lucy, she's fond of fish, with her favorites being Golden Octopus and Golden Salmon. She works in Rigbarth's restaurant.

Rune Factory 5 Ludmila


Ludmila is a succubus with a conflicted nature. She falls in love easily, and is infatuated with the protagonist at first glance, but fears her succubus nature hurting others and thus keeps her distance.

She's the last of the heroines to be introduced. She runs Rigbarth's flower stand and can easily be wooed with emery flowers.

Rune Factory 5 Beatrice


Beatrice is an outsider: a high-class noblewoman visiting the rural town of Rigbarth for secretive reasons. She's well versed in the fine arts, such as musicianship, but less well versed in day-to-day common sense, a bit bewildered by commoner life.

While she's used to expensive tastes, the player doesn't have to break the bank to impress her. She's fond of strawberries and fruit-based dishes.

RUne Factory 5 Martin


Martin is a man whose deadpan demeanor hides a fiery passion for blacksmithing, to the point that, according to the game, "he secretly names his tools." He takes it upon himself to teach the player Rune Factory 5's forging system during the game's tutorial.

The player will regularly visit his workshop during their playthrough, so there are plenty of chances to build rapport. He's always appreciative of new metals, whether simple scrap or rare orichalcum.

Rune Factory 5 Reinhard


Reinhard is a decorated knight and Beatrice's loyal bodyguard. He's renowned for his sense of justice and duty, and can hold his own in a fight, making him a good partner for Rune Factory 5's dungeon crawling.

Like Beatrice, he comes from a high class background, but his pallette is anything but snooty. He'll enjoy any meal, with his favorite being simple toast. He'll even stomach Failed Dishes, the items players get for botching a cooking recipe.

Rune Factory 5 Cecil


Cecil is Martin's little brother. When not working at the general store, he's working to become a great detective, treating anything and everything like a potential case. His long-term goal is to find his and Martin's missing parents.

He has a bit of a complex about his short height, possibly caused by his dislike of dairy. That being said, any bad mood can be smoothed over with a fruit sandwich.

Rune Factory 5 Murakumo


Murakumo is a were-animal and Rigbarth's local inn-owner. He's generous to a fault, and his establishment tends to barely get by. The player's arrival will help with that, though. They'll be frequently visiting the inn to refill their HP and RP.

For players who want to romance him, there's good news and bad news. The bad news is that his absolute favorite items, like the power glove, won't be available for the starting half of the game. The good news is that he'll still be happy with regular gifts of dumplings and meat dishes.

Rune Factory 5 Lucas


Lucas is an avid learner, knowledgeable about a wide spread of subjects and "can judge the worth of any gemstone without fail." The subject he's most interested in is his own past. Like the protagonist, Lucas has amnesia.

When he's not performing inexplicable magic, players will find him wandering about the Great Tree Plaza or the Crystalabra. It's easy to get his attention with Udon dishes.

Rune Factory 5 Ryker


Ryker is a bit of a mysterious night owl. During the day, he's a sleepy and somewhat lazy carpentry apprentice in Studio Palmo. Players will meet him frequently while getting supplies for Rune Factory 5's crafting system.

At night, he's more energetic. The player catches glimpses of him running off to places unknown. That being said, he's always willing to stop for yams and croquettes.

Rune Factory 5 is available now for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: How to Get Married in Rune Factory 4