Jeff Grubb, a well-known games insider, has updated fans on when Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's release could be expected. While fans of the Dragon Age franchise are patient and keep reiterating to the developers they're happy to wait as long as it takes to deliver a great game, they're still starved for crumbs of information.The process to finish Dragon Age: Dreadwolf has not been smooth. BioWare had a high number of turnarounds in the development team with some notable veterans leaving the project, not to mention the project being restarted completely after the initial concept was scrapped. In March, Mark Darrah returned to work on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf as a consultant after leaving his position as executive producer and project director in 2020. It was also reported that BioWare even recruited part of the Mass Effect 4 developer team to help finish the game. Fans have had small hints and teases of what they can expect in scale and the visual world in the form of concept art and later on, they could get a glimpse of the class and skill tree system. Since then there has been practically no official communication from BioWare and the fans have been eager to know more.RELATED: Two of EA's Biggest Upcoming Games Won't Release for a WhileOne of these eager fans replied to one of Jeff Grubb's Twitter posts, practically begging him to clarify if Dragon Age: Dreadwolf will be announced this summer. At first, Grubb was more tight-lipped, only saying he's not expecting the game this summer. A small conversation between two fans ensued under that reply, questioning how reliable the information Grubb provides truly is. In the end, one of them speculated that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf could be looking at summer 2024. At which point Jeff Grubb once again responded, confirming that the game is currently targeting a release for summer 2024.

Delays can always happen, even with BioWare's all-hands-on-deck approach, and Grubb usually is careful with people taking everything he says at face value. However, it still gives fans a more concrete timeframe to look forward to. Grubb also clarified regarding his earlier statements about Dragon Age: Dreadwolf releasing in the fall of 2023 that scenario was always "at the earliest." Fans have reacted with a mixed response. While there are those who are too afraid to believe there is an end date in sight for fear of disappointment, it did provide relief to most.

While fans could already read Dragon Age: Missing, a comic series which is the direct prequel to Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, fans are also hoping the promotion will soon kick into gear as well. Whether a Dragon Age: Dreadwolf trailer with gameplay footage will arrive in the coming months to keep fans appeased is debatable, but BioWare does need to make a move to quell the rising frustration in gamers.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is in development.

MORE: The Missing Comic is Required Reading Before Dragon Age: Dreadwolf