It's one day until BlizzCon 2019, and while many of Blizzard's games seem to have early leaked details Diablo 4 has remained surprisingly well-secreted. Leaks regarding Diablo 4's existence have certainly gone around, as both an official Diablo Instagram post and advertisements for The Art of Diablo book reference the game by name. However, details about Diablo 4's gameplay and what fans can expect from the sequel are rare. The latest Diablo 4 leak changes that.

A post on Reddit stemming from an account associated with leaks for Persona 5S, Ghost Recon Breakpoint, and Pokemon Sword and Shield offered up new Diablo 4 gameplay details. The poster starts off by saying that Diablo 4 is going to be stylistically inspired by the first two Diablo games and will look "dark, gritty, and gross." Locations will include plagued cities, rotten crypts, marshes and bogs, and greyish deserts. The poster says that Diablo 4 is a wink to Diablo 2 fans.

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But the post also hints at how Diablo 4 will be evolving the franchise, too. Specifically, they there are two new mechanic features. Players will be able to ride horses, and perhaps even other mounts in the game. Players will also have more environmental iteration, like climbing a wall. From here the poster gets a little ambiguous, noting that environments in Diablo 4 are "seemingly much bigger" than in the past. And then they drop a hint, saying that Diablo 4's world could even be "open."

The post also claims to confirm several of Diablo 4's initial classes. They will include the Mage, a change from classic Diablo's Sorcer and Sorceress and Diablo 3's Wizard, the Barbarian, introduced in Diablo 2, and the Druid, a throwback to Diablo 2's Lord of Destruction expansion. The Mage will apparently use fire, ice, and lightning, much like past magic-using classes. The Barbarian will again use swords, clubs, axes, and "kicks." The Druid will transform into beasts, like a bear and a werewolf, and can use wind and lightning.

diablo 2 art

The leaker also adds a few other details, like that Diablo 4 will use 4-player co-op. There's also a chance that PvP will be available from the start of the game. They also mention that Lilith is the "new diablo" much as the leaked artbook advertisement hinted at. There are also some arbitrary details like how blood looks less like splashed jam. They wrap up their thoughts by saying that they weren't able to confirm the game's release date.

Keep in mind that these details are all unconfirmed, though the leaker has a history of accurate leaks. Until Blizzard officially announces Diablo 4, likely tomorrow at BlizzCon 2019, take all these leaked details with a grain of salt. That said, an open-world Diablo 4 with Diablo 2's sensibilities does sound very exciting.

Diablo 4 is as-yet-unannounced and has no confirmed platforms.

MORE: How Diablo 4 Could Learn From Diablo 3

Source: Reddit