The gaming community has seen an ever-increasing rise in Battle Royale games in the past few years. And while some of them have fizzled down and lost popularity (like Spellbreak from Proletariat), others have continued to be the go-to Battle Royale, like Call of Duty: Warzone, Apex Legends, and Fortnite. But, of all the Battle Royale games, Fortnite remains the most popular due to the constant stream of content and collaborations.

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Epic Games has prepared another Battle Royale game that will stand out among the rest: Rumbleverse. In this Battle Royale, players must use wrestling-themed weapons and epic wrestling moves if they want a shot at winning the match. And within each match, players can earn special Perks by gaining Combat Experience, and once players have enough, they'll receive a random Perk. But, with 15 different Perks, players will want to know which ones are the best.

7 Runner

Runner Perk Rumbleverse
  • Dashing Costs 40% Less Stamina

In Battle Royale games like PUBG, slow-paced gameplay is what will score a win for a player, but in games like Call of Duty: Warzone or Apex Legends, movement reigns king. And in Rumbleverse, constant movements are needed to avoid being body slammed by another player.

That's why the Runner Perk is among the ones to get, as it'll increase Dash Speed by 40%. With that extra Dash Speed, players can quickly escape dangerous encounters. On top of that, players will gain even more Dash Speed once they fill up their Superstar Meter as it increases Health Regeneration and Speed.

6 Nimble

Nimble Rumbleverse
  • Dodging Costs 50% Less Stamina

In some games like Super Smash Bros. or MultiVersus, dodging is essential if a player wants to avoid basic or charged attacks. And in Rumbleverse, dodging is as important as movement speed, especially since some attacks can instantly K.O. a player.

Players fortunate to obtain the Nimble Perk will be able to Dodge and only spend half the energy (similar to Garnet's Speed Force Assist Perk). That extra bit of energy can help a player in a pinch as it'll allow them to escape or counter a special move.

5 Weapon Master

Weapon Master Rumbleverse
  • Weapon Attacks Deal 30% More Damage

Even though the primary method of eliminating another player is through special moves and Superstar attacks, certain weapons in Rumbleverse can secure a win in a fight like the Stop Sign or Red Folding Chair. But, players that want to take full advantage of weapons they find will want to have the Weapon Master Perk.

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This Perk increases Weapon damage by 30%, a significant increase that can turn the tide in any fight. But, players should remember that all weapons have durability and will break after a number of hits.

4 Rabbit Foot

Rabbit Foot Rumbleverse
  • Long Jump Costs 40% Less Stamina

As new players will notice, jumping is the primary way of moving around the city. But with each jump, players waste energy, and without any energy, players will not be able to dash or dodge. The Rabbit Foot Perk helps players manage their energy better since it reduces jump energy consumption by 40%.

But, of course, players will still need to manage their energy consumption and time their jumps well. Moreover, players will need to be careful how far they jump as it can lead to their doom (something new players to Fall Guys must quickly learn). And if a player does accidentally jump too high, they can quickly try to grab onto a nearby building to break the fall.

3 Satisfaction

Satisfaction Rumbleverse
  • Score an Elimination to Gain Energized and Healing

In Rumbleverse, scoring an elimination is immensely satisfying, especially if a player uses a Superstar move to finish the rival player. But, since every player has high health pools and armor, fighting takes more than just a couple of hits. So as players can imagine, by the end of a brawl, their vitals will be quite low unless they have the Satisfaction Perk.

This Perk will heal and energize the player after every elimination, which is especially helpful when fighting multiple brawlers. And if players also have the Meditative Perk, they'll further increase their healing.

2 Temper

Temper Rumbleverse
  • Temporarily Deal 20% More Damage After Taking Damage

Some Battle Royale maps, like Call of Duty: Warzone's Fortune's Keep, favor aggressive playstyles and punishes players that play more passively, and the map layout in Rumbleverse is no different. Players who want to score a win under their belt will need to actively look for fights to eliminate the competition early on in a match.

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The Temper Perk rewards aggressive playstyles since it'll give players a 20% damage increase for a few seconds whenever they take damage. And the damage doesn't have to come from another player, so players with this Perk can use their environment to help them activate the damage buff.

1 Meditative

Meditative Rumbleverse
  • Stand Still to Slowly Regenerate Health

Undoubtedly, the best Perk in Rumbleverse is Meditative, as it can help players recover their entire health bar in a matter of minutes. But, of course, players must first stand still for the healing effect to kick in, so Rumbleverse fans should ensure they are in a safe area before standing still.

The safest areas are usually high buildings as not so many players climb up them unless they're still looking for loot. And if a rival brawler would pop out of nowhere, the player can quickly jump off. So, players that gain the Meditative Perk should be happy knowing that their "first win" is almost guaranteed.

Rumbleverse is available now for PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One/Series X/Series S, and Microsoft Windows.

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