Poison in most video games usually boils down to just another damage-over-time effect. In most cases, it's not even that much different from other damage-over-time status effects such as bleeding or burning, only, it's green! Some games do shake up the mechanic by making their poison system more unique and distinct from other damage-over-time effects.

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Such is the case in many RPGs that also tend to introduce plenty of innovations to the industry. Since they're already making the gameplay as original or as novel as it can, they might as well include the poison mechanic. As a result, poison-centered builds or playstyles are a lot more fun in these RPGs; one could consider these poison mechanics, venom-enal.

7 Divinity: Original Sin 2

big pool of green poison appearing in battle.
  • Release date: 2017
  • Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, macOS, Nintendo Switch, iPad

Poison in Divinity: Original Sin 2 isn't just poison, it's also a flammable catalyst and players might as well treat poison puddles like dynamites. Because they react explosively to fire, for some reason. This puts a new dimension to poison's purpose in this CRPG. It's also an environmental threat that can be weaponized to the player's advantage or neutralized out of the way.

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But poison's quirks don't end there in Original Sin 2. Because it actually heals undead characters or enemies. Hence, this turns poison into some kind of puzzle as well, especially if the player's party is a mix of living and undead characters. In any case, it's one of the most clever uses for poison in an RPG.

6 Elden Ring

Elden Ring Poison Moth Flight Slash
  • Release date: 2022
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S

Most Soulsborne video games do utilize poison and poison swamps liberally and generously. But Elden Ring goes above and beyond by including two or three different kinds of poison in the game. There's the regular poison, space rabies poison (called Scarlet Rot), and some kind of nihilistic death disease (Death Blight) that results in instant kills.

All three of them are status effects, and they don't kick in immediately. Players will have to build up a hidden meter in their targets to trigger the effects of these different kinds of poisons. As if a puddle of green wasn't enough in a Souls game. Players can even combine all three of these poison effects in Elden Ring, and the enemies can do the same.

5 Cyberpunk 2077

  • Release date: 2020
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Stadia, Windows, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S

Poison might seem out of place in a cyberpunk setting since nearly everyone is part machine, but somehow, Cyberpunk 2077 made it work. There's a damage type called Chemical damage, and it offers users a chance to trigger the Poison damage-over-time trigger against their enemies. It's pretty potent against organic enemies.

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But the real best use for poison in Cyberpunk 2077 lies in the Contagion Quickhack which uploads a virus to the target's Cyberware. This kills them gradually while spreading to other enemies. It's one of the most satisfying ways to inflict poison in an RPG and also play Cyberpunk 2077. Hacking poison into an enemy like some kind of sci-fi plague doctor is also a unique interaction.

4 The Witcher 3

The Witcher 3 Geralt slaying insect in desert
  • Release date: 2015
  • Platforms: Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S

Perhaps one of the reasons why Cyberpunk 2077 had such a busted poison mechanic is that the developers had The Witcher 3 as a testing ground. There are several unconventional variations of poisons in The Witcher 3. The first is an actual poison that comes with some swords as a separate damage type.

Other poison sources come from oils that need to be reapplied to Geralt's swords in order to deal damage to certain enemies more efficiently. On lower difficulties, this system isn't necessary since the game is quite easy. But higher difficulty levels demand more witcher roleplaying from the players, meaning Geralt will have to apply oils to his blades in order to max out his damage potential.

3 Slay The Spire

Slay the Spire Silent Shiv Poison
  • Release date: 2019
  • Platforms: Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, iOS, Android

Slay the Spire is a hybrid CCG/RPG that ought to be familiar to fans of established veteran CCGs like Magic: The Gathering. There's also a poison deck in MTG (also called Infect), but Slay the Spire offers a less busted way to play poison that doesn't involve winning in a couple of turns or so.

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Poison in Slay the Spire is a negative status effect that the Silent characters can apply to their enemies. These poison debuffs can then stack and deal damage per turn depending on how many stacks have accumulated. For added fairness, the poison stack will also decrease per turn once they have dealt damage. It's one of the fairest and most well-represented methods of applying poison in turn-based games.

2 The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

Oblivion poison
  • Release date: 2006
  • Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

Skyrim might be Bethesda's current golden child, but Oblivion had some gameplay possibilities that made Skyrim look like a children's game. For example, players can concoct their own poison via the crafting system and then inject this poison into apples. They can then leave the apples around in guard towers, poisoning the whole garrison in the process.

This ingenious way to deliver poison in the game was one of the many reasons why Oblivion was such a fun and busted game that allowed for broken builds and playstyles. Players can also apply poison in Oblivion to their weapons and apart from just dealing damage, there are other purposes for poison such as inflicting illnesses and draining Fatigue levels.

1 Warframe

Saryn in Warframe
  • Release date: 2013
  • Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S

Warframe is a game about mercenary space ninjas, so poison is already a given tactic. At its base level, poison exists as Toxin damage in Warframe, but players can get creative and combine it with Electricity to make it Corrosive (damages armor), Cold to make it Viral (halves HP), and Heat to make it Gas (area damage). Such a system exists for Warframe's weapon modding mechanic.

Apart from that, certain warframes themselves also employ poison as their theme and main playstyle. The most notably one is Saryn whose abilities mostly infused Toxin damage, spread viruses, or unleash map-wide epidemics. There's plenty to like in Warframe is one enjoys being toxic to their enemies.

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