Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends has many quests to complete around running a sushi restaurant, and some of these quests introduce you to more of the charming town's NPCs. Rolling Hills' Yorick quest is a mission where you get to learn more about a struggling playwright called - you guessed it - Yorick. He's a Shakespearean-esque character who seems to be suffering with writer's block. It's up to you as Sushi Bot to step in and help him find inspiration again. However, you might wonder how best to complete the Yorick quest in Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends, given it has several steps.

Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends: Wi-Fi Woes Quest Walkthrough

This guide details how to complete the 'Wi-Fi Woes' quest in Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends, which will unlock a new resident, Min.

While most of the objectives in Yorick are pretty straightforward, there are also a couple that might leave you scratching your head. Fortunately, it's a fairly simple quest once you know what to do and where to look.

Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends Yorick Quest Walkthrough

Rolling Hills Make Sushi Make Friends Yorick Quest list

Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends' Yorick quest appears shortly after you complete Rolling Hills' Going Green quest. A new NPC enters the town called Yorick, but he's not a resident just yet. There are eight objectives to complete in Rolling Hills' Yorick quest as detailed below.

Check On Yorick's Script And Check On Yorick's Script Again

Rolling Hills Make Sushi Make Friends speaking with Yorick

The first step in the Yorick quest is to speak with Yorick to chat with him about his script twice. Look for Yorick in the town - he's likely standing in front of Maia's café or near the middle of town near Sushi Bot's restaurant, where he explains his woes.

It's time to speak with Yorick again to see if anything else can help. He'll probably be near the middle of town near Sushi Bot's restaurant.

Show Yorick A Piece Of Furniture That Lights The Way

Rolling Hills Make Sushi Make Friends furniture that lights the way in yorick quest

Look for Yorick standing on the beach and speak with him a third time. Yorick suggests he might need a piece of furniture to light the way. Unless you already have a piece of lighting in your inventory, the next step is to buy the right piece of furniture for Yorick from Wren's workshop. The game doesn't tell you the exact piece of furniture you need, so you'll need to wait till the right type of piece becomes available. This might mean buying a few pieces to change Wren's stock. However, as you might have guessed, buying a piece of furniture that lights the way means an Electric furniture item. This means looking out for lighting items when they show up in stock, such as the Cat Lamp which you can purchase for 190g.

Rolling Hills Make Sushi Make Friends cat lamp with electric furniture effects

Once you've brought an Electric piece of furniture, talk to Yorick at the beach and show him the piece of furniture by selecting it from your inventory when the UI option appears. He's delighted and thinks this might be the solution.

Check On Yorick's Script One Last Time

Rolling Hills Make Sushi Make Friends Yorick Quest Walkthrough

As you might expect, the Electric furniture didn't do the trick. Head to the seating area outside Maia's café, where you can find Yorick sitting outside, still struggling to find inspiration. However, he suggests he might find inspiration from Rolling Hills' sushi recipes.

Show Yorick 12 Different Recipes

Rolling Hills Make Sushi Make Friends recipe menu

To complete th Yorick quest, you must unlock at least 12 sushi recipes. Chances are, you've probably already done this, so you can return to Yorick and speak to him again to show him the recipes. If not, you need to find your sushi recipes by purchasing more ingredients from Arman and serving sushi to level up your restaurant to learn more recipes. You can count how many recipes you've unlocked in the Recipes menu.

Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends: Achievements Guide

If you're trying to get achievements in Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends, this guide has you covered.

Check On Yorick's Finished Script (For Real!)

Rolling Hills Make Sushi Make Friends yorick hiding spot by trash can in yorick quest

It's now time to find out whether the recipes helped. Speak to Yorick again, who seems to be hiding in shame, standing near a trash can in front of a house east of the town (poor chap). He tells you he crumpled up the pages of his script and threw them into the wind, leaving them scattered around the village. He asks if you'll kindly retrieve all the missing pages, which look like crumpled-up balls of paper on the floor.

Find The Missing Pages Of Yorick's Script

Rolling Hills Make Sushi Make Friends script missing page location in yorick quest

There are 10 missing pages of Yorick's Script to find as listed below:

  • On the path not too far in front of where Yorick is standing.
  • On the beach to the east of town.
  • In front of Wren's workshop.
  • By the job board near the wooden bridge.
  • Near the outdoor seating area by Maia's café.
  • Outside Arman's market.
  • Near the flowers in the center of the village, close to the market.
  • Near the path close to Sushi Bot's restaurant.
  • Next to the dock where Coggie often stands.
  • In front of the house on the left side of the wooden bridge.

After finding all 10 pages, talk to Yorick again back at his hiding spot to trigger a lovely scene with him and the townsfolk, who offer to help.

See The Surprise Waiting For Yorick At The Café

Rolling Hills Make Sushi Make Friends Yorick Quest complete

The final step in Rolling Hills' Yorick quest is to visit Maia's café to see the surprise the townsfolk have prepared there for Yorick. It turns out they've set up a stage for him where he can perform his work, triggering a scene of Yorick and Sushi Bot reading a play together and giving him the inspiration he needed. Additionally, Yorick joins Rolling Hills as a permanent resident who you can invite for coffee or later on, dessert, like the other locals. Like Rolling Hills' Cup of Kindness mission, the Yorick quest is all about showing kindness to others, and it's a mission that has it in spades.

Rolling Hills Make Sushi Make Friends
Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends

June 4, 2024
Catch & Release
Humble Games