Rollerdrome is unlike any experience that has come before it and yet its core mechanics are honed from some of the best games out there. It can be bluntly labeled as a skating game akin to the Tony Hawk series, only with guns and a few other big differences. Players assume the role of Kara Hassan and must take part in a deadly tournament.

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Players begin Rollerdrome with a set of twin pistols and the ability to slow down time. As the game progresses, more weapons will unlock along with new moves to try in the arena. It’s a short game but is packed full of action. There is more to discuss, so players are advised to check out these Rollerdrome beginner tips before jumping into the death match.

7 Guns Share Ammo

Exploring the world in Rollerdrome

Rollerdrome is different from other shooters because ammo is shared among all four guns in the game. There is no way to increase ammo capacity either, so players have to rely on doing tricks to reload. Flipping into the air or doing spins will reload ammo a few bullets at a time.

The easiest way to reload ammo is by grinding on rails or other equipment in the environment. The overall tip is to encourage players to always do tricks and to be creative as if they were playing a more normal skating game. Also, they should be sure to keep on the move to avoid danger.

6 Take Out Special Classes First

Fighting enemies in Rollerdrome

The game starts out relatively easy as far as enemy types go. There are melee fighters with bats that can be easily avoided. There are also snipers which have strong attacks but low health. Their sniper sights make it easy to dodge based on the color of their line of sight.

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Dodging at the right moment will increase the combo meter and create a good opportunity to counter. In any stadium event, it is important to take out long-distance enemies like snipers first. There is another deadly sniper later on that can warp out of view and also create walls of blue flame.

5 No Need To Manually Aim

Fighting enemies in Rollerdrome

One of the best things about Rollerdrome's gameplay is the auto-targeting system. There is no need to manually aim at enemies which may go against how players typically tackle a game like this. To become the best champion around, players effectively have to unlearn how they play most other shootering games.

Players can manually aim if they want which can eliminate enemies faster depending on where they aim. Doing so while on the move is tricky though and the slow-motion effect is limited. The grenade launcher and the final harpoon-like weapon are far deadlier if aimed, so players need to find the right balance of auto and manual aiming to become a master at Rollerdrome.

4 Pay Attention To Challenges

The challenge menu in Rollerdrome

Beating a level will not necessarily continue the game. Each stage requires a certain number of challenges to be completed to unlock the next stage. This falls in line with more normal skating games out there. Each level will have about a dozen or more tricks listed that players can perform.

These challenges can range from killing an enemy a certain way to collecting every token in the environment. Before starting a stage, players should take a look at these challenges and plan ahead. Once a challenge is complete, they can then go back into the menu and reassess the situation. There is no such thing as planning too much.

3 Another Strategy For Completing Challenges

Fighting enemies in Rollerdrome

There is another strategy players can use to approach challenges in levels. Ignore them the first time through and instead focus on destroying the targets in as little time as possible. Rollerdrome is not that long even with the second campaign that unlocks after the game is finished once.

That’s why it is okay to replay stages twice. This can help extend a playthrough and will reduce stress the first time around in a stage. If players finish a challenge on the first run, then they can simply count that as a bonus.

2 Try The Assist Features

The assist features menu in Rollerdrome

If the issue of challenges is still a bother even with the two aforementioned pieces of advice then there is a third option: skip them. There are no difficulties in the game but there are assist options that can help to reduce the stress of several key mechanics. Eliminating challenges to progress in the game is one such feature.

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Players can also become completely invincible or reduce damage to more managable levels with a sliding scale. Ammo can also become infinite along with the slow-motion timer. Players shouldn't be afraid to customize the gameplay experience in Rollerdrome to their liking.

1 Use Headphones

Fighting a boss in Rollerdrome

One of the most important tips players can follow is to wear headphones when playing the game. The soundtrack is one of the best things about Rollerdrome. Wearing headphones can help players immerse themselves in the action.

The more in sync players are with the gameplay then the better their chances of surviving. The music fits well with the retro aesthetic of the game’s design which is seemingly inspired by cult classic 70s and 80s movies. Using headphones might not help everyone but it is at least worth a shot.

Rollerdrome was released on August 16, 2022 and is available on PC, PS4, and PS5.

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