Roguebook has a lot of different possible cards that can make up a variety of different kinds of decks for each of its heroes. And each of these cards in this deck-building video game can contain several Keywords.

What Are Keywords?

Roguebook: All Keywords

Keywords can be found on many of the cards. Each hero has a variety of cards they can unlock for their decks, and each card can contain several keywords that alter the way the card words. The keywords are shorthand for a longer rule that appears on more than one card, similar to the keywords in other card games like Magic: the Gathering and Slay the Spire. New keywords can also be gained by upgrading cards with gems or flash gems in Roguebook.

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All the Keywords in Roguebook

There are many keywords in Roguebook, and it can be difficult to keep all of them straight. Here is a list of every keyword currently in the game and how they work.

Ally Keywords

Roguebook: All Keywords

In Roguebook, allies are friends that stay on the board and attack or help the player in some way. These keywords relate only to allies.

  • Activate - Abilities can be used once per turn and cost a Spirit unless otherwise stated.
  • Ally - Allies remain on the battlefield.
  • Aggressive - Deal damage equal to this ally's spirit to the front enemy at the end of turn.
  • Frog - Frogs have 1 Spirit each and are aggressive. Reduce the frogs' stack of spirit by 1 each turn. Frogs are mostly found in Roguebook's Aurora's cards, but can also be found in Fugoro's.
  • Spirit - Spirit is an ally's life total. Spirit can be spent to activate abilities. When an ally's spirit hits 0, it is removed from play.
  • Spiritless - This ally's abilities don't cost spirit.
  • Unique - Only one of these allies may exist on the battlefield at one time.

Other Keywords

Roguebook: All Keywords
  • Anger - Sefier; gain 5 rage and lose one anger at the start of each turn.
  • Bearer - The equipped character in this roguelite video game.
  • Bleed -When bleeding, creatures take the bleed number's worth of damage at the beginning of each turn.
  • Block - Heroes share block; block prevents that amount of damage.
  • Charge - This hero charges to the front or remains in the front when casting this card.
  • Combo - If the last card was played belonged to the other hero, this card costs (1) energy less.
  • Courage - Gain (1) energy and lose 1 courage at the start of every turn.
  • Critical hit - This attack does double damage.
  • Dissolve/Exhaust - After playing this card, remove it until next combat.
  • Mark - In update 1.10 to Roguebook, a new hero was added, named Fugoro, and his cards have a Keyword called Mark. When Fugoro attacks a target with a card with Mark, a random mark is placed on that enemy. When Fugoro attacks again, this triggers the Mark and gives Fugoro the buff from that Mark. Examples of Marks are things like gaining extra block or gaining a coin.
  • Melee - This costs 1 energy less when played by the hero in the front.
  • Options - Gives players a choice.
  • Planned - In Richard Garfield's Roguebook, "planned" means that this character must be in the front row to use this card.
  • Power - Increases attack damage.
  • Protection - Prevents the first hit this hero would take as damage.
  • Ranged - This costs (1) energy less when played from the back.
  • Reap - This ability only happens with this card kills its target.
  • Retain - This card remains in a player's hand at the end of each turn.
  • Retreat - This hero goes to the back or remains in the back.
  • Sacrifice - This card is destroyed, usually as an additional casting cost.
  • Stacks - Can stack multiple copies in hand, and they are not discarded at the end of your turn.
  • Teamwork - If the last card played this turn belonged to the other hero, do the following text.
  • Weak - The target attacks do 33% less damage for a turn in this deckbuilder video game.

Roguebook is currently available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. A Switch version will be available in April or May 2022.

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