The Resolve system in Rogue Legacy 2 serves as a way to keep the player on their toes and constantly weighing the pros and cons of their actions. As a representation of the heir's confidence in their ability in Rogue Legacy 2, Resolve can be increased by taking risks and decreased by acquiring relics or wearing heavier gear. This mechanic adds an element of strategy to the game, as players must decide whether the benefits of certain relics or gear outweigh the potential loss of Resolve.

Resolve-related Risks in this indie roguelike game can include taking on more challenging enemies or venturing into uncharted castle areas, like sections with certain puzzles, treasure, or enemy encounters. While these actions may increase the chances of failure, they also have the potential to reward the player with a boost in Resolve. Thankfully, players can also boost their Resolve through other upgrades within the player's castles walls—which has been greatly expanded upon in Rogue Legacy 2.

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Resolve, Relics, and Weight Class in Rogue Legacy 2

Rogue Legacy 2 cover art

Acquiring relics or wearing heavier gear will decrease Resolve. In Rogue Legacy 2, Relics have a set amount of Resolve reduction, which can vary depending on the relic in question. The player can still acquire relics beyond the point where their Resolve is reduced to 0, but these relic-hoarding players will not suffer any further penalties. The Resolve score itself, on the other hand, will inflict a toll. Players with zero Resolve will have their hit points reduced to one. By increasing their Resolve, players can potentially gain an advantage in combat or exploration, making it worth considering.

Wearing heavier gear also affects the player's Weight Class, which is determined by the percentage of their total Equip Weight that their combined armor weight occupies. The lower the Equipment Weight, the higher the player's Weight Class and the more bonus Resolve Rogue Legacy 2 players will receive. The Light class, which is achieved when the Equipment Weight is 20% or lower, grants a bonus of 125% Resolve. Each subsequent weight class, which includes Medium, Heavy, and Ultra Heavy, reduces this bonus by 25%.

The Encumbrance Limits, or the thresholds for each Weight Class, are typically spaced 20% apart. However, players can upgrade these limits through the Manor's Aerobics Classroom. Upgrading the Aerobics Classroom allows the player to reduce the Encumbrance Limits by 1% per upgrade, up to a maximum of 10%. This means that, at the maximum upgrade, the Encumbrance Limits will increase by 30% instead of 20%. It's important to keep in mind that the Resolve system isn't intended to frame acquiring relics or wearing heavier gear in Rogue Legacy 2 as mistakes made by the player. It's another helpful mechanic to master, and it's also a way to encourage the player to take risks and try new strategies.

Overall, the Resolve system adds an extra layer of depth and strategy to the gameplay of Rogue Legacy 2. It encourages the Metroidvania's players to carefully consider their actions and weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of each decision they make. Whether they choose to take risks and increase their Resolve or play it safe and avoid relics or heavier gear, the Resolve system keeps the player engaged and on their toes as they explore the castle and face its challenges. Time will tell if Cellar Door Games decides to continue adding more risk versus reward mechanics in future titles.

Rogue Legacy 2 is available on PC, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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