As a unique roguelike, Rogue Legacy 2 has an impressive map with exciting biomes. But not all of them are easy to find—or explore. Axis Mundi, for example, is one of the regions that confuses many beginners. It seems inaccessible, especially with all the trap rooms of Citadel Agartha blocking the way. But don’t worry, though; this handy guide explains how to find Axis Mundi quickly.

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How to Get into Axis Mundi in Rogue Legacy 2

Axis Mundi is on Citadel Agartha’s east flank. To access this biome, take the exits on the right whenever possible. Since the room layouts in Rogue Legacy 2 are randomized, there’s no particular path to Axis Mundi. And players should head east in Citadel Agartha until they enter the new region.

Citadel Agartha (or the Castle) is the first biome in the game, with three exits north, south, and east. But it’s filled with traps and secret rooms that block the way to other biomes. Moreover, the rooms in this region swap places in every run, puzzling players who want to reach Axis Mundi.

Despite the RNG-based map, one thing never changes about Axis Mundi: It’s always to the east of Citadel Agartha. So, a reliable strategy is to stay on the right side of the area and progress toward the eastern flank.

What Awaits Players in Axis Mundi

image showing the hidden door in axis mundi in rogue legacy 2.

The two primary objectives in Axis Mundi are getting the Echo’s Boots and beating the Void Beasts Byarrrith and Halpharrr. But it’s also where players discover an Insight called Missing Bodies and meet Maria, the Pizza Girl, for the first time.

The Best Class for Axis Mundi

Because the path to Axis Mundi is in Citadel Agartha, the best Rogue Legacy class to access it is Ranger, a long-range archetype. Ranger is an excellent choice because it counters the numerous projectiles in the Castle. But most early-game classes should be fine for the region, as it’s a 1-star biome.

Which Biome’s Next?

If players continue to Axis Mundi’s east, they eventually enter Kerguelen Plateau, a snowy biome where Aether’s Wings are kept. But it’s also possible to visit the Sun Tower, located north of Axis Mundi. (The tower is not a new biome, though.)

Rogue Legacy 2 is available now for Xbox, Switch, and PC.

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