In the gaming space today, players are spoiled with options. There is so much to do and so many offerings to pick from, each with its own over-the-top and out-of-this-world graphics and physics. It is almost rare now to see a simple title like Rogue: Genesia without having to go back a few generations. Rogue: Genesia is a great game for those who want a simple experience with a lot of fun. Saying this game is simple does not take anything away from the fun as it is quite compelling.

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Rogue: Genesia in a slayer RPG that involves different modes, levels, and other things to keep players entertained for a very long. It involves fighting through a new world and slaying the enemies and creatures to get upgrades and better weapons as time progresses. This simple concept is exciting to perfection and that is why Rogue: Genesia has great ratings on Steam. Players love this game and the reason is clear. The weapons in the game come through progress. Some are much more powerful than others, and it is important to know which is which.

6 Crossbow Heroic

crossbow heroic rogue genesia

There are a lot of weapons available to players in Rogue: Genesia. These choices are swayed by smaller ones as the game goes on. There are, however, ways to navigate the game and arrive at specific weapons. It is possible in this way to unlock the crossbow heroic.

It is safe to say that this crossbow is an essential part of later gameplay. As the hordes' approach, there is an even greater need to have this crossbow as a means of both defensive measures and attack as well. Gamers will be really glad to have this weapon in their arsenal.

5 Fire Ring Heroic

fire ring rogue genesia

The heroic weapons are one step short of perfection. They give everything from power and accuracy. While the hordes of enemies to be slain may become more powering and even more annoying, the heroic weapons are often equipped to not just conquer, but also be a way to upgrade as well.

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This fire ring fits right in here. This weapon unleashes Its entire fury, hardly giving the option for enemies to escape. Gamers enjoy this step in the upgrade process and the job gets just a little easier to win in the game.

4 Katana Heroic

katana rogue genesia

Getting a Katana is great, but getting upgrades to it is even better. There are not a lot of all-rounders in the game and while this Katana may not be perfect, it is effective enough to be a recommended weapon for all players to have going into the endgame. The hours and hours spent in the game are compensated with this.

This heroic weapon acts according to its name by saving the day right when it is needed the most. It is a step above the epic weapons, like all other heroic weapons. However, it is not quite at the level of the completely evolved weapons.

3 Artificer’s Katana Evolution

artificer's katana rogue genesia

The katanas are a staple in Rogue: Genesia. It is one of the weapons that players are often drawn to and try to evolve. The final evolved form of this weapon is the Artificer's Katana Evolution. It may be a gradual process to reach this final form, but the grinding pays off.

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Many gamers are known to spend a long while playing the game and this could be seen as one of the rewards for that patience. Thanks to a combination of school and determination, the Artificer's Katana Evolution is like the light at the end of the tunnel. It slashes through the game without any sort of stress.

2 Silph’s Blade Evolution

artificer's katana rogue genesia

For players looking to rain down carnage, death, and destruction, Silph's blade is absolutely the way to go. This weapon is overpowered and stands as one of the easiest weapons to use, as well as one of the most destructive weapons in this form. This evolution form is the eventual form of most weapons.

It often takes a while to get here, but once this is gotten, Rogue: Genesia is almost certainly conquered. Silph's blade is often one of the best available and should be mastered to get all that can be offered.

1 Void Wisp Evolution

void wisp rogue genesia

There are a lot of weapons of mass power-spanning games. The Void Wisp Evolution is one of these weapons, and it deserves the spot it holds for just how overpowered it is. The evolution takes time, but once maxed up to the Void Wisp Evolution, it is almost unstoppable.

A weapon like this covers almost the entire screen with its range. Enemies and creatures are no match for just how far they can go and the amount of carnage they can unleash. This final form is nearly unstoppable and is worth all that it takes to be achieved.

Rogue: Genesia is currently available on steam.

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