
  • Roboquest is a unique blend of FPS and roguelike gameplay, featuring mechanics from various other games like Overwatch, Titanfall, and Borderlands.
  • Players can choose from different classes, each with their own unique perks and abilities that drastically change how they are played.
  • The Engineer class relies heavily on summoning drones, while the Guardian is an all-rounder with perks focused on increasing health and damage. The Recon class excels at melee combat and mobility, and the Elementalist buffs weapons with elements. The Commando class is all about causing explosive damage and is considered the most powerful in terms of raw damage.

Roboquest is a high-speed FPS and roguelike mashup that really feels unlike any other game out there today, primarily because it blends so many mechanics and systems from other titles and combines them all to create a truly unique experience. While the colorful and vibrant visual style is reminiscent of something like Overwatch, the fast-paced FPS gameplay feels a lot like Titanfall, but there are also a few Borderlands inspirations sprinkled in there, too, with all the gun collecting and looting.

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Before players actually jump into a run, though, they will first need to choose a class, but rather than deciding at random to get into the action as quickly as possible, it can be worth learning a bit about each of them first. Each class has access to their own unique perks as they level up throughout a run, which can drastically change how they are played. However, it does need to be said that some are much more reliable and effective than others when it comes to successfully finishing an arduous run.

6 Engineer

Primary Ability (Summon-Buddies): Summons A Friendly Drone That Deals Damage Over Time

Engineer class in Roboquest
  • Secondary Ability (Scrap Blaster): Fire a scrap-based projectile that deals 55 damage
  • Passive Ability (Repair-Buddies): Fully heals all drones once the maximum amount has been deployed

Best Unique Perks:

  • Baby Boom: 40% chance for explosions to go off a second time
  • Family Swarm: Increase the maximum number of deployable drones by 1 but decrease damage by 15%
  • Dronezerker: Increase drone health by 20%

The Engineer class heavily relies on Summon-Buddies to deal with enemies, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but because of how long it can take to actually make the drone powerful, it does result in this class being a little slow to begin with. While the drone will start off pretty weak, it can become devastating when equipped with an elemental effect and when its maximum health has been enhanced with Dronezerker.

Baby Boom can at least give the Engineer a leg-up in many gunfights since it makes them absolutely lethal while wielding an explosive weapon, which can cause some real chaos. Players should really aim to acquire the Family Swarm perk as soon as possible to become truly powerful, but getting to this point can be a little rough at first.

5 Guardian

Primary Ability (Bastion): Drop Down A Temporary Shield To Block All Damage For A Few Seconds

Guardian robosquad robot class in Roboquest
  • Secondary Ability (Bash): Perform a quick melee sweep that can drop a healing cell when performing a takedown
  • Passive Ability (Veteran): Increases weapon impact by 10%, magazine size by 25%, and energy bar by 15%

Best Unique Perks:

  • Bonk Hammer: Turn the Bash melee attack into a Bonk Hammer that deals 50% more damage
  • Lucky Ammo: Increase critical damage by 20%
  • Improved Critical: Critical attacks have a chance to deal 80% more damage

As the all-rounder of the bunch, the Guardian covers all bases when it comes to its perks and abilities, but the reason it fails to reach the heights of some of its peers is simply because it doesn't excel in any specific area. The majority of the Guardian's perks are dedicated to increasing health and damage, and while this is definitely appreciated, there's not really anything that pushes it above and beyond.

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The random mixture of perks can also make it hard for the Guardian to focus on a specific build, but it can still be quite easy to deal plenty of crit damage thanks to perks like Lucky Ammo and Improved Critical. The Guardian is still a great class for those who are just getting started and want a character who can deal enough damage to make it through each stage relatively easily. It's just that it doesn't have too many options to play around with when really digging into the deeper mechanics of the class.

4 Recon

Recon in Roboquest
  • Secondary Ability (Laser Dagger): Laser Dagger melee attack that deals 65 damage and generates healing cells upon performing a takedown
  • Passive Ability (Overslash): Once the player gains 5 charges of Overslash, the damage of Laser Dagger will be increased by 200% for the next attack

Best Unique Perks:

  • Favorite Weapon: Increase weapon and Laser Damage by 15% and reload speed by 20%
  • Cutlass: Laser Dagger's attack speed is increased by 25% and damage by an extra 35%
  • Combat Decoy: Using Recon's dash ability will drop a decoy that deals 5 damage for 6 seconds

Once players get to grips with the many systems and mechanics that the Recon class can make use of, they'll have a truly devastating robot on their hands that can wipe out an entire horde of machines in little to no time at all. The Recon's game plan revolves around the Laser Dagger, a powerful melee attack that becomes even stronger when players obtain enough Overslash charges by killing enemies.

This does mean that players will need to constantly be killing enemies to deal the maximum amount of damage, but this isn't too difficult, considering many of the Recon's unique perks increase their weapon and melee damage by a staggering amount. This isn't even mentioning the Blink ability, which can literally teleport the robot behind enemy lines, making it easy to take out Workers or even stubborn minibosses like the Goliath. The Recon can admittedly be a little tricky to get used to, but it's well worth learning, especially with how fun the Laser Dagger can be to use on enemy robots.

3 Ranger

Primary Ability (Stealth): Become Invisible And Move 15% Faster For 4 Seconds

Ranger robot class in Roboquest
  • Secondary Ability (Javelin): Throw a deadly Javelin that has 2 charges and deals 75 damage each
  • Passive Ability (Awareness): Acquire a focus point every second stacking up to 12, which increases critical damage by 2% for each one

Best Unique Perks:

  • Shadow Strike: Increase damage by 25% while in Stealth mode
  • Shutdown: Instantly kill an enemy if they have less than 15% health remaining and bosses if they have less than 4%
  • Prestige Security: Increase armor by 16% when Awareness is fully charged

Similar to the Recon Class, the Ranger is able to traverse across the map incredibly quickly thanks to the movement buff that comes along with its Stealth Invisibility, and as a bonus, it also leaves behind a decoy for a few seconds, too. This makes the ability an absolute lifesaver in difficult scenarios, and it also gives the Ranger plenty of time to set up the Javelin, which can instantly wipe out weaker enemy bots and pawns. When it comes to the Ranger's perks, the majority of them are incredibly strong, with there being a big focus on enhancing movement speed to help initiate some deadly flanks.

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There's also the Shutdown perk that will instantly destroy any robots who are already low enough on health. All of this ends up making the Ranger extremely versatile as a class. While it can get up close and personal by sneaking around, it's just as effective for picking enemies off with a sniper from afar and using its abilities when the enemies figure out where they are being attacked from. The Stealth does still have a pretty lengthy cooldown, so it can take a lot of practice to know exactly when to deploy it, but the Ranger is still amazing when used correctly.

2 Elementalist

Primary Ability (Trinity): Gains A New Ability Depending On The Element Currently Equipped

Elementalist class in Roboquest
  • Secondary Ability (Comet): Launch a small explosive orb that deals 45 damage
  • Passive Ability (Mantra): Cycle between elements every 10 seconds and increase the damage of the elements by 15%

Best Unique Perks:

  • Inner Fire: Grant an additional Trinity charge and reduce the cooldown by 2 seconds
  • Dynamic Mantra: Add 5% to elements and reduce the cycle duration by 40%
  • Unstable Armor: When elements cycle, increase armor by 24%. After taking damage with the perk active, a small explosion will be activated, causing 42 damage

Just as the name suggests, the Elementalist is entirely dedicated to buffing its weapons through the use of elements, which it can cycle through every few seconds. This works in conjunction with the Trinity primary ability, which will grant a specific ability depending on the element. While it can be a little unreliable since it's always changing, this doesn't matter too much, considering that they're all extremely powerful in their own right and suitable for most scenarios.

Every one of the Elementalist's unique perks is designed to add even more flare to each of the elements, which can quickly end up snowballing and making the robot incredibly powerful. Mantra is undoubtedly one of the best abilities in the entire game, and while Comet might be a little forgettable as a result, this still doesn't impact just how effective the Elementalist can be thanks to the unique playstyle it offers.

1 Commando

Passive Ability (Rocket): Fire An Explosive Rocket That Deals 90 Damage That Can Home In On Enemies

Commando robot class in Roboquest
  • Secondary Ability (Shorty): Fire off a shotgun blast that has 5 bullets that deal 13 damage each
  • Passive Ability (Fury): Fury will increase the fire rate and reload speed of the rocket and shotgun by 1% each and movement speed by 0.5% for each stack

Unique Perks:

  • Fan Of Rockets: Rocket will fire 2 extra projectiles, and the damage is increased by 25%
  • Robzerker: Taking any damage will generate 3 Fury points and increase damage by 30%. Health is also increased by 10%
  • Rocket Mag: Increases the Rocket charge amount by 1 and reduces the cooldown by 2 seconds

The Commando is all about causing as much mayhem as possible by setting off explosions and launching rockets at anyone in range, and this makes it the most powerful class when it comes to raw damage. The Rocket ability already deals a tremendous amount of damage in its base form, but when acquiring the Fan of Rockets perk, the total damage reaches a whole new level. What really puts the Commando in a league of its own, though, is the passive ability, Fury, which can drastically improve its reload and firing speed.

What's more, Fury can stack up to 12 times, making it incredibly powerful for clearing out enemy camps but also for turning bosses into nuts and bolts. Pair this with some amazing unique class perks that provide a great balance between defense and offense, and it results in the best class in a game that is very easy to play but near-unstoppable on the battlefield.


November 7, 2023
RyseUp Studios
Roguelite , FPS