Robert Downey Jr. wore several Iron Man suits in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, a talented fan artist has revealed what Tony Stark might have looked like with a comic-accurate Iron Man suit.

Iron Man launched the MCU when it premiered in 2008, and Downey Jr.'s acclaimed performance as Tony Stark is largely credited as one of the primary reasons for the franchise's success. While Downey Jr. is considered the definitive Iron Man, the MCU made creative changes to Tony Stark and other characters to adapt them for the silver screen, particularly the costumes.

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Fortunately for fans who want to see what the MCU characters would look like with comic-accurate outfits, self-taught digital artist @artoftimetravel has offered them a glimpse at what could have been. After unveiling fan art depicting Chris Evans' Captain America in a costume inspired by comic book artist Alex Ross' design, the digital artist took a similar approach to Downey Jr.'s Iron Man. In the Iron Man fan art, Tony Stark is wearing armor that more closely resembles the comic version of the suit, with entirely gold arms and legs, except for the boots and gloves. The body of the fan-made armor is also more unadorned than the Iron Man designs in the films.

Although Instagram user Kelvin Nguyen suggested giving the arms and legs chain mail scale texture to reflect the armor in the comics, the fan art is an otherwise accurate recreation of the classic Iron Man suit. However, filmmakers often mention how accurate adaptations of comic book suits rarely translate well in movies, which is likely why Iron Man director Jon Favreau and the costume design team changed the armor for the film. Besides, Iron Man was using nanomachines by Avengers: Endgame, so a comic-accurate suit probably wouldn't have lasted long anyways.

Of course, the MCU multiverse storyline could allow Iron Man to return with an alternate comic-accurate costume, but fans shouldn't hold their breath. Downey Jr. hasn't indicated that he wants to return, which might be for the best. Tony Stark gave up his life to save the universe from Thanos, and bringing him back to life so soon would arguably undermine the impact of his sacrifice.

Iron Man is now available on Disney Plus.

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