It's no secret that Risk of Rain Returns is a hard game. Even veterans of the previous game in the series will find it difficult to get their bearings straight in this 2D action-roguelike.

10 Best Action Roguelikes

Fans who enjoy chaotic action in their roguelikes can't go wrong with these games.

Beyond the overwhelming hordes of monsters, the plethora of powerful items, and the wide cast of playable characters, Risk of Rain Returns is still a game of chance and quick thinking. Players who can make the most of what they have tend to be the most successful. Here's a collection of tips and tricks to help newer players get a better feel for the game.

Make Full Use of the Camera Options

Spotting teleporter from afar in Risk of Rain Returns

The player's main goal is to find the teleporter somewhere in the stage in order to advance to the next one. This is easier said than done, considering how deceptively big the maps are. In order to find the teleporter faster, players can try zooming out so their camera can see the upper and lower floors more clearly.

To do this, go to the options menu and look for the Zoom Scale slider under the General tab. Set this to 1.0x to maximize the in-game FOV. Make sure to adjust the HUD Scale as well so the UI isn't tiny.

Always Jump When Fighting

Jumping mid-fight in Risk of Rain Returns

Mobility is severely hampered when fighting in Risk of Rain Returns. When shooting, the player's movement will be slowed down significantly, making it extremely risky. Instead of holding down a movement key when fighting, players should jump instead.

Jumping doesn't cancel the player's movement, which means they'll be able to move quickly while dodging incoming attacks and dealing damage of their own. This makes Hopoo Feathers incredibly valuable for all survivors except for the Huntress, who can move at full speed even while shooting.

Get Missiles ASAP

The ATG Mk 2 item in Risk of Rain Returns

Flying enemies are the hardest to deal with in Risk of Rain Returns simply because players can't aim vertically or diagonally (unless they're using Pilot). Instead of trying to hit flying enemies by jumping or waiting for them to line up with the ground, players should try to find missile-launching items instead, like the AtG Missile Mk. 1 or Disposable Missile Launcher.

Bundle of Fireworks and Ceremonial Dagger are also great at filling the screen with target-seeking projectiles. Alternatively, items like Will-o-Wisp, Gasoline, Barbed Wire, and Tesla Coil can passively damage flying enemies once obtained.

Use Custom Rules

The Rules window in Risk of Rain Returns

Several settings can be toggled and adjusted right before starting a run. Under the Rules window, players can choose if they want to fight any new enemies, experience new stages, or deal and take more damage than usual. This feature is great for players who are still learning the game, but it's especially helpful for completionists, testers, and achievement hunters.

Play With Purpose


Getting to the final level and beating the boss isn't the only goal in this game. Before starting a run, players should set their sights on something they want to get, whether it's to unlock a new survivor or item, or beat a particularly difficult achievement.

Risk of Rain Returns has layers upon layers of RNG that can keep players from getting the items or survivors they want to unlock. If they're trying to unlock the Miner, for example, and they get the wrong variant of the Magma Barracks map, then it may be better to just end the run there and start again.

Having a clear goal also dictates how the rest of a run can go. Players who want to rush the boss should stick with unlocking only a few chests per stage, while those who are in it for the long run should take their time and open every chest before triggering the teleporter.

Risk of Rain Returns is available now on PC and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Hopoo Games Interview: Devs Talk All Things Risk of Rain Returns