
  • Risk of Rain Returns improves upon the original game with new features and content, making it even more beloved by fans.
  • Players should prioritize constant movement in Risk of Rain Returns to survive, as standing still is not a viable strategy.
  • The meta and gameplay mechanics have changed in Risk of Rain Returns, requiring players to adapt their strategies and not rely on previous knowledge from the original game.

Hopoo Games somehow managed to accomplish the impossible. They, by some miracle, somehow managed to make one of the most iconic, polished, and beloved roguelikes out there even better with Risk of Rain Returns.

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Risk of Rain was originally released back in 2013 and now 10+ years later fans of the franchise can play the game that started it all with all sorts of new features, new secret Survivors, and all sorts of other new content to experience. However, Risk of Rain 2 veterans will find themselves struggling quite a bit in Risk of Rain Returns, so let's go over some of the biggest mistakes to avoid.

10 Standing Still

You're Gonna Want To Keep Moving

Risk of Rain Returns - Example Of Standing Still Around Enemies

First off, players need to know that Risk of Rain Returns is not a game where the player can stand still and survive. It's well known at this point that the Bustling Fungus item is sort of 'meta' in Risk of Rain 2, but that's not going to work in RoRR.

Players will need to constantly stay on the move to stay alive. Thankfully, one of the new things available in this remaster/remake is the ability to move backward while shooting, so players no longer have to choose between offense in defense like they did back in 2013.

9 Thinking That Utility Skills Are The Only Way To Dodge Attacks

Jumping Is Even Better Than A Dodge Roll

Risk of Rain Returns - Example Of Jumping To Dodge Attack And Dodge Roll Animation

One of the major differences between a 3D Risk of Rain game and a 2D one (other than the obvious extra dimension) is that it's a lot easier for players to make micro-movements to avoid enemy attacks. As such, in Risk of Rain Returns, it probably seems like there aren't many options for avoiding incoming damage.

But, that's not entirely true, as jumping actually helps players to dodge quite a lot of attacks. So, one thing newer RoRR players will want to get used to is the act of jumping whenever they think attacks are coming their way or even turning the 'Auto-Jump' feature on so that they can just hold down the Jump input.

8 Taking Too Long To Loot & Move On

Hoarding Items Is Good, But Do It In Moderation

Risk of Rain Returns - HAHAHAHA Difficulty Example

The importance of time changes from game to game in the Risk of Rain franchise. Risk of Rain 2 has some very steep difficulty increases when it jumps to a new 'level' of difficulty, but between these jumps, players have a good amount of time to loot. In Risk of Rain Returns, however, time truly is of the essence.

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This isn't to say that looting every chest in every stage is impossible, but it's a lot more difficult in this game than in any other RoR. So, most players recommend a max of about 8 minutes for looting on each stage, when it's possible.

7 Thinking The Meta Is Still The Same

A Lot Can Change In 10+ Years

Comparing Original Risk Of Rain To Risk Of Rain Returns-1

Another big thing that's changed between the original Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain Returns is the overall 'meta'. This applies to both characters and items, but essentially things that may have been incredibly overpowered in the original game aren't nearly as strong in this one, and vice versa.

For example, Acrid was at the top of the meta in the original game but is a lot less overpowered in RoRR. Another example is the Prophet's Cape. This item didn't even exist in the original Risk of Rain, and now it's one of the better items overall in Risk of Rain Returns.

6 Underestimating Flying Enemies

They're So Incredibly Annoying

Risk of Rain Returns - Example From Store Page Of Absurd Amount Of Flying Enemies

Flying enemies in Risk of Rain Returns are probably one of the more polarizing aspects of the game overall. A lot of people (ourselves included) absolutely despise the flying enemies in this game and how frustrating they are to deal with. However, this isn't to say that they're impossible to handle or that there isn't any number of solutions for dealing with them.

Players can easily handle flying enemies as long as they take the right items or use the right Survivor. For example, items like Bundle of Fireworks, Barbed Wire, Mortar Tube, ATG Missile MK 1 (and MK 2), Frost Relic, Tesla Coil, or the Disposable Missile Launcher all help out a lot in taking out flying enemies without the player having to do much at all.

5 Saving Abilities For 'The Right Time'

Use Them Whenever They're Up

Risk of Rain Returns - Highlighting Abilities On Cooldown

This next mistake also sort of applies to both the original Risk of Rain as well as Risk of Rain 2, and it basically boils down to the concept of players 'saving' certain abilities until the perfect moment. In all of these games, especially Risk of Rain Returns, abilities have pretty short cooldowns.

The longest cooldown in the game is 30 seconds, and that's simply because if it wasn't at least that long the Drifter Survivor would be more overpowered than it already is. So, use those abilities whenever they're up, especially if it'll help kill that one dangerous enemy just a half second faster.

4 Thinking Providence Trials Are Just An Optional Feature

It's The Main Way Of Unlocking New Content

Risk of Rain Returns - Example Of Completed Providence Trials Menu

One of the biggest pieces of new content Risk of Rain Returns adds to the original Risk of Rain game is the Providence Trails. This is an alternate 'mode' of the game where players will steadily unlock and complete unique challenges for each available Survivor to obtain new Alternate Abilities, Skins, or Items.

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Do not ignore this mode or think that it's basically the 'Time Trial' mode of this game. Players can still unlock most Survivor Alternate Abilities in-game by completing specific challenges, but it's typically much faster and easier to unlock them through the Trials.

3 Thinking The Online Is As Bad As It Used To Be

Playing With Friends Is Easier Than Ever

Risk of Rain Returns - Highlighting Multiple Players In Online Lobby

The way online games worked back in 2013 is pretty different from how they work now, especially on Steam. Back then, to get a multiplayer lobby of Risk of Rain working, players had to Port Forward, install mods, or try all sorts of other makeshift solutions. In Risk of Rain Returns, however, multiplayer is quick and easy, and the connection is usually very stable.

So, if someone with RoRR doesn't have any friends who are also interested in the game, try joining some public lobbies. There's an in-game chat and the community seems friendly, so this can be a great way to experience Risk of Rain Returns at its best.

2 Saving the Teleporter For Last

Get It Out Of The Way First

Risk of Rain Returns - Activating Teleporter Early In Round

The way that the Teleporter event works in Risk of Rain Returns is incredibly different from Risk of Rain 2 or even how it worked in the original Risk of Rain, so this is probably throwing a lot of players off. Essentially, while the teleporter event is happening in RoR2, players will need to stay within the small dome to 'charge the Teleporter' and they also won't be able to interact with any chests on the map as well.

In Risk of Rain Returns, this is a lot easier. There isn't any sort of 'zone' players need to stay in, chests and interactables are available, and enemies also stop spawning after the event is completed (and the boss is dead). So, mechanically, it's actually better for players to get into a level, find the teleporter, get the event out of the way, and then spend some extra time going back around to grab chests or any other items on the map.

1 Thinking You Have To Play The 'Right Way'

Mess With Whatever Settings & Artifacts Make The Game The Most Fun To Play

Risk of Rain Returns - Gameplay Options Before Starting A Run

And finally, let's go over a mistake that a lot of people seem to be making over some misunderstood concept of being an 'elite gamer'. Basically, a lot of newcomers to Risk of Rain Returns are finding the game incredibly difficult and are dying early on, yet they won't mess with their settings at all.

There's very little the player can do that'll restrict them from unlocking things during a run, and modifying the damage they deal as well as the damage they take is not one of those things. So, use Artifacts as desired, pick the difficulty option that fits the best, and mess with the settings to make the game as enjoyable as possible.

Risk of Rain Returns

risk of rain
PC , Switch
November 8, 2023
Hopoo Games
Gearbox Publishing