
  • Risk of Rain Returns features several survivors, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles, making it important to choose the right one for solo play.
  • The Commando is a solid option for solo runs due to his balanced offensive and defensive capabilities, including crowd control tools and evasive moves.
  • The Pilot is a great choice for players who want to attack enemies from different angles and navigate through stages with wider gaps, thanks to his unique abilities and utility skill.

Risk of Rain Returns places players back into the 2D platforming realm along with tons of enemies that are aiming to put an end to the teleporting intruder of their respective biomes. For intrepid players who want to traverse each dangerous world alone, picking the best solo survivor is essential if they want to survive in the harshest conditions.

Risk of Rain Returns: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Risk of Rain Returns can be punishingly difficult for newcomers. Here are some tips on how to win more.

But which survivors are most suited for single-player excursions? Here are some of the prime candidates who are the best options when exploring each world, discovering new power-ups, and gunning down hordes of enemies across wide sections of each stage.

5 Commando

Jack-of-All Traits Survivor

Commando Survivor in Risk of Rain Returns

The Commando is the token starting Survivor in all Risk of Rain games. His weapons and abilities are standard and beginner-friendly; they help players get accustomed to the rules of the game on top of how to generally tackle each new biome they encounter in their respective runs. His offensive arsenal is straightforward, with Double Tap dealing good damage and having a respectable clip in terms of firing rate. Full Metal Jacket is a great crowd control tool since it fires in a straight line and briefly knocks back the enemies it hits.

For his Utility Moves, Tactical Dive is a great tool to use to get out of crowds while not getting damaged. In certain boss fights, using this at the right moment can keep players alive and rally to get the victory. Tactical Slide is another option for those who want a more offensive evasion, since Commando can still shoot while sliding. However, he can still get hit when sliding. Overall, Commando is a solid option because of his overall performance offensively and defensively during solo runs.

4 Bandit

Gunslinging Outlaw

Bandit Survivor in Risk of Rain Returns

For players itching for a more challenging run, the Bandit is a worthy Survivor to test their mettle. His Primary weapon lets him shoot at targets from long range and gives them mini-stuns. Once his target’s health is more than halfway depleted, he can finish them off with his Lights Out attack; killing enemies will refresh all of his abilities, which allows him to gun down low-health opponents in quick succession.

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As for crowd control, the Bandit can use his Dynamite Toss on a group of enemies to stun them and deal a decent amount of damage. When enemies start to gang up on him, his Smoke Bomb can be used to make a quick getaway. The Bandit is elusive in bursts but is especially vulnerable if he doesn’t have his Smoke Bomb or Dynamite Toss to keep enemies at a safe distance. Proper use of these weapons is key to mastering this wily Survivor.

3 Huntress

Mid-Range Mobility

Huntress Survivor in Risk of Rain Returns

The Huntress specializes in mid-range combat and mobility. She can mini-stun enemies with her Strafe or outright obliterate single targets with her Pierce primary attacks. When using Strafe, she can move while shooting at enemies at a decent pace, which makes it a great option for corralling and kiting hordes of enemies. She can also get out of dicey situations with her Blink and Warp Dart Utility moves; the latter needs some practice to master, and its arrow also deals damage where it lands, so it’s also a viable offensive tool.

That said, using Huntress during solo runs entails players being knowledgeable of the various enemy types they will be encountering on top of which biome they will traverse. The firing rate of Strafe might throw off newer players with its relatively slow timing compared to other Survivors. But once players are accustomed to her Strafe, they can run circles around enemies and riddle them with arrow shots.

2 Pilot

Death From Above

Pilot Survivor in Risk of Rain Returns

For players who want to keep attacking enemies at different angles, the Pilot is a great Survivor for solo runs. His Primary attack fires at a good rate that pierces enemies in a line for its third hit, while his Secondary Attack lets him shoot diagonally upwards when he’s on the ground or diagonally downwards when he’s airborne.

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Fans who enjoy chaotic action in their roguelikes can't go wrong with these games.

Speaking of which, his trademark Utility skill, Rapid Deployment, allows him to scale through wider gaps than other Survivors. This gives him the edge when traversing through stages with big jumps and further-spaced platforms, as well as seeking out secret areas. When things get too chaotic, Rapid Deployment will save players’ runs more times than any other Utility skill; the Pilot can make daring escapes when he’s surrounded to give him small openings to assess whether to get back into the fray or get out of dodge.

1 Enforcer

Shield-Slamming Fortress

Enforcer Survivor in Risk of Rain Returns

As far as tanky Survivors are concerned, few can hold a candle to the Enforcer. This new Survivor can withstand almost any attack thanks to his trusty shield. He’s the slowest among the other Survivors in the game in terms of movement, mobility, and firing rate, but he makes up for it in defense and damage.

He wields a shotgun that deals massive damage in front of him. When he deploys his shield, he can block any damage in front of him while also increasing his firing rate. However, he compromises his movement speed even more when the shield is deployed, and he is susceptible to getting hit from behind. In later levels or when the difficulty is at its highest and enemies are swarming the Enforcer, he can hunker down between his shield and a corner to become a defensive wall that can outlast waves of opponents, provided they do not have attacks that can reach behind him.

Risk of Rain Returns

PC , Switch
November 8, 2023
Hopoo Games
Roguelike , Platformer