
  • Risk of Rain Returns is a perfect remake/remaster that improves on the original game in almost every way.
  • Some Survivors in Risk of Rain Returns feel slightly different or worse compared to the 2013 version.
  • Players may notice small differences in gameplay, such as more enemies and a higher base difficulty, but overall the Survivors have become stronger.

Risk of Rain Returns seems to be every bit the perfect remake/remaster that RoR fans always wanted it to be and it seems to have improved on the original 2013 game in almost every conceivable way. That said, there do seem to be some pretty noticeable differences in gameplay, with more enemies and a higher base difficulty, some Survivors feel a bit different than they did all the way back then.

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These are all microscopic differences, and for the most part, all the Survivors in Risk of Rain Returns have only gotten stronger, but here are the few characters that feel at least a little different or even worse.

Disclaimer: Survivors, for the most part, have received massive buffs between Risk of Rain (2013) and Risk of Rain Returns . We're just pointing out the minuscule differences that may make some characters feel a bit worse to play overall compared to the original game.

6 Acrid

Not The Pandemic-Spreading Poison Machine He Previously Was

Risk of Rain Returns - Acrid Portrait


Base Health

Base Health Regen

Base Damage

Base Armor


114 (+36 per level)

0.60 (+0.24 per level)

12 (+3 per level)

0 (+3 per level)

First up is Acrid, who was incredibly strong with his hit-and-run gameplay loop back in the original Risk of Rain. However, in Risk of Rain Returns, the greater number of enemies, flying enemies, and new items do actually hamper him a bit more than help him.

Granted, walking through a group of enemies and having them follow Acrid while treading through his trail of deadly poison is still as satisfying as it ever was, but it's not quite as strong as it was back in 2013. Additionally, Acrid did lose some base Armor between the 2013 version of the game and 2023's Risk of Rain Returns. In the original, Acrid had a base 15 Armor (+3 per level), while in Returns he starts at 0 (still gets +3 per level).

5 Commando

A Bit Less Special Than He Was Originally

Risk of Rain Returns - Commando Portrait


Base Health

Base Health Regen

Base Damage

Base Armor


110 (+32 per level)

0.60 (+0.12 per level)

12 (+3 per level)

0 (+2 per level)

Once they integrate the mouse directional aiming patch into Risk of Rain Returns, Commando is going to feel a lot better. Not that he feels bad now, but now that everyone can fire while walking backward, Commando's rapid-fast fire rate doesn't feel quite as strong as it did before.

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Plus, compared to how absurd this character can get in Risk of Rain 2with the right build, Risk of Rain Return's Commando doesn't quite stack up. Commando in Risk of Rain Returns is simply a victim of power creep, as all the other Survivors (secret one included) either play way differently, got a lot stronger, or have new gimmicks while Commando is mostly the same.

4 Artificer

The Worst Survivor In Returns & A Sleeper Elite In Risk Of Rain 2

Risk of Rain Returns - Artificer Portrait


Base Health

Base Health Regen

Base Damage

Base Armor


110 (+32 per level)

0.60 (+0.12 per level)

12 (+3 per level)

0 (+2 per level)

Here's an interesting inclusion. Artificer is a character that wasn't in the original Risk of Rain. Artificer was a new character added in Risk of Rain 2 and is actually very similar to Pilot in that both characters are designed around the concept of aerial combat.

And in Risk of Rain Returns, they've done a fantastic job translating Artificer's kit from a 3D to a 2D format, but sadly she's still a lot worse in Returns than in RoR2. Of course, comparing a 3D game to a 2D one, even in the same franchise, is still a bit ridiculous, so players should absolutely make their own judgments on Artificer.

3 Han-D

Han-D Is Mostly The Same, But Returns Is Harder Than The Original

Risk of Rain Returns - Han D Portrait


Base Health

Base Health Regen

Base Damage

Base Armor


120 (+44 per level)

1.80 (+0.18 per level)

13 (+3 per level)

0 (+3 per level)

Next up is Han-D, a character who has a very unique playstyle compared to the other Survivors. Han-D seems to have some very dedicated fans who love it while there's another subsection of players who just never clicked with its playstyle.

In Risk of Rain Returns, Han-D has just become a bit of a victim in regard to the game's new creatures, increased spawns, and higher difficulty overall. It's already hard enough to manage hordes as this character, but add flying enemies and more elites into the mix, and it's even tougher for players, let alone beginners, to make real progress with Han-D. Han-D is still absolutely strong, but it did feel easier to get a run going with this character back in 2013.

2 Engineer

Engineer's Turrets Are More Glass Cannons Than Turrets In Returns

Risk of Rain Returns - Engineer Portrait


Base Health

Base Health Regen

Base Damage

Base Armor


120 (+34 per level)

0.90 (+0.18 per level)

12 (+3 per level)

0 (+2 per level)

In a lot of ways, Engineer is actually a lot stronger in Risk of Rain Returns. For example, the turrets now inherit all of the Engineer's items like in RoR2 instead of just scaling with Attack Speed like in Risk of Rain (2013). But, in exchange, the base health of the turrets seems to be lower and the Engineer also has 5 fewer mines to use as well.

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It's a bit of a half-buff half-nerf situation but at the very least Engineer feels different than before. Statistically, Engineer is also one of the few characters to actually have his default stats nerfed from the 2013 version of the game. In the original, Engineer would gain a good amount more Health Regen per level compared to now, which may seem small but it is noticeable once you know about it.

1 Loader

Worse Than RoR2 Loader, Healthier Than The 2013 Original's Loader

Risk of Rain Returns - Loader Portrait


Base Health

Base Health Regen

Base Damage

Base Armor


115 (+40 per level)

2.40 (+0.30 per level)

10 (+3 per level)

0 (+3 per level)

Last up is Loader, and this is another one that's an example of a Survivor whose mechanics in their Risk of Rain 2 version were sort of integrated into their Risk of Rain Returns iteration. Obviously, it's more based on the original Risk of Rain's Loader, but considering how absurdly strong the Loader is in Risk of Rain 2 with things like Kjaro's Bands and Crowbars the RoRR version still isn't nearly as strong.

It's also worth noting that in the original game, Loader's Hydraulic Gauntlet could only be sent straight forward, not diagonally like it can be in Risk of Rain Returns. Yet somehow, it feels more finicky to grapple Loader up onto ledges now than it ever did in the original. Loader is also another one who has been (very slightly) nerfed between games. In the original Risk of Rain, Loader would gain 42 HP per level, while now she only gains 40. However, in exchange, Loader has 4 times as much base Health Regen, so the trade-off is more than worth it, especially for those who like to play solo.

risk of rain returns
Risk of Rain Returns

risk of rain
PC , Switch
November 8, 2023
Hopoo Games
Gearbox Publishing