
  • Defensive items like Meat Nugget and Topaz Brooch are essential for surviving in Risk of Rain Returns, providing health regeneration and shields during tough battles.
  • Spikestrip and Red Whip offer strategic advantages by immobilizing enemies and increasing movement speed, making it easier to navigate levels and evade swarms of foes.
  • Guardian's Heart and Tough Times provide reliable defensive options with health shields and armor, respectively, while Permafrost and Energy Cell offer offensive benefits such as freezing enemies and increased attack speed.

When loading up on items in Risk of Rain Returns, getting defensive items is just as important as purchasing offensive ones. Having defensive items allows players to last longer against more hard-hitting foes and bosses on top of swarming hordes that are all chomping at the bit to take out the Survivors.

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In terms of defensive items in the game, quite a number of them stand out more than the others. These are the ones that players should prioritize to unlock or purchase during their runs in Risk of Rain Returns to increase their chances of surviving the unforgiving levels and increasingly hostile enemies.

1 Meat Nugget

Enemies Have An 8% Chance To Drop 2 Meat Nuggets When They Are Hit That Heal For 8x2 Health

Meat Nugget item

Replenishing a Survivor’s health is paramount during any run in Risk of Rain Returns. While most health-replenishing items tend to work either after getting hit by an enemy, or when idling for a few seconds, these instances are not the best scenarios, since Survivors are better off not getting hit.

Here’s where the Meat Nugget comes in. Once acquired, Survivors have a small chance to chunk out pieces of Meat Nuggets from enemies that get hit by their attacks: stepping on the Meat Nuggets will heal Survivors for a small amount.

2 Topaz Brooch

Gain A 15 HP Barrier For Each Enemy Kill

Topaz Brooch item

Items that provide Shields in Risk of Rain Returns are often essential for players who approach their runs with defense in mind. The Topaz Brooch enhances the defensive prowess of Survivors who manage to nab this item.

During boss fights, taking out some smaller enemies will grant Survivors a Shield that can help shrug off damage: the more enemies they take down, the stronger the Shield becomes. Once players have a beefy Shield, they can engage bosses more audaciously. But they have to be cautious since the Shield can also get quickly depleted if they are not careful.

3 Spikestrip

Deploy A Spikestrip That Holds An Enemy For 1 Second Whenever A Survivor Gets Hit

Spikestrip item

The higher the difficulty meter gets, the more enemies begin to spawn that will swarm and attempt to overrun even the hardiest of Survivors. Having the Spikestrip aids in managing the unruly and relentless enemies as the game progresses.

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Once acquired, whenever the Survivor gets hit by an enemy, a spikestrip is laid down. Any enemy that walks on the strip will get snagged and be unable to move for a second. In a pinch, rendering enemies immobile for 1 second means life or death: having multiple Spikestrips increases the duration of the immobilization, allowing players to get away or set up their offense.

4 Red Whip

Increases Movespeed By 60% When Out Of Combat For 2 Seconds

Red Whip item

Mobility is a top priority for the majority of the runs in Risk of Rain Returns. During the latter levels, enemies can and will reach the Survivor, which is why getting the Red Whip makes getaways much easier to pull off.

Having 60% movespeed allows for quick thinking, especially during times when enemies start to swarm. This means deciding whether to jump across cliffs or try to cling to ropes and give the enemies the slip, or kite them until the distance is safe enough to face them and start shooting.

The Red Whip is also useful to get more momentum and access hard-to-reach places where Artifacts might be located.

5 Guardian’s Heart

Gain A 60 Health Shield That Recharges While Out Of Combat For 7 Seconds

Guardian's Heart item

Having a Shield is always welcome to help address enemies that deal considerable damage. The Guardian’s Heart is a more reliable defensive item since it recharges the shield when Survivors are not in combat for 7 seconds.

With Guardian’s Heart equipped, preparing for boss fights becomes easier since a health Shield becomes available for Survivors to protect against enemy attacks. Granted, this Shield only becomes available if players do not engage in combat for 7 seconds, but this requirement is easy to accomplish by simply keeping their distance from enemies.

6 Tough Times

Increase Armor By 14

Tough Times item

Armor works differently in Risk of Rain Returns, as it mitigates a percentage of damage players incur from enemies. Getting Tough Times, a defensive item that’s essentially a teddy bear grants an Armor increase to the Survivor who has it equipped.

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Even for an uncommon item, Tough Times doesn’t usually appear during runs, but in the rare chance it does, players should grab it. The damage mitigation from all types of enemy damage is great, and 14% mitigation matters in the latter levels where enemies and bosses hit hard.

7 Permafrost

13% Chance To Freeze Enemies For 1.5 Seconds & Slow Their Movespeed By 80% For 3 Seconds When Attacking Them

Permafrost item

When things start to become chaotic and enemies seem to always get on top of Survivors, acquiring the Permafrost item is a great pickup. Attacking enemies with this equipped gives players a chance to freeze enemies for 1.5 seconds, then have their movement significantly hindered for 3 seconds.

This item works best for Survivors who have a decent firing rate even when moving, such as the Huntress. Permafrost works well with Spikestrips since it can lock up enemies for a good number of seconds to buy players some time to rally and be on the offensive.

8 Energy Cell

40% Increased Attack Speed When At Low Health

Energy Cell item

Eventually, a player’s run will encounter a predicament that will leave their Survivor’s health in the red. Once this happens, it’s usually a matter of time before that run ends, but that does not mean Survivors will go quietly into the night.

The Energy Cell is a utility item that increases the Attack Speed of a Survivor when their health dips below 30%. This allows players to unleash as much damage as possible against enemies: having this with health-replenishing items can help stave off that dreaded “game over” screen, so long as they are hitting enemies.

9 Time Keeper’s Secret

Stops Time For 3 Seconds When HP Falls Below 25%

Time Keeper's Secret item

As the difficulty meter reaches past Very Hard during a run, surviving the hordes of enemies and other hazards becomes more challenging to overcome. In most cases, a group of enemies might get a couple of lucky shots that would end a player’s run. But if they purchase Timekeeper’s Secret, they can avert getting the loss run for a couple of seconds.

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The 3-second freeze happens when a player’s health dips below 25%, and this 3-second window gives players just enough time to take out key targets, regain some much-needed health via their other items, or look for an opening for a quick getaway.

10 Dio’s Best Friend

Consumes This Item Upon Taking Fatal Damage, Reviving The Survivor For 40% Health & 2 Seconds Invulnerability

Dio's Best Friend item

Dying in Risk of Rain Returns is a common occurrence, especially once players reach the third Teleporter or when the difficulty meter reaches Impossible and above. In the latter levels, making a crucial mistake often spells doom for players and will cost them all the items they have acquired. Luckily, one item helps players have one more chance to progress: Dio’s Best Friend.

When Survivors are dealt with fatal damage, so long as they have this item equipped, they are resurrected with 40% of their Health and 2-second invulnerability. When this triggers, players should be ready to either look for a safe spot or a health-regaining item to maximize their second wind and rally to complete their run or finish side quests.

risk of rain returns
Risk of Rain Returns

PC , Switch
November 8, 2023
Hopoo Games
Roguelike , Platformer